Wednesday 24 December 2014

- - - Holiday Season ASTROLOGY - - - 25 + 26 December 2014

Astrology December 25+26 2014

Christmas Day - Boxing Day

I think these two days will be odd ones - Yet it’s the holiday times - family around can at times cause stress and tension and my advice is to think before you act or speak as you could be slightly impulsive on the 25th.

I think you will be surprised with what emotions stir up for you over these two days - and although you want to be a little more detached by Boxing day/26th that will be near impossible as the Moon will be well into Pisces.

This year what with Uranus and Saturn two transformational Planets doing so much so this year - We are all in a New chapter of our lives… So much has changed whether physically or internally. We are not the same - Christmas is not the same as the previous years. This is the beginning and it’s time to step forward.

I do think there will be a tug of war with emotions, feelings, actions as all this is highlighted, expanded and we are able to see things from a broader, wider and bigger perspective.

I also think we all become a little too psychic around this holiday period and we are able to know how people are truly feeling inside having gone through or going through a change - this could be both positive and negative depending upon who's around.

Relationships of course are highlighted as are deep connections with people. I think a lot is rising and we are discovering things about situations, about us, our life, where we are heading and the truth behind what’s really going on.

I mean there are boundaries and compromised that need to be made in relationships around this time and maybe someone is overstepping the mark and this could cause some tension today.

There will be some positive yet unusual initiative solutions to how your feeling. Take advantage of the opportunities or ideas that come your way. I definitely feel we are in a different place and this will be a holiday that is like no other.

Boxing day - 26th is much like what i have just said with the exception that we are very aware and intuitive as to what’s going on around us and beneath the surface too.

In terms of relationships something new comes from the stress and tension - or that tug of war between where you see something doing. Things are going to improve and get better, maybe even a time where you could meet someone even if it’s at a time where you feel like that is the last thing you want. Still there is a tension as things get serious - maybe you want something serious, your questioning where things are going and from that comes something new and something more fulfilling.

There will be plenty of opportunities around this time to have your needs met. Emotions will be highlighted and from acknowledging that you can really shift gears. As you have learnt the lessons to the past and have no need to return to any part of that… Things really become more harmonious as we get into the 26th or at least you're in a place of accepting what is instead of wishing or wanting something different.
I think for the first time in a long while you're starting to understand your emotional nature, to know thy self is the key to life itself. With this i feel that you now release what you want and you do not want nor have you wanted casual relationships… Relationships i feel become a little more secure and stable as we are officially in the new phase/chapter of our life. Big lessons and big blessings with Saturn.

I hope you all have a beautiful time this Christmas leading into the new year <3

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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