It's that time again where you get to select yourself a card! Numbers 1 through to 12. For added information check out your Sun Sign/Moon Sign Cards as well...
Please do comment your choice below & share with friends!
1 = Aries, 2 = Taurus, 3 = Gemini, 4 = Cancer, 5 = Leo, 6 = Virgo, 7 = Libra, 8=Scorpio, 9 = Sagittarius, 10 = Capricorn, 11 = Aquarius & 12= Pisces
Obviously I've asked that the chosen card relates to you! But this is just for fun & should be taken as such…
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If you missed this month General Overview Horoscope for your Sign you can check this playlist (as seen on my Youtube Channel)
For the Mid Month ones click here...
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Now you have selected lets see what your Card says about you or something going on with you right now or very soon.
Cards Revealed Below with meanings!!
Click on the short Audio playlist below to listen to your card and short interpretation =)