Tuesday 27 January 2015

What it means to be a Leo...

* * * Signs of the Zodiac * * *

I’d Just like to add that this is just my interpretation of what it means to be a Sun Sign  leo or Leo Ascendant . Please take into consideration that you as a person are much more than just this one sign… The Moon Sign will add another layer of you, as will Venus, Mars and Mercury - Astrology is deep and complex and all the Planets, Signs and aspects help you better know yourself, understand things and help guide you  - but for that you will need to know your Time & Place of Birth. For now my Vloging/Blogging will focus on the surface layer of the collective - So please Subscribe as I give you my insight into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac - Go on hit that button!!


Leo is the 5th sign in the Zodiac as such rules over the 5th house of creativity, children, fun and media , Leo is ruled by the Sun and it rules over the heart  area and is otherwise known as the lion.

To be a leo you would have to be born on and in between July 21 through to August 21st.

Things you know about a leo person.

Okay, well i know a great many leos so you’d think this was an easy Sign to do… but i really want to do it justice. Now before getting into it fully i just want to state that although a Leo Sun sign and a Leo Ascendant/Rising appear to be the same… They are not. I’ll tell you why…

A Leo Sun being ruled by the Sun and the Sun being the center of our solar system can make leo people the center of things… Be that there career, work, social circles or in general they just have a great deal of presence that draws others to them. A Leo Rising demands the attention, they want to be the center and so being an Ascendant sign is the image you reflect to the world you deem everyone know your there, your important and so want all eyes on you.

Leo’s have self reassurance they have confidence at least that is how you would see a leo… They like to play and act out and be what they want you to see them as even if they are wounded or heart broken.

Okay so Leo, and all the ones i know on a personal level are proud, deeply loving and passionate people. In fact a Leo comes most alive when they are doing things that they are passionate about, their heart has to be in or they are not… they can become lazy.

Leo’s all have a presence about them, they walk into a room… you know about it whether or not they are loud people. They are very protective over their friends and family. They are the center of the universe, and no not always does this indicate that a Leo is self centered.

People go to a Leo for direction. They are natural leaders and sometimes this can annoy a Leo… As they do not always want to feel so responsible for everyone around them. It’s not your fault leo, being ruled by the sun your illuminated for all to see.

Leo’s always have something about their appearance that stands out, big hair, big personality, humorous, lots of colour about you, your image is important to you more so than any other sign.

Being a Leo is like being on Stage, like being in a movie almost… And if your know a Leo then your playing apart in their movie/play or show. But what goes on behind the scene is very much a different story. In public they are very much dressed for the occasion, looking the part, they are prepared to be on show - behind the scene it could be a different story.

Leos live extraordinary lives… it’s never boring and there is always something going on.

Leo people are generous and they really know how to make people feel good, special and pampered. Do not take a Leo for granted or they will roar like nobodys business.

Leos love to be loved… They love excitement and drama and they almost have a dramatic way of telling stories that really captivates the audience. They are big kids at heart and you are always fun to be around, you make people feel important and you always have great connections. Your Creative, fun, pleasurable and indulgent people.

Leo’s love the finer things in life. They love to feel good, they love to have fun and they know how to have fun!! They are natural entertainers and are made for the spotlight but are they willing to share? Well they can share it doesn’t mean they will.

Negative side

Yes Leo can be absorbed in their own life and forget that people are not there to serve them all the time - being as they are the Kings/Queens of the World. Not to say people don’t like to serve them because they do… It’s just to remember that others have their own life to live too.

Leo’s have a way of becoming fixated on something/Someone… but they love things to be upbeat and fun, so Leo’s can become bored quickly. Some Leos lack foresight because they only see what they want it puts a lot of pressure on things that it becomes too bright that you cannot see it for what it is.

Leo people can expect you to drop everything for them when they need you - Again it’s not their fault they are ruled by the Sun and they are insanely loyal and loving and make amazing friends - So do your job and be there for them. - Leo though you need to sometimes stop being such a big kid/baby at times and self soothe.

All the Leo’s i know are stylish, funny and know how to have a good time. They are creative and yet have a childlike quality about them that is just so loving that everyone cannot help but love a Leo. I’d say 8/10 leos like to take charge to a situation, yet i feel it comes more naturally than it’s put on or forced they just make great leaders and know how to get things done.

Famous Leo People

Anna Kendrick - Sandra Bullock - Jennifer Lopez - Robert de niro - sebastian stan - Antonio Banderas - Patrick swayze - Ben affleck - Demi Lovato -

Jobs for a Leo
Teacher - comedian - Actors - Media - Publicist - Manager - Director - Anything that gives a Leo Power, Authority or allows them to be in the limelight in some way.

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