Friday 6 February 2015

Horoscopes for All Signs - February 06 2015

* * * * Astrology 06 February 2015 * * * *

Today is another day where we really need to let go of needing things to be perfect. Virgo Moon, or Virgo in general kind of always wants to get things done, done and perfect to have things a certain way

Now there is a lot of push pull going on and i’m going to be honest with you, we all really need to stop expecting love to be so perfect, like we have an idea of how relationships are meant to make us feel and at the first sign of trouble we just get frustrated and move on to something else because it doesn't feel good anymore.

Today i think highlights that a little, that things are not going to be perfect, beautiful and amazing all the time - If they were, how the heck do we grow and move forward… The things that are happening in relationships right now are so that you can really see what you want. You need to be open and be frank because yes not everything can be fixed but how will know unless you try?

The reason i’m going down this route is because we have Chiron (symbolises healing and wounds) and his right now on top of Mars in Pisces, with Venus (love/Relationships) and Neptune (spiritual connection). This to me is saying we need to heal and really allow yourself to let go now… Stop holding on - Sometimes and i stress the ‘’sometimes’’ it brings someone from the past back this is usually to heal and does not necessarily mean to be together unless its authentic.

I think in relationships we give the power over to our significant other to make us happy… Which is wrong your happiness is in your hands nobody elses. We need to stop feeling the need to force and push things at an aim to control and have things ‘’our way’’ there comes the opposition. Love is love - it’s enjoying being around a person and wanting to enjoy things together and yes there needs to have boundaries but it’s never about control, each person should value the other enough to respect them.

Today i am saying Let go of needing things to be perfect. Stop trying to please everyone else and please yourself first. Take responsibility for yourself and see the bigger picture. You can have anything but do you believe you can? Aquarius is lighting up and it is all about serving others -yes, but it is about reinventing yourself, and trying something new - you no longer want ordinary!

At the same time we have Jupiter saying step into your heart, follow your passions and see what you have instead of what you do not have and watch the doors of opportunity open up.

I think today things are shaking up a little - I personally see this as a great thing. Does someone have an unrealistic expectations of you or do you of them - time to balance that out and stop putting people on pedestals see things for what they truly are.

Are things now getting boring has the novelty worn off? Adjustments are needed and you might want to redirect your energy towards something new yet your still having to focus on the thing that came before the thing you have now - i really hope that made sense.

I just think to sum up, things are changing, energy is shifting and all this reflecting is leading us to somewhere/someone. We need to stop with the controlling and let go and see things for how they are. I mean there is a lot of Pluto action going on and i see this as exposing things especially with all the Uranus aspects it brings things to a new understanding things we never even knew we knew . Emotions and feelings do not lie so follow your heart and step into a happier you , just let it all go and just go with the flow today.

I know Virgo Moon will make this hard - So focused upon the details

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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