Showing posts with label advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advice. Show all posts

Saturday 22 October 2016

Living through Death

Death is immensity, the finality of something that ceased to exist… But all because you cannot physically see them, touch them, speak to or hear them it does not mean they are gone.

When a child loses a parent they hold within them a piece of that person, their blood is your blood, you have (hopefully) years of stories and memories and by remembering who they are, by knowing them and that feeling that is felt at the leaving of their body, you know just how lucky you are to have known someone who has impacted your life the way that they have, to feel what you feel is love and that is more than anyone can ever ask for.

It’s my belief that nothing dies it simply changes forms. . . And by remembering they live on through you. Spirit is with us we are energy and yes you may not be able to physically speak to them, see them in the physical form but they are with you, surrounding you, guiding you, so pay attention, remember them and be wowed at how life has a way of showing you they are walking right along beside you.

Death is immensity, it’s all consuming but when things have run their course the only step is change, try not to be selfish in wanting to hold onto someone/something when it’s their time, they have the right to transition to what's next for them - I know that it feels unfair, it feels a lot like abandonment, and believe me I know a lot about abandonment, but you never lose them, they have and are a part of who you are, be allowing for them and live on in memory of them.

You should always live for you and not for everyone else. Yes it’s true some people are taken far too young, to early, too soon, but there is never a right or perfect time for change, it simply is and it happens - but I am a fond believer that the universe never gives us anything that we cannot handle, even when we feel like we cannot, we do, it's a test of strength of courage and it leaves its mark with us/on us in helping us become who we want to be.

Death is not the end it is just a new beginning.

Be a lighthouse! Shine even in the darkest of nights and you will find your way.

Thursday 20 October 2016

A Notion on Love... "But we were supposed to be together?"

A notion of Love found and love lost

- True love never leaves!

It’s true what they say, that nobody can take away the past, what you had with someone, the memories, the moments, they are yours and forever always will be for as long as you remember them.

I guess we all meet that one person in our life that takes a piece of you when it’s all said and over, they imprint you, mark you and perhaps even change you… But it is important to not lose the time that we have for the time that we had.

For a long time, I spent holding on to what was, scared of what could be if I was to open that part of myself to another - Love is about trust and vulnerability, and we often find ourselves questioning, finding yourself comparing everyone to that one.

It’s not fair to put that level of expectation on to anyone,  to always be doubting, surely to be who they are and have that be enough should be enough. Who knows you may be surprised with what that rare person could bring you because everyone we know right now is serving some form of a purpose - To teach us something, to show us what we want, don’t want, to see or discover something ect.

Yes, it’s true that things end, things are taken from you and things change but it is important that we allow things to be as they are instead of forcing them into what we want them to be.

You will always have those moments, they are yours ingrained deeply and with every memory you can be reminded of how you and they once burned bright… But note that when that fire goes out don’t wait forever to allow someone new to make you feel even a fraction of how they did or do.

Holding onto something or someone that is no longer here and present with you is only you, standing in the way of your own happiness, the happiness that you deserve... What if the person that you're supposed to be with has just not found their way to you yet? What if that something had to end to shape a series of events to bring you together. If something ended or someone walked away from you, they are not a part of your future, but just a reflection or a fragment of a memory that will last but only a moment in comparison because what you will create, which will last a lifetime.

Because I guarantee that with every step forward the best will always be the very best to come. Be open to surprise, to truth and to the love that never leaves you but grows alongside you.

The ones that have faith in all that you do, the ones that are not only there for the good times, but the ones that can make everything okay when things get tough. The best friends, the boyfriends, the girlfriends, the brothers and the sister, people who see you, cherish you, inspire you and will always be there for you, not the drive byes and the for the moment types.

In a world full of superficiality my wish for you is to find the truest form of love there is, and for you to be fully open to receiving it. Because Love is not rational, it makes no real sense, it’s a chemical reaction, a feeling, a knowing, and that right there is something that not many people ever get to experience - embrace and follow that feeling, that feeling that lights you up and I’m not just talking about romantic love, but friendships and the tribe you vibe with.
So many of us play it safe, stay inside the lines, conceal our truest thoughts and feelings - not many of us can be honest with others let alone ourselves… & Some hide, some are so scared of what could be that they never get up and do it or see how or what it could be.

Be honest today, and allow your over thinking mind to take the day off, step into your heart space and truly see for the first time.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Fall Relationships - Make up or Break up?

With Fall upon us and relationships entering the Make up or Break-up phase I thought it would be a good time to voice some words...

So What’s the deal with relationships this day in age…

Those that know of me know the nature of my work and I guess I find it super interesting to see the recurring themes that come through when I do my readings.

So, It’s that time of year again the summer is coming to a close and for some strange reason we all feel like we have to be in some form of a “real- action - ship”...

Everyone wants a relationship, well, okay, not everyone… But the majority especially in the western world do, but not many people know how to make a real relationship work. Why is that?

I believe that we are so “self” focused that we forget a relationship includes another person… That other person is not there for your own means and when it suits you and this goes for both Men & Women and be that if you're in a same-sex partnership or otherwise.

So yes we all want something that’s “real” something that is exciting and something that is going somewhere “real-action-ship”... but you have to be able to relate to one another, work thing through, be ready not just for the good times but it’s the bad times that define the strength of a partnership.

The Video that I shared with you is a Video by a man that seems to just get things! And everyone knows I love people who see things differently. I’m not a relationship advice coach but I have experienced enough to know what works and what does not work.

For example the “No Phone Rule”... Everyone is so glued to their phones that they allow the world to pass them by or live it online, instead of experiencing it for themselves. If you want to create something beautiful with another person, switch your device off and actually physically connect (not just for sex).

Another thing that I feel is super important is that you have your own life outside of the relationship, being glued to one another is not the healthiest kind of partnership, and partnerships require growth and if there is not much variety it slows down.

Create boundaries, it’s not about being a hard ass it’s about knowing your needs and respecting the other person’s needs also.

Communication is obviously the most important and something that I personally have been working on my entire life… Don’t be afraid to speak up and air things out. And be sure to understand your significant other's love language - we all speak it differently.

And lastly the relationship is not about yourself it’s about the both of you - remember this! If you think a relationship is about your significant other waiting on you hand and foot, buying you gifts and dropping everything at whim as soon as you call then maybe you should work more so on the relationship you have with yourself before getting into one with someone else.

Relationships in my opinion should be as fair and as just as they can be, it’s hard work, it requires time, patience and the willing to experience growth (growth is not easy). You have to carve out time, you have to consider another person, you have to be open and willing to understand things in the eyes of another, you have to choose that person everyday, it requires transparency and honesty, it’s giving and taking.

“Most” people look at relationships from a superficial perspective, as in “what can this person give me” - Do they look good, how many people want them, do they have a good job, are they needy (don’t want to have to work so hard), money can even come into the equation as well as who do they know.

Some look at relationships as something to “do” when your bored, someone that’s there to make you “happy”, someone to make you feel good when it suits you. Not many people see it as hard work, if it becomes hard it’s time to end it and move on to the next exciting thing… Everything is instant this day in age and everything is outward…

What can you offer someone? And what is it that you really need when looking at an ideal partner? Everyone is seeking the idea of a connection but not many know how to connect past the physical act of sex.

Personally speaking, you only attract someone truly fitting for you when you are happy in yourself, in the life your living and when your not actually looking for anything. You don’t look for love… It finds you!

Then comes the real work… To not allow the life you have to slip but to increase it further - not in an instant but slowly.

For those who have met their “twin Flames” (a lot of My clients have experienced this) - Remember there purpose is to help you grow at a fast rate! They really are not all they are cracked up to be and energetically speaking we are still in the Jezzabel phase it’s certainly not the time for reconnection. Focus on you for now and watch and see what happens from September 2016  through 2017 - The right kind of love will find you.

Much love x x x

Friday 22 April 2016

Is He Really “The One?” - Haunted by a past Love and reminders - Retrograde Season 2016

Now I know for a lot of us this Spring and Summer of 2016 will be a challenging one, a time where we all will transform in ways we never thought we would. I have a lot of beautiful women come to me asking, “How can I get him back”, “Am I crazy for thinking about my ex”, “How does he really feel”...

Is He Really “The One?”

new post.jpgWith all the retrograde energy it does make us somewhat reflective over those past relationships and experiences and something I have learnt is to not chase what no longer is. A few years ago I had to let go of someone I was In love with someone that I thought I'd never be able to love more than that person but that intensity, image for the future/growth was not reciprocated...

A lot of this sudden self reflection is down to the cosmos, it’s not the cosmos fault but it is opening the doors to opportunity for you to heal and let go of things, situations and people that are not what we thought they were or was “suppose” to be.

Now I’m not saying that you won’t reconnect and hit it off again - My aim is not to discourage because maybe for you that was how it was suppose to be, that's how your story was suppose to unfold. But for many we get caught up in the idea of something or someone - I’m simply saying all because your remembering things doesn't mean that has to be nothing more than a tool for reflection and seeing just how far you have come since.

I may only be 27 years old, I know I still have much to learn on my journey in life, but I too was like you looking back and believing that I could never love anyone as much as I loved my ex…  Now although I do not have a significant other just yet, My views have changed massively & If I’m honest I have never loved who I am more than I do now! - It’s been an empowering few years!

A few years back I had to endure the worst pain I have felt to date but I look back and smile now because that was the greatest thing to of happened to me… The result of that ending has impacted me in so many ways, I’m more focused than I have ever been, stronger than I was before, and although I thought I lost everything, that couldn’t be further from the truth. You have to believe that there is something more, I’m a believer everything happens for a reason, That one wasn’t the one doesn’t mean that your one isn’t about to walk into your life - Look at the bigger scheme of things!

Change, death and truth is never easy, it’s uncomfortable and you have to ride it out, the more you resist, the more you hang on the harder it becomes. If your partner is not on the same page as you and has expressed they never will be, it’s time to allow someone the opportunity to be all that and that involves letting this go. Time is all we have stop wasting it on someone who doesn’t want the same things as you - Hoping that it will change, your only standing in the way of your own happiness - as I did back then.

My point is sometimes your greatest downfalls turn into your greatest gains. We all thought it couldn’t get better than this and yet it does. My ex had different views for his future and I wasn’t apart of it, so if someone has chosen something other than you then he/she is not the one for you - Letting that one go does nothing more that open the door for the one to come in - This Summer will be clearing out the old - It’s a process. Get Spring cleaning and get honest with yourself about what you chose to take with you and that in which you leave behind.

You are in charge of your own happiness and you cannot make people change or feel things that they don’t - You can only be the greatest you & That should be more than enough for your lover, husband, partner. A Partnership is about coming together it should be fair and balanced and it’s a journey sometimes you just need to look at where your going… You could find yourself having to go back before you can continue moving forward.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Astrology November 5 2014

Astrology November 5 2014

Now in my own opinion today is weird, i felt it as soon as i woke up this morning - the delay in getting this up before midday is purely that it’s such an off odd energy it’s finding the words to express and explain - So bare with me….

Again we still have that relationships are highlighted as the Sun and Venus both in scorpio so it’s still deep, intense, digging for understandings. But we also have Saturn here too - which is about fears, lessons and transformation also. I feel like we are scared to let go of something today, in fact some of us have not really been dealing with things but rather submerged into the feelings or trying to push them down. What is it that you are fearing?

Not to mention we have Mars and Pluto conjunct which means we wanting to just power through to get to the other side without really putting in the work. Now usually if it is something physical Mars will put in the ‘’physical work’’ however with Pluto it seems there are some things starting to surface or has been for some time in the subconscious. Pluto is a planet that always brings about a big change, destruction of things at times, death and rebirth and it is always of an internal nature.

Now our Emotions are in Aries with Uranus so there is something of a weirdness today - you feel indifferent, odd, uranus is a planet that also affects something internal and mixed with the Moon/emotions we can expect to experience a shift in our psyche and emotions could rise - if not then it could indicate liberation, freeing and letting go. All in all there is something that will surface from within that can lead to a question.

Now you will be wanting to understand something but logic will fail you because it involves your emotions and emotions are linked to the heart so you will be in two minds, confused, weirded out to a degree because you cannot make sense to something.

Today is a weird day and some unexpected things can come to the surface.

Now it’s strange because the full moon tomorrow will move into taurus and i honestly think that we are trying to see the positive all this and the conflict between all that has happened. Full Moons are always intense and powerful and the Moon is in a happy sign it is in Taurus so although you are feeling odd and weird today i do feel like it will ease up a little tonight and something will surface and will illuminate something on the full moon tomorrow. The moon will sextile Neptune so something of a sign could appear trust your intuition.

Ask for a sign… Spiritually speaking - things are surfacing, signs are being shown, your being helped, guided - something odd could take place but maybe at the time it happens you do not completely realize and then later it could hit you - maybe even an epiphany.

I think today is a time to look beyond the norm and really see deeper to find your answers and there will be answers.

I apologise if today things sound a little odd, weird, but today is odd and weird and so it is hard for me to separate from this energy to better explain - let me know how your day goes today.

I hope you all will too have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Friday 24 October 2014

Astrology Weekend October 24, 25, 26 2014

Astrology Weekend October 24, 25, 26 2014

Okay, So firstly yes technically the Eclipse is over but the Moon (emotions/feelings) is still in Scorpio so that energy is lingering on and it’s still very deep stuff going on.  Also this weekend we have the Sun and Venus following each other in Scorpio which will highlight relationships. IT will be very deep and intense, well because it’s scorpio and scorpio does what scorpio does best… Which is diving deep, getting to the root of the matter at hand, hidden things get brought to the surface and it’s about brutal honesty also - to name but a few.

I feel like with the Moon on friday in Scorpio will help you go deep within yourself and bring a lot of light to a lot things that are hidden within you. I know that sounds a little cryptic but sometimes we go on auto and shut emotions off, we do not fully pay attention all the time in how we feel and choose to suppress certain things because we feel it is both easier and will bring about more peace in the long term. So today try to research a lot of your feelings and be honest with yourself about a lot of things. To really see what the message has been for you during this eclipse and the Lunar Eclipse 2 weeks prior.

Mercury is about to go direct (goodbye retrograde) coming into the weekend also on the 25th… So Friday is the last day of internal processing as the logic and intellect gets switched back on and can battle out this Scorpio energy.
We have the Sun and Venus Conjuncting and the last time this exact conjunction happened was in March 2013 - So really look back to that time and see what occurances happened in regards to relationships. I think this weekend will be very intense when it comes to relationships.

Saturday Mercury goes direct so we are coming out of this 3 week long period of being taken internally, and questioning what’s going on in your life, and with Mercury direct you will now be able to see what is going on with all this.
Mars is on it’s last weekend of being in Sagittarius and being all positive and mars comes into capricorn on Sunday which it loves to be here by the way, it really will be about climbing that mountain with these new goals and new drive towards things.

I think the deepest of the weekend will be Friday and saturday in terms of internal inward thinking and the moon will cross over Saturn on Saturday - This means we are looking at where things stand where are we being blocked, and there is a lot to get to the bottom of i feel, and 9/10 we are the blocks preventing instead of going with it, flowing with the current instead of opposing it… I think it’s about looking at what’s not allowing us to connect in relationship matters and in general and it’s about allowing the feelings to surface, letting it all out and seeing things truly.

It’s a unique weekend surrounded by Karma and destiny in terms of relationships, getting to the bottom of things and feeling good about yourself - a lot of questions will be answered this weekend. Along with some big decisions to be made on Saturday also.

Moon will come into Sagittarius late saturday night into Sunday which will really open things up for everyone - Sagittarius is a sign of great wisdom and knowledge. There might be a little spiritual insight if you're open to such things as it will square Neptune - if you're not open to that side of life it can maybe bring about some fantasy which could maybe create a little confusion.

It will be a very intense Karmic weekend and as we work through all these things mentioned above i feel things might start to settle and those questions have been answered and we are able to move forward in the coming days after the Sunday.

Try to keep moving do not get suck and remain still during this time, know that there are a lot of things up in the air right now and it is about knowing that what will be will be, it’s meant to happen like this with all this karmic stuff going on… Know that all you can do is see ahead and keep positive, be courageous and strive for all that you want if it is in your best interest you will get it, if you're strong enough and willing to fight for it - the energy is in motion so just keep things afloat do the work and you will see how this weekend plays out

Have a Beautiful Day/Evening (depending when you're reading this)  <3

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Love - It's all you Need... But what is Love?


Love - Everyone wants to be loved but not many people are good at loving. The thing is you cannot have one without the other. Another thing is that Love is not ownership - by that i mean love does not have terms - love is an extension of you - it is something which is all around us in everything that we see or touch it is an eternal energy always flowing.

Another thing to remember is hate… How can you love someone to then one day hate them? You cannot, if you can that was never love in the first place. Me myself, i am human and although i wish to hate to switch of my affection or love for someone i cannot - because i love…

Love comes from within - we must first love our self to fully love another. We cannot fix someone, or be fixed by someone - Everything comes from within. You should accept them for who they are, fixing something implies something is wrong… Also, happiness is a state of being it is not a destination. I’ve met so many people who say ‘’when i find the one… or when i’m in love- then i’ll be happy’’ It saddens me because love is you, it’s who you are, happiness is a choice it’s a perception - we need to all stop looking outside of our self, looking to feel fulfilled in the eyes of others - instead turn inward and do the work that will lift us and our spirits to true love and happiness.

Love does not come with conditions… Never expect or do things to get something back… Do them just because - Now that’s love -

Thursday 25 September 2014

Astrology News - September 25th 2014

Astrology News - September 25th 2014

So last night things got a little intense… didn’t they just - That was the moon square pluto - Testing us to keep the balance! So those that were stepping into their truth and power and being balanced may not of necessarily felt it quite so much but i know i had a few messages from yal saying and asking

‘’what is happening…. why is this happening… It’s a new moon??? =(“

In all honesty is was some powerful stuff going on… On with today! There is a lot of fiery energy today and it certainly going to build, asking what actions we are starting to take, where are we heading right now, yes things are getting exciting but we need to be able to find stability and balance  throughout all this.

To top it off we have Mercury starting to slow down now… Details, facts, conversations are really starting to get intense - especially when it comes into Libra it really starts to process relationships. This energy will really be about how you are truly communicating to another person.

This is a time where a lot of big things are happening, and a lot of excitement but there are just deep reflections of our self that are coming out and a need for some patience that might not be easy because Mars is coming into a powerful positivity storm, which wants things NOW, bigger & better, and exciting… then you have mercury slowing down for a retrograde which will frustrate people because we all want it now and we are being made to stop & slow down.

So today is reminding us to stay cool, calm and chilled! There is a need for true balance. The universe is opening some strong powerful doors in our lives but we have to pay attention to that deep truth and those deep reflections of our self that are coming to the surface and being played out in front of us to our face through relationships and other aspects - really make sure you are mirroring the right energy now in your life!!

Be patient & don’t get too excited try and find that chilled energy. <3

Monday 22 September 2014

The Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox

This is the midpoint when things are in balance, from now on the days get shorter & the Nights get longer… It’s a time of reflection, to look and see all that we have! How much we have reaped from all that we had sown. A time for Family, rest and Gratitude

Sunday 21 September 2014

Dreaming of an Ex

Dreaming of an Ex

Now People sometimes find comfort when dreaming of a ex boyfriend or girlfirend. But before i get into that, there has been many traditions amongst spiritual people that are an exception to rule of this kind of dream. If you dreamt of a partner before you ever met them, then for sure you are bound, entwined together for the rest of your life… This is known as the famous ‘’twin flame or soul mate connection’’. Usually these matches will find it difficult in the beginning but it really is something so unique that nothing else will match to it.  So if you dream constantly of someone it’s showing you and reminding you of that said someone, it’s the universes way of drawing you back together and this serves more of a premonition than a psychological analysis that is what dream interpretations are.

So for the rest of you folks here is what it means to dream of an ex… This is just a brief meaning, there are lots of factors to be taken into it, if you would like to know more or have specifics then feel free to comment below.

“To dream that your ex is missing you suggests that you "miss" some aspect of that past relationship. A situation in your current life may be reminding you of your relationship with your ex. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you have moved on with your life. The notion that your ex is missing you may be a pun on that he has "missed" his opportunity or "missed" his chance with you. If you dream that you walk off or walk away with your ex, then it indicates that your current love interests are not measuring up to your ex. To see your mate's ex in your dream suggests that you are comparing yourself to the ex. The dream is telling you not to make the same relationship mistakes that ended that relationship…” Dreammoods <3

Saturday 20 September 2014

The Turtle/Tortoise

The Turtle/Tortoise

It’s important to remember with any sign or symbol, that some things will mean something different to some people. So sometimes, yes it may sound a little funny, but some people remind us of certain animals and so when you keep seeing that animal it could be in relation to that person.

The Turtle

The turtle has a hard shell, symbolically speaking someone with a tough exterior & a guarded heart with an incredible strength like no other. They symbolise someone who is deeply intuitive, to find peace they just have to shut of and look within for answers.
They are explorers, journeying,  everything they need is around them, one with nature and have a good heart. These people are calculated, slow and steady unless in the water- again saying when they delve into their emotions things become clear and they know where they are heading. They are a master of knowledge… You can not rush a Turtle they require time and patience - a free spirit! Resilient - Persistent - determination - Endurance

If you keep seeing turtles this is an indicator that you need to strong at this moment in your life, your journey is proving to be hard, if in doubt go with in for answers. Turtles symbolise Knowledge, strength, intuition, driven, resilience, determination, endurance to follow through… Pace your self there is no rush think of that end goal - YOU WILL GET THERE!!

Love Languages

Love Languages

My Personal Favorite Post of The Week

So I wanted to share with you a little something that can really transform your relationships! IT’s Called the Five Love Languages - A book by a man Named Gary Chapman. So It’s importnant to know that each person gives and expects love in different ways, i mean we are all individual and we all have different veiws as to what love even is.

Gary Chapman Claims there are Five Love Languages, The first being Physical Touch, The second, Words of Affirmation, the third, Acts of Service, fourth, receiving Gifts and the fifth Quality Time.

So i highly recomment you go online and take the test to know how you, your self expect love to be given… then maybe convince your partner to give it a whirl. It changes everything when you can understand each other. Because someone might concider doing the dishes as an act of love while the other would prefer you undivided attention instead.

Here is the link… Please Share, Like & comment below if this was something you enjoyed.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Sufi Quote

The Sufi Quote
If your heart is like an ocean & you body is just it's beach... why do you wait for the emotion to surface, instead search and dive deep within for you will find the answers that you seek.

We rationalize everything, constantly battling with our thoughts... but it is within our emotions that lye the truth... The heart will never lead you wrong it follows what makes us happy - where is the harm in that?

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Astrology for Tuesday

Astrology Tuesday

Today in astrology the energy is shifting as moon goes into cancer. So Moon loves to be in cancer it’s where it feels at home, so should bring out some nice emotions and starting to feel more grounded about things.

Mercury & north node will be exact at 630-7pm, which brings about destiny with a message, bringing out your true passion, having a true understanding about your path and where you're going. Really powerful truths with lots of fiery energy. But it is also about narrowing things down if your not paying attention to your deep emotional core, then there is a need to start to invest in the right energy.

There is an intense couple of months to come… It will be about knowing  your path & getting secure in all aspects. There will be lots of clean slates.. It is our time right now to grasp the day, knowing where you are going.

Big contracts could be coming, something strongly linked with your destiny, passion or obsession & communication is KEY!

The New story of your life is just beginning bringing powerful new things - So the energy will not be good for all as many of us are resisting. It will test if you're emotionally comfortable in the life you're living… or will be asking questions like can you be comfortable in the way you are living!!

Big things to come - Today is a balanced day if you're one of the ones staying true to yourself.

Monday 15 September 2014

Breathing - The Cure for all

Breathing - The Cure for all
Breathing is something i learnt when i began to meditate... & it was mastered when i started Yoga! - I realize this sounds totally WEIRD - But it's true...

I used to suffer from intense anxiety and breathing really can change your state of being - It teaches us to be in the now, & to know right now you have the power to change how you feel, the power to change your future... So JUST BREATHE - slowly - deeply - Watch the change it has upon you  <3 Nothing is as scary or as bad as it seems in the moment

Saturday 13 September 2014



If you went with the LEFT then you got FORGIVENESS & if you went with RIGHT then you got REJECTION

FORGIVENESS - Is a Third eye Chakra Card, this is saying that you need to trust your feelings, listen to the heart & pay attention to the signs. Follow what your intuition is telling you, it's time to forgive because if you hold on to this for too long you are only wasting time... Trust in yourself to know what is right, forgiveness will set you free to see clearly. It's a time for healing for you. Its about focusing upon the intention of what you want rather than the pain that is preventing you

REJECTION - This is a Crown Chakra Card and it's about knowing what you need to know, you cannot quite explain it, your being pulled, keep thinking about something, something keeps popping into your mind... Signs and everything is pointing in that direction - but you either ignore it or you follow it because it will bring much happiness... But can you over come the fear of rejection? Are you seeking outsiders approval? You should know you are protected during this time and the only thing you need is courage... to follow your heart.

So here we have again a similar energy or theme... Both indicating an inner trust & following the heart, the first is talking about getting out of your own way in term of past hurt, forgive and move forward because when we act in defensiveness out of hurt we can sometimes regret - this one is about trusting in your self to do the right thing, follow your gut & intuition... The other is saying you know what you should do, but your so scared of being rejected or denied that your stopping your self from being truly happy. You know what to do so have courage to do just that, again stepping out of your own way, sometime things don't go as to plan, but are you willing to miss an opportunity this great?

again please give me a thumbs up if your liking these... It motivates me to do more <3

Friday 12 September 2014

Fridays Cards! Left or Right Your Choice

So what card did you pick tonight?? LEFT - Destiny & RIGHT - Miracle 

It's funny to see that these two cards have come up again - From what i know astrologically there is this pull in the universe, and it's pulling us towards something that we are supposed to be doing, or someone we are supposed to meet... There has been a lot of upset the past few weeks but i feel it was important to get us clear about all we want in our life, be honest with our self & deal with it. There is this air of passion around today, listening to our hearts and going after what we want.You will know what to do - pay attention to your emotions.

Destiny - I feel like the energy from this card is powerful, like i always say we are being guided through our life, spirit is always with us... This is a perfect example of this - Something has brought about some synchronicity and something that was supposed to happen will indeed happen this weekend. It's also a card that reminds us that the answers we seek are within, and that we should not question our gut instinct... You have a vision of how you want your life to be, and sometimes we become inflexible in how we want it to happen.. IT's asking you to take a risk, is this how you want your life to be, if i's not then take a risk, you may have to sacrifice something in order to get what it is you really want. Sometimes it's important to remember that in love you are better together than alone, you can accomplish so much more. KEYWORDS: True love, taking a stand, positive omen, radical thinking, deep satisfaction and the ability to change.

Miracle - So yes something amazing is going to take place with this card... It's a card of joy and maybe something unexpected taking place - a little surprise. But are you ready to allow it in? Do you let someone in or do you pretend not to see them? You cannot shut out pain without shutting our pleasure... Then come as a pair, just as you cannot really know joy without feeling sadness. This card asks you to think of this... Know and trust that you know what feels authentic and go with it. You will of come from a place of being scattered and now find your self become whole and undivided. You will be required to be honest and to stand by your morals - Something amazing is going to happen, big or small, material or internal there will be a positive shift.

If you found these relevant to you please give me a like or thumbs up even a comment - it makes my day <3