Thursday, 9 October 2014

Astrology October 09 2014

Astrology October 09 2014

We made it through the Lunar Eclipse… But it is just the beginning as in the next two weeks will be the Solar Eclipse!!! This is known as ‘’Fate train times’’ - all aboard!!

This energy is really fated, surrounded by destined things and realigning things in our life… Especially in relationships, connections and the things we are weighing out with this libra season.

So we have Sun and Venus in Libra squaring Pluto which is all about facing deep psychological and intense inner world aspects - Death and rebirthing ourselves. Then this is opposing Uranus which is this extreme out of nowhere epiphanies and new directions. This can be so overwhelming and so powerful.

With Jupiter in the mix of things it can be really exciting, expanding, learning a great deal and it’s a lot. But today the moon comes into taurus which will really ground somethings out. When we have the moon here in taurus we really are dealing with Venus ruled energy (ruler of Taurus is Venus). This will really highlight our value systems, what we are manifesting and really getting in touch with how we are feeling right now, and the intensity of feeling more.

As the day goes the sun will come off of pluto and venus also will move off of Pluto and begin to oppose Uranus. Now what this will do is make you look at and will highlight new things to look at with this relationship (past/present).

Now Mercury on its last few days here  in the sign of Scorpio in this retrograding, Its unveiling a lot more about ourselves, deeper aspects, learning to communicate in a very powerful and different ways - maybe bringing things out that we have been holding on too - or maybe even just looking at the darker shades/aspects of our self as well.

Although it may be a little tense the day does get better, really allow that shredding to fall away for you still a bit more to work through here before mercury switches signs. I also feel that you need to not allow your mind to play tricks on you later as Moon will oppose Mercury and you might feel as though your mind and emotions are in a battle.

I guess as we are still in Libra we really need to take time today to relax, find peace of mind and harmony in what ever situation you find yourself in today.

Yes we are on FATE TRAIN and everything is happening right now for a reason… The people in your life, coming in are here for a reason, all with messages and lessons for us. Take from all that surrounds you - the universe has a way of conspiring against you to ensure you're taking these lessons, learning from these people and really paying attention to who you are and who you want to be.

It’s a time we we are tested, and it is making us even stronger and i definitely see that you will be unveiling some hidden parts of your self. Try to not make judgements on your self today, take responsibility for your actions, choices and decisions… Just go with the flow of things, staying true to yourself, finding new ways to let go and heal. Remember our calling, by that i mean the thing you came here to do, and by that i mean the thing that we love above all else, our passions, or dreams the things that fulfill us!! I say it a lot but look at the bigger picture try to not allow the little things get in the way of where we are going, in the way of our happiness =)

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