Friday 3 October 2014

Astrology News - October 3rd, 4th & 5th 201

Astrology News - October 3rd, 4th & 5th 2014

This is the big weekend!! We have the Mercury Retrograde taking place - Sun and Pluto are going to Square - Moon in Aquarius = Your going to be a bit all over the place.

So firstly let’s talk Mercury retrograde… So we have been hashing out, weighing things out when it all switches round, just when you think your going one way it all flips round. Now because its in the sign of Scorpio it signifies getting deeper about what it is we really want. Prior to this with the Libra energy it can never pick a side - Scorpio is different it is one or the other never torn between the two. It’s honest and truthful.

So this weekend we are about to reveal deeper aspects of what we really want in our lives. We are ready for big change there is big eclipse’s coming here in the next week.

Anything can happen this weekend big new exciting things!! Do we really want these things - it really is opening up big changes this weekend.

Talking of the Sun Squaring Pluto that will be intense. Sun brings life and Pluto brings death so there will be a little tug of war going on as to do you really want to put an end to something, is it right to do so and also with the sun is this new something better and good for you or are you running away.

Now with all this fiery energy we are all going to be pushed into things - It’s time to make those decisions even if you feel right now you can’t - you can!! It powerful and there is a need for us to take action in our life.

This weekend it is like there is no more time left in life… By this i mean it’s the crunch time - what will make you the happiest and why pose problems and excuses and reasons as to why you can’t - the energy is saying YES YOU CAN

As you're moving into these new places it is so important to keep track of what is happening here and what this will mean for you. Get ready to commit and make those big commitments.

Venus does does do something strange with Neptune which is about, not being deceived by the wrong relationships. In terms of relationships pay ATTENTION to the signs… Spiritually you are being given signs do not blow it… Get back on course!

This will all lead up into the big eclipse's which will highlight and show us what will bring us true happiness, what we really want in our life and we got to go into these new stories now… People are changing things are changing lot’s of lessons are learnt.

The Moon in Aquarius is all about wanting to detach from things wanting to escape and let go of everything.

So this weekend anything can happen - you think your going one way only to go another way - really exciting stuff but a tad intense

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