Tuesday 3 February 2015

All about a Virgo ...

* * * Signs of the Zodiac * * *

I’d Just like to add that this is just my interpretation of what it means to be a Sun Sign Virgo or Virgo Ascendant . Please take into consideration that you as a person are much more than just this one sign… The Moon Sign will add another layer of you, as will Venus, Mars and Mercury - Astrology is deep and complex and all the Planets, Signs and aspects help you better know yourself, understand things and help guide you  - but for that you will need to know your Time & Place of Birth. For now my Vloging/Blogging will focus on the surface layer of the collective - So please Subscribe as I give you my insight into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac - Go on hit that button!!

Virgo Sun Sign, Ascendant/Rising Sign

Okay Virgo Ascendant, Risings and Sun Sign Virgo’s your ruled by Mercury the planet of intellect and communication, you rule over the Sixth house and you rule over the stomach.

To be a Virgo you would have to be born on and in between August 22 - September 22

How to tell if your dealing with a Virgo…

Okay, So Virgo people are known as the Virgins of the Zodiac - and they are far from weknow to be ‘’virgins’’. Back in the day women in general did not have much say when they were married, virgins we seen as the unattainable the free woman who was free to express herself how she see fit.

So Virgo people tend to make quite exciting lovers and these people know how to serve people. They are able to be professional and respectable in public and behind closed doors it could be a very different story.

Virgo’s tend to be more feminine including the men of this zodiac sign. By this i mean Virgos take pride in their appearance, how they look matters and in fact this sign tend to be very critical of themselves as they are strivers for perfection - as you know the goal post to perfection is always moving.

Virgos are very attractive and pleasing to the eye. Now they also rule over the Stomach so this sign tend to watch what they eat, at least they are conscious of what they put into their bodies. Almost all virgos have a diet or exercise regime and a keep fit guide. Again they are conscious of how they look and they want others to like them.

The Virgos are hygiene freaks… In the best way!! They hate dirty people and lets just say your very unlikely to come across a dirty Virgo when it comes to hygiene. They value cleanliness and being fresh and again they often have a beauty regime also going on. whether it’s pride in what they do with there hair, grooming, makeup, face/beauty treatments.

These people are hardworking, organisational,  analytical and without them in the world the whole thing would fall apart they are the glue. Now it doesn’t always mean a Virgo hates mess because i know a few that have messy rooms - but they just so happen to know where everything is! Believe me they notice when things get moved too. They are also great time keepers they value time keeping so don’t keep a virgo waiting!

These people are incredibly sarcastic and funny, they know just how to let their hair down and have a good time. They are also the sign that needs to be in the know, they need to know what’s happening, why it happened and when it took place… They need to be loved and liked and hate falling outs. All in all these people are the people that know everything about your life especially if your friends with one - they know everything about everyone.

On the Negative side

Virgos hate flakey people is annoys the crap out of them. A lot of Virgos are interested in Spiritual people, in there being something more to life than what’s physical being an earth sign however this is the relationships and people they draw to them Pisces people being there polar opposite can either work in their favour or frustrate them.

Virgos are known to be somewhat of the Gossipers of the Zodiac, seeing as they know everything! They can be judgemental however they are not people to deliberately go out and hurt someone with their view point. They are critical with the people around them even if they again do not view it publically. They are the Sign to notice to the little details about a person.

Virgos are the sign that are so focused on their image not just physical image but their emotional image that they can be known to suppress their emotions and they usually are picky about who they tell things to. These people are not ‘’control freaks’’ but they do like to be in control of their life and the fear of losing that control can scare them immensely.

Virgos are known to be whiners and moaner when things are annoying them. If they are ill or hurt in someway they can be hypochondriacs and really exaggerate the facts… Everyone knows if a Virgo is having a hard, tough or bad day. They want to be looked after and at the same time they do not want to be owned by noone.
These people love to problem solve and so they tend to attracted to people who they can help. They need people to be constantly stimulating their minds or being active in their life.

The last thing i will mention about a Virgo is that things have to be a certain way… If it is not how they imagined it or how they want things to be they just withdraw and become pissed off or annoyed. Same goes for the people in a Virgos life, if your not living up to the expectation of a Virgo then that’s it you lose value in the Virgos life.

Famous Virgos
Beyonce - Michael Jackson - Adam Sandler - Cameron Diaz - Tim Burton - Ryan Guzman - Jack Black - Michael Buble - Jennifer Hudson - Blake Lively

Jobs for a Virgo

I think a Job that requires some sort of expertise and organisation would be a good fit for a Virgo. Somewhere they are having to analyze and sort things out.

Health - Fitness- executive assistants - Hotel work - Modeling - Something detail orientated - detectives - researchers - hospitality - medical - Managers -

Please remember other planetary positions help with this, as does house sign placements and aspects… If your a Virgo, dating a Virgo or you are a Virgo ascendant/Rising then please give this a thumbs up and leave me a comment below letting me know how well i did.

Many Thanks

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