Monday, 2 February 2015

Astrology February 02 2015

* * * * Astrology 02 February 2015 * * * *

So I technically liedFull Moon is not until tomorrow however later tonight your start to feel it as it goes into the sign of Leo. But up until 5pm we still have this Cancer Moon, so still paying attention to how we are feeling today much like the rest of the weekend.

What i do think is that a lot is brewing today ready for the Full Moon tomorrow at 11pm. I think there could be some conflict if your someone who buries or hides your emotions or even suppresses them. This Full Moon will link in which some thing that took place on 20th January or there abouts.

When the full Moon hits it always is a powerful revelation of how we feel truly, even more so because it is in the Sign of Leo which rules over the heart area. So It’s important that we are all following our hearts when it comes to relationships. The fact we are in Aquarius can sometimes detach ourselves and want to please the majority - Aquarius can sometimes value Friends over romantic partners but there needs to be a balance and you need to align with your heart centre.

I think today will be a tug of war going on with everyone when it comes to intellectual mind and emotional mind. So things that might be coming up you might be confused about as Mercury is still retrograde so we are having to be reflective and things from the subconscious are resurfacing and making themselves known - especially in dreams!

It could even indicate that your  breaking free from ‘’traditional’’ ways of thinking. Allow yourself to just feel and work through things, i know there is a push to take action but i think it’s a more gentle approach.

I still see unusual pairings with people being brought together - unexpected things -  like i mentioned at the weekend it is not enough anymore to just be physical with your partner you need so much more and there are opportunities to align with someone on a deeper level.

I also feel we need to forgive and react more compassionately with others today and tomorrow. At the same time it is not wise to gloss over problems as they will just get worse just find an appropriate way of dealing with it.

Exciting things are on the horizon and we are able to see things from another perspective even though it could seem a little out there or odd it’s captivating. I think New romance is also coming in time for Valentines.

One last thing is that do not try to take on too much. You need to pace yourself and really be realistic with what you can achieve right now - Mercury Retrograde slows things down - Delays things and messes with your timing!

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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