Wednesday 4 March 2015

Introduction into the Elements

* * * The Elements in Astrology * * *

Okay, so before we can really get into compatibility it is so important you understand the elements and not just your own Sun Sign element. By doing this you will have a better understanding of Astrology in the most simple basic way and learn how to get it to work for you.

Now this is just the introduction i will be posting up individual Videos/Blogs going into each element and talking about which Element is compatible with which, which are okay and which should be cautioned.

In the series straight after i will discuss more into Mutable, Fixed and cardinal Signs and how to apply that layer when looking at compatibility then i will move onto the Signs and Compatibility remember these are layers your chart will add more on top of this.

I must state that you can use the elements when looking at your chart and seeing which element you lack in your chart also, this can help you better understand you. Please note that compatibility is not only through Sun sign, but through element and not only comparing Sun sign compatibility but your Moon, Venus and Mars placements also.

You see compatibility depends on so many factors and not just your Sun Sign - Astrology is complex but a good tool you can use in understanding in a mundane way anyone can grasp is by using the Elements.

The Elements are Water, Air, Earth and Fire. Water being Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Air being Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. Earth being Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. Lastly Fire Sagittarius, Leo and Aries.

You might be wondering why Water is the first and why i have gone through everything in a what seems a backward fashion and its not because i am a water sign.

It’s because everything starts with water, at least if you want to do it the right way it does. Without going off on too much of a tangient it depends on you… & What you want!

Think of a party (Debra Silverman gives a great analogy) Do you get over excited, you see someone you like and rush in and DO something about it (have sex), later talk/ask more and realise that you have nothing in common you didn’t think before you acted and then feel terrible after it all happened.

Or the proper way you go to a Party - You Drink/feel things out, you see that person and then you strike up conversation, you then decide to maybe exchange numbers and set a date to do something together then after that date you see if there is enough FIRE to create and start something… and the Cycle continues.

Life didnt just happen it started from a feeling within a thought that lead to thinking that lead to doing that lead to creating it. That’s the order of the Elements.

Hence why the wised sign is Pisces and the most impulsive sign is Aries. But we will get into all this over the next few weeks.

So My first topic and video will be about Water…

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