Friday 17 October 2014

Astrology October 17, 18 & 19 2014

Astrology October 17, 18 & 19  2014

I feel that this weekend with be a bit of break in the intensity department as next week on thursday i believe will be Solar Eclipse and you will go through quite the transformation and that week as a whole will be very transformational.  

This weekend will be so positive and different from what we have been going through… Moon in Leo will Conjunct (combine with) Jupiter which will bring a lot of excitement and passion with all the Fiery energy.

Today The Moon will sextile (shows when planets work together in harmony to bring a opportunity) all the Libra Energy - Venus, Mercury and the Sun so a really positive time here. Venus and Mercury together bring good communication and a uplift in relationships this weekend also.

It’s just very odd in my opinion because there are such beautiful aspects this weekend after all we have been through recently and then after the weekend that intensity starts to creep back in?? Maybe the universe is just giving us a break this weekend to chill, feel good, shine a positive light here.

I think now will be a time to really get to the bottom of relationships and getting them on the right track. After all this deep stuff i do see a lot of excitement with relationships. Ensuring your being the best you, you're mirroring someone that is good and reflects a lot of good stuff with in you too. So we really are starting to prepare for all this  Scorpio Energy to hit!

Moon comes into Virgo late on Saturday which will help to ground things out. I also see that there will be an element of weighing out other aspects of our life and release the focus all from relationships.

I keep saying how this is a deep time with Saturn squaring and the need to battle for positivity in the darkness, and there are moments where you want to be extreme happy but then there is all this darkness and that is Saturn squaring the fixed signs.

We also have Pluto and Uranus which are making a BIG square which brings about this psychological  intense battle we are all having inside. But this weekend can really bring us some positivity and some light to see that things are moving along… Even with the mercury Retrograde, which usually stops things from happening but in this case it really has still pushed things along.

These are very Karmic and destined times every thing that is happening is happening for a very specific reason - we don’t get energy like it with these alignments so really take it in.

Use this weekend to prepare, relax for what is about to come next week because it is going to be life changing and incredibly intense. I mean this year in general has been transformational but there is still more to come.

I think it is all about learning to find the beauty in even the most darkest times there is always a Yin to every Yang… It is about knowing your self worth and remembering to not settle and enjoy this time enjoy the time of getting to where you're meant to be going -  <3

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

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