Sunday 4 January 2015

* * * Full Moon January 05 2015 @ 04:54 UK time * * *

* * * * Full Moon January 04 2015 * * * *

Full Moon in Cancer today folks… I think a full Moon always heightens emotions and this one being in a great sign, Cancer (moon loves being here) will help balance things out enough to get where we need to emotionally.

Now the Sun in Capricorn will Oppose the Moon causing a tug of war effect between love and unconditional love as Cancer is very Nurturing. I feel there will be a release of emotions also, as things have certainly been building up within us.

Looking at this Aspect i think there is a need to balance love, home and what we are guarding with our sense of duty in the world, responsibilities and our work or career.  I think a lot of us if we look at the entire cycle from New Moon to now we have chased something in order to obtain something from the outside world that can advance us in our chosen path instead of following our heart which ultimately will lead us there.

I think today you need to look at yourself, not what other people want you to be, what’s being projected on to you - this is your life and your choice and how you act will create a cause and effect chain. What is it that needs to be expressed - I mean we now have Mars, Venus and Mercury all in Aquarius so this should take the edge off from being so serious and give us the courage to act accordingly. Yet sometimes Aquarius just prefers to detach from emotions instead of dealing with them head on - don’t do this.

Today will be a day to break free and allow yourself to get the closure you need to move forward. Which way you go depends on your current situation in the areas i have spoke about. There is a need of balance and i feel today will mark this choice and the completion of what was started on the New Moon around the Christmas period.

Then next two weeks will show what this means for you...

I’ll now be taking Tarot bookings for 2015- if you're interested to know what is just behind the curtain.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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