Tuesday 21 October 2014

Astrology October 21 2014

Astrology October 21 2014

Okay today we are starting to move into some powerful stuff, what with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse all coming into this Scorpio Energy…

So we have the Sun coming into Scorpio which in itself is an already intense sign, But currently finishing off in Libra we also have Venus following the Sun here conjuncting (combining along with it) Meaning that some power things are manifesting in our lives, relationships and partnerships are highlighted.

Today we have the Moon in Libra which just adds even more to the mix…. That is the Sun, North Node, Venus, Mercury retrograde and the Moon all in Libra!!! I’m sure you can feel it in the energy we are going through a powerful shift change in our lives, huge relationship changes, huge karmic changes and huge manifesting changes in our lives = EXTREME!!

Now although this is intense there is more to come in the next couple days… Right now we are being kept behind the big shift about to occur in our lives, by that i mean a lot of us are still navigating in which direction we are going and weighing things out - There is this processing scenario happening in our minds and that yearning for harmony and peace. Things will really kick off and hit home over the next few days.

I feel like the energy is just overwhelming we are having to deal with some extreme stuff if we are not on the right track. Huge, huge, HUGE life time stuff is coming up - there is this karmic energy around. I do still feel today is a beautiful day because we are able to see the beauty in things today along with the knowing of some big things about to happen.

The universe is really pushing us along what with Mars Sextiling (positive aspect) Venus and the Sun… You are being pushed or thrown forward without that reflection of weighing out the past… yet we are able to move forward and there is still so much more to weigh out.

The BIG CHANGES are coming in our life… Take courage, have faith and work through those fears. So much is happening we need to find that place that the universe is pulling us towards as it will make us stronger and more enriched as to who we really are.

Destined things are happening if you believe in such things - be calm today amongst the crazy.

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

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