Tuesday 24 February 2015

Tuesday's Horoscopes - ALL SIGNS - February 24 2015

* * * * Horoscope 24 February 2015 * * * *

Today we do still have the Moon in Taurus and i think it’s still highlighting Relationships Today.

Venus the planet of love, relationships could be going through some strange, unexpected, out of the ordinary type things as it is combining with Uranus the planet of innovation, strange, unusual and unpredictable things.

What i think this means is that there has been a turn of events. Something strange or unusual will happen to do with matters of the heart. Now i think you know in your heart of hearts what you want yet something keeps coming up to question it and it’s something that may of been heavily playing up in your mind yesterday yet it lingers today still.

Your logical mind has plenty of positive aspects the only trouble is to do with the fact your not thinking big enough your stuck in the here and now and thats your focus, but what is important is that your looking at the long term - will it still be bringing you happiness - opportunities are here to be taken but will you take them?

Later this evening the Moon will adversely aspect the planet of big lessons and karma the planet that brings up restrictions… Don’t forget the moon represents your emotional mind, your feelings so here your being forced to come to terms with something that you have been trying to suppress. Your not thinking of your emotional happiness but rather your ego, rational mind and you need both to feel fulfilled in life.

If anything this aspect highlights your frustrationsWhat you want, what others want, not willing to grow and work through troubled times and you will be challenged at this time to overcome something. There is a need to overcome this lesson, a need to communicate and address the issue - could it be the return of a habit/situation/circumstance but with different technicalities? You need to learn, grow and submerge yourself in this to overcome it.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all doom and gloom! Powerful things are happening in regards to our love lives, in romance and relationships of all kinds… The universe just wants us to make the right choices and this could very well be the last of the Pluto/Uranus square meaning what with this new Saturn in Sagittarius it’s the end of the old the start of the new (30 years is a long time to correct something).

To mention a lot will happen over the course of the summer/Spring months that when Saturn goes back temporarily into Scorpio - that opportunity won't be there or is unlikely to be so don’t risk something that can make you happy because you're being selfish, stubborn or impulsive. (Aries can do that to a lot of us)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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