Wednesday 18 February 2015

Horoscopes for Wednesday 18 February 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 18 February 2015 * * * *

It’s go time guys and gals!!! New Moon in Aquarius/Pisces - Lets just get into what i think this means… Now the New Moon will take place on the Cusp of Pisces and it starts (UK) around 11pm but it will move into Pisces. Check out where Pisces/Aquarius falls in your birth chart as this is where it will also affect you.

So it’s like a double new beginning, fresh start and it’s powerful because you have both signs and as i was saying yesterday we also have Mars and Venus coming together in Pisces before jumping into Aries together again symbolising powerful new beginning and the start of something amazing.

Aries is the baby of the Zodiac, it’s full of energy and juice, things will spring to action full of excitement and it really will be a brilliant new start especially being as it all brews from this psychic Pisces energy and all the fated/destined type magnetism drawing you together or even the same for career.

Today is just to let go of all those worries and burdens that your holding onto and really leave the past where it belongs because what will take place over the next month or so will be something magical and destined it’s time to get on track with our purpose and what we came here today.

In terms of relationships i think things are in motion, the brewing of them will intensify by the weekend. I think there is a lot of passion brewing as well as magnetic attraction type stuff taking place. It’s start of something long lasting also - So let go of the past.

For a close friend of mine, or anyone going through a breakup, it’s time to move on into this new chapter of your life stop waiting and putting your life on hold for someone and embrace the opportunity of this powerful celestial events taking place over the next few weeks.

Most of all take charge of your own happiness and never put it in the hands of someone else. Don’t allow things you cannot control consume your every thought. People come in and out of your life for many reasons but the door is open for the right ones to come in - allow them to enter.

Believe in a better you, a better future and leave the past in the past and only carry the lessons of them with you.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Tuesday 17 February 2015 Horoscopes for All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 17 February 2015 * * * *

Tomorrow around 11pm (UK) or there around will be the New Moon leading us into Thursday… Now what is really interesting here as you can tell from today is that the Sun and Moon will both be in Aquarius right before they both jump into Pisces.

That being said at the same time we have Mars and Venus, the planets of Love, relationships, sex, passion and moving forwards coming closer together (people coming into your life, i see this as something linked to your new chapter) at the same time again before both jumping into Aries (birth of something NEW) - From that moment everything will fly forwards… So you see there are lots of strange oddities taking place but lots of positive things brewing.

So today is saying prepare and get ready for all that is going to take place. There is a need to get everything clear in your heart and mind and it is not the time to push, force or jump into things… Leave that for the New Moon that’s coming.

I think today is an amazingly positive day - 100% Look out side even in London the Sun is shining, the air is breezy it’s a wonderful day! The only friction up in the universe is the fact that we have those important lessons, changes coming back up again. Back when i told you this is a new chapter, everything is changing, the whole fate thing, Saturn is revisiting this and this can cause you to detach and connect with something else.

We have all gone through a lot of internal transitions and growth (depending whether you resisted or was flung into it)… As such we might now want different things and so Saturn wants you to align with your purpose - not to stay in a position that is comfortable but to push you out of your comfort zone and into more growth.

Jupiter in Leo (ruling over the heart) wants to expand you and your horizons. I think a lot of relationships are going through some tough trials as to help you see clearly and highlighting are you both happy can this work long term… So yes this is going to bring up the past a little bit in order for you to deal with things.

But also know that the universe is pushing everyone (don’t take it personally)to get on the path that will bring most joy this is happening with everyone whether on a conscious level or subconscious level - it’s happening.

Doorways are opening and over the next few months with this strange planets in the same signs (example by the end of this week there will be 6 planets in PISCES!!!) We have powerful new Moons and eclipses coming (my favourite energy)... So exciting things to come and destiny/fated things in a positive way taking place.

My last advice for you all is don’t take the easy road!! Take the road that is more challenging, that road will lead you to the most happiness, the most growth and the most accomplishment. Whether in love or career - step towards the one that your heart wants - you wont be disappointed but get ready to work hard your in for an exciting ride.

The New year is officially starting - remind yourself of how far you have come and see just how much you have transformed over the past 6 Months

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Sunday 15 February 2015

Monday's Horoscopes for 16 February 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 16 February 2015 * * * *

Good Morning All - Hope you had a lovely weekend…

You should've felt the change in the air by Sunday as the Moon stepped into Capricorn. The Moon will finish up here today before jumping into Aquarius just before the New Moon Coming in the next few days… Okay so what i think this is all about is the fact we are needing to move forward in ways that will benefit us for the future.

From what i can see is that yes we are all taking things a little serious this Sunday, now Monday and we are needing to ensure that we have the foundations and necessities to get to where we want to be. It’s about thinking long term. With all this Aquarius energy it’s about taking new steps, seeing things from a new perspective and really getting out of our comfort Zone.

With the New Moon brewing i think things are really being prepped and planned ahead of time, things are in motion and there will be some powerful things to come about over the next 3 weeks especially in relationships - Powerful new beginnings.

What i do see for today is that it will be a good Monday to get things done. I think there is a strong urge to have important conversations and it’s a good day for this also.

The conversations might be about plans for the future and what you want from life, it’s as though those emotions and feeling need to be expressed, and in a way it’s like your looking at your emotions from a detached and logical way, then you have Mars, the planet of passion and energy getting you to take the courage to take action and speak up a bit.

I think there is something niggling at us from within, today will be that epiphany moment - We finally understand something and we must act upon it… What we can feel safe in knowing is that today with the Moon in Capricorn who rules over Saturn this will be a responsible action and one that you feel you need to take because it will help you move on ready for this fresh new beginning coming up.

Venus is going to be hanging out with mars still so there is still a lot of focus going towards relationships and ensuring your in the right ones, be that romantically or otherwise. It’s time to really be able to see another view point or perspective today especially with that epiphany! Take charge of your life and your own happiness.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Saturday 14 February 2015

Valentines Weekend - Horoscopes February 14+15 2015 - All Signs

* * * * WEEKEND Horoscope 14+15 February 2015 * * * *

If you would like to know what your Valentines will be like this year i’m doing a short One Card Reading for £2 going into this to book just drop me an email or book online at my website and select other. All readings will be sent to you the very same day.

Okay So Happy Valentines to all even if your Single date yourself for the night - Indulge a little treat yourself how your perfect Valentines would. We still have a Sagittarius Moon today (Speaking of which if your a Sag check out my latest YouTube Video all about you) which is going to feel a lot like yesterday.

What i do feel is that the Moon is starting to leave Sag and makes it’s way into Capricorn, it won’t officially go into Capricorn until later tonight around 10pm ish, what this will do is add a serious tone to anything today.

I’m not saying today (Saturday) will not be fun because it totally can be but i think with Capricorn coming and the emphasis upon the Saturn energy and the Moon here - Saturn is all serious, responsible and stable so i feel like today could be about thinking about the future moving current relationships to the next level/stage.

I think there could be some confusion and your likely to get upset if you feel your partner is doubting that or you feel like someone is not taking you seriously. It’s important to be on the same page as who ever your dating or in a relationship with. Today/Tonight and working into Sunday is definitely about making plans it’s very future oriented.

What i do think is with this serious energy it could even put a little pressure on things to be perfect or a certain way and with this could be a make it or break it situation. Just ensure you do not jump the gun and your seeing and thinking about things clearly instead of jumping into something because you want to connect more.

The thing is with Aquarius (Sun in Aquarius) is that they tend to be so into the fine little details that they forget the bigger picture. Long term- can you really see this working? Is this what will truly make you happy? Your being ask as you have been the past ¾ days to pay attention to what your heart wants…

I do think there is lots of magic still to be had today, but love is not something that should be shared only once a year it should be every single day.

Today is the perfect day to have a conversation and the energy is around you to act just make sure your thinking about things as opposed to getting swept up in the moment.


So Sunday the Moon will be in Serious Capricorn, this means we are thinking heavily upon where we are heading and our emotions can take a serious turn and what with Pluto the planet of transformation, death and creativity i think there will be a lot being exposed on this day.

I think it could make any form of relationship be really intense (on the plus side passionate) but like i said for Saturday if it’s not authentic it will fall apart so ensure your on the same page and you have the same vision for your partnership in the future.

I think this weekend in all honesty is going to be about a lot of conversation and getting into the fine details of things… So remember to pay attention to the bigger picture - if you have the same vision and your being authentic then this is a beautiful, passionate weekend full of lots of excitement.

Now if your Single this weekend i do feel like this will be  a great weekend to draw someone in, maybe not on Valentines as such but there is something brewing and universe is carefully bringing someone into your life.

We have a lot of Pluto energy and with a Venus on top of Mars and with a New Moon on the horizon and eclipses some powerful exciting new things (love) will be coming for you. This will be a lasting and good new love might i add.
I think the universe is first trying to align everyone else to test and see if they are being real with who they are, where they are going and if it’s the right thing.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks