Monday 17 November 2014

Astrology for November 17 2014

Astrology for November 17 2014

The weekend was incredibly tense…  I’m Sure you all agree!

The Moon is in Virgo, this means we tend to be craving that thing or person that makes you feel stable, secure or safe - Virgo energy seeks the ideals and you could be in search of that perfection. Talking of emotions/Moon it’s important to know that the weekend just gone the Moon has been in Virgo. (How were your emotions?)

Now those of us in new relationships could be looking at them and can start to see the cracks in the foundations. Virgo Energy is very much about things being perfect, untainted and when that idea has been crashed within our self it can cause us to feel insecure or unsafe or in terms of the Moon and Emotions - Maybe question the choices we made - Was it the right things to do? Virgo is a sign of image, organisation, always seeking things to be just right and very to much or too little…. This today could be especially hard because when we expect things to be a certain way, for today in terms of our emotions - we find that we feel disappointment or we are expecting too much from our significant other. When the Moon comes here it sparks our minds to think and imagine what life could, would or should be like you really are needing to feel comfort and love of that special someone and perhaps you're seeing that maybe they are not so perfect after all…

Linking in with what’s been happening in love relationships perhaps you now realise that you lost the thing you wanted and your new partner is not living up to your expectations - or perhaps now you're starting to see the flaws within someone - i always find it endearing to see the depth of a person (but i am not like most haha and the Virgo Energy dislikes this immensely) so this may annoy you today and leave your mind wandering.

The Moon Later tonight around half 7 (UK time) will change signs and drop into that oh so familiar Libra Energy - Means you're seriously weighing up your emotions, choices you have made - Get ready because we already have the Sagittarius energy starting to take form as Venus (relationships/Love) moves here today.

Now the last few things to add about the Moon and how we might be feeling today is the fact it Sextiles Saturn, I feel this can stabilize and calm your emotions. Saturn is about transformation, so perhaps you're taking responsibility and dealing with things in the right way today - again this will link into the reality needing to match how the vision is as we are in Virgo for the majority of the day but could end up feeling undecided and confused a little with the Moon in Libra later.

To add, I feel like your wanting to express your self a little more, I feel like it will be a time where you can regain that communication - talk over the issues and get results and i think it will be around relationships as the moon pit stops into Libra getting you to weigh some things out.  

Venus is Squaring Neptune this is a big one because it is causing stress… Are you over pleasing someone, or have they been over pleasing you - I feel here especially we will start to see people for who they truly are… Seeing just how things have happened - it’s like spirit is un fogging us and we can see clearly. Venus in Sagittarius is certainly making you aware of who the people in terms of close relationships are on a deeper level - and maybe you feel you jumped the gun. The ‘’are you wearing rose tinted glasses’’ comes into play here and you're given the guidance you need to make action. I feel like you want to take action but something is pulling you back.

So here i feel we are able to see things clearly, more knowledge and information, more things surfacing in regards to relationships in our life… We are starting to finally move into the right direction if you're honest and get things out in the open, acknowledging everything and making steps forward.

Pluto is still square Uranus meaning that it will cause some stress or tension, you feel torn between something but an important lesson is to be learnt here maybe you need to not be so stubborn and start taking responsibly not everything needs to be a battle. Here especially with the Uranus square Pluto aspect a transformation for all, some have gone or are going through a huge shift or life change… It’s a time where you need to be strong but accept and acknowledge your emotions and what your heart is saying instead of being or focused about rush ahead when you have all this stuff/baggage that needs to be dealt with.

We all still have the transformational energy with Saturn, Sun and venus all conjunct/merging in the sign of Scorpio except now Venus is Moving in the early stages of Sagittarius. Here as i have said before highlights our relationships and how they are transforming and the lessons we need to of learnt and will be learning. Here with relationships i think we just know now that things are meant to be this way… My favourite quote ‘’sometimes things fall apart so greater things can come together’’

With Jupiter Squaring Saturn and Sun  also i feel like everything is expanding we are gaining a deeper understanding and the Square makes all this incredibly tense and stressful because here although we now understand it is pushing us to make the choice to act upon it but we maybe in resistance to it. There could be a lot of Anger revolved around something that had happened in the past or a powerful release of emotions.   

Mercury in Scorpio is still Trine Neptune in Pisces which is saying to pay attention to all the signs. You're getting to the bottom of something and now you and make sense of it all. Neptune is a Spiritual planet and i feel you are being give the guidance, knowledge and wisdom for you to move ahead. But in a way that you need to confront the issue/fear head on and come clean about some things and it is a little up and down as to whether you will act today.

We have Pluto sextile Mercury you start looking at the origin of what is coming up in your subconscious and your able to really solve an issue or a problem that you have, With Mars added to the equation we are given the push to act upon this and get things moving.

We also have Mercury inconjunct Uranus so be prepared for some strange occurrences or flashbacks today… Can also indicate if you want things to change you need to except fault in your self and change those things/habits to improve things - It is about going about things in strange ways.

Saturn the planet of lessons, restrictions and transformation is SO close to the Sun right now so this can bring forth a powerful change, lesson or shift coming up over the next few days.

I hope you all will too have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

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