Full Moon in Virgo!
February 22nd 2016
So I know I have stopped with my daily written horoscopes and decided to share Youtube Tarot Scopes instead! I feel like coupled with my Pick a Card prediction, just for fun readings that I post during either New Moons/Full Moons - TBH I’m still working this all out the start of this year has been pretty hectic for me… I thought I’d share the Astrological influences hand in hand with the Tarot.
So this Full Moon will be in Virgo, 3 degrees to be precise and this will take place for those in the UK, at 6.19pm. . . You will feel it throughout, (Weds- Weds) in fact the buildup of this energy is very apparent.
How the Cycles work… So Our last Full Moon was in Leo, ready for the New Moon in Aquarius that we had on the 8th of February and this cycle has gone full round to the Virgo Full Moon which will make way for the New Moon in Pisces on the 8th March (9th March around 2am if you live in the UK). The beautiful thing about the universe is everything is mirroring throughout, and Astrology is a great tool to see how things will reflect and what you will experience whether or not if you follow it.
There is a lot going on in Virgo energy - Which even if your not a Virgo you will have a specific house (Area in your Life) in your natal Birth chart that is governed by Virgo, even if you have no planetary influence there everyone is experiencing its workings what with the Destiny Node here with Jupiter and Lilith transiting in and out of Virgo…
Virgo relates to Work, it naturally rules over that 6th house; It’s where we dedicate time to , it’s our everyday life, our health, our goals, where the majority of our time is spent/or where we want to spend most of our time. It’s ruled by Mercury so it does involve self expression and that house that Mercury is sitting in will aid you in the more serious tone as Gemini tends to be more our wants and desires of self expression and Virgo is our responsibility of self expression.
So with a Full Moon in Virgo we are taking that think big, dream big Leo Full Moon from the last cycle and now we are getting practical about it! Virgo is very Practical, and Virgo is also fearful it’s not daring like a Gemini - it’s calculative… So being as it is at 3 degrees It has an undercurrent of Sagittarius going on, which is interesting as Jupiter is currently here. The misconception is that you will only gain the rewards of that in which you apply your time, energy and efforts into… It might seem unwanted or difficult but you can and will find a way of getting your dreams/goals met.
What I find especially interesting is how people are suddenly having a change of heart… This is what separates success with those who just like to dream. People look at how great it would be to have, do or be a certain way, without considering just how hard you will have to work to get there. With Lilith in and out of Virgo at the beginning of the month there has been many doubts and with it currently in Libra now the doubts shift into relationship issues.
Full Moons always oppose the Sun, of which is in Pisces and combining with Neptune. Pisces rules spirituality , the mind, the 12th house that of which cannot be seen - it’s hidden, and so I ask you… Do you believe you can do whatever it was that you set out to do, have you committed yourself to something? Are you wanting to break a commitment and what is it that is stopping you from getting from A to B.
I’ve looked at and watched a lot of “Success stories” from actors, singers, dancers, athletes and even entrepreneurs… You know what the common denominator was - I BE - Live. If you believe in something you don’t need evidence of it, it vibrates in every fibre of your being, you feel it, therefore you know it - There is no doubt - there is only gratitude, hard work, tests and becoming from being. Your mind only knows that which is, if you doubt you create more doubt.
Okay slightly getting off topic - My point is, With a Full Moon in Virgo you may be pulled in a direction where you are questioning yourself and that in which you set out to do. If you want something ask how hard are you willing to work for it? you have to relentlessly push yourself to get there, if your not learning, expanding and growing on that said path then your not going to get there - all things require work, an investment, progression and this Virgo energy can either help you get there or put you in a state of self criticising that you give up altogether.
The Sun in Pisces is getting you to look at what it is that you know, feel, yearn for… Neptune is giving you the keys the signs in getting there. Whatever you think, whatever you believe - is! Pisces is confusing as hell for a lot of people to deal with, even those who have and are Pisces energy.. It’s deep, it’s uncertain (indecisive) and it reflects a whole lot… What you are experiencing in reality is a reflection of what is within. Pay attention to the signs that present themselves to you.
Now the North Node and South Node have a huge part to play within these signs… The North Node the Destiny Node in Virgo is about putting in the hard work, getting organised, practical and becoming the best you - But letting go of the perfectionist tendencies and being more at peace with acceptance for the now… For a lot of people this is about health and our health habits… The South Node however is about past life stuff, Karmic debts we need to pay off, It could represent a recurring choice or habit that you keep making and now is the time to change that, face it and heal from it - this is an opportunity because Chiron the wounded healer is working with the South Node.
So the last thing I’ll share to wrap this up before we get to the cards is Mercury… After all Virgo is ruled by Mercury at 11 degrees of which is sitting in Aquarius and it also combining energies with Venus at 6 but practically 7 degrees. Both Venus and Mercury are looking at Uranus and Saturn.
So what am I seeing here… Well firstly there is some kind of divine intervention going on within relationships, signs, dreams and signals pointing you towards someone or something. 11 is a number that I see as communication from the otherside, it’s mirroring something to you for you to pay attention to. The way it is in Aquarius means there is an element of shut off emotion, confusion over who I want to be versus who I am - It looks over to Uranus in Aries so there is this I want to change, i need change and what with Saturn this is really playing into this next chapter of your life.
I also see this as communication, news or information coming in from a loved one, either present or in the past… Finding something out that could trigger you do something impulsive perhaps or change courses altogether. Your being drawn towards something, or there is a desire for something and yet there is a great amount of fear or closed offness that is preventing you from reaching out or establishing something with this something.
Anywho… On with the Cards!
As you know the drill by now… But if you would like a little extra help - all you have to do Scroll down, Close your eyes, Take a few deep breaths and then you can simply ask to be guided to the card that will give you the guidance that you need… Open your eyes and pick your card… Be sure to comment below with your choice, Share with Friends & I will then Repost the link for your Card reveals tonight.
Also for those Astro buffs or those wanting a little extra guidance you can select the card of your Sun, Moon or Ascendant Sign as well… The Sun will represent something physical, the Moon will be emotional guidance and the Ascendant will be a mix of the two.
Card 1 =Aries, Card 2= Taurus, Card 3= Gemini, Card 4=Cancer, Card 5 = Leo, Card 6 = Virgo, Card 7= Libra, Card 8= Scorpio, Card 9 = Sagittarius, Card 10 = Capricorn, Card 11= Aquarius & Card 12 = Pisces
If you do not know where your planets are placed all you need to do is click the link below, add in your details, and it will tell you where your Sun, Moon ect is placed (you will need to know your exact time & Place of birth)
The Cards!
Scroll down for your Card Meaning!
If you are interested in a personal reading with me, My website is finally back up and running - I offer a range of different services if you would like to know about them please do head on over and check them out! =)
The Reveal!
Aries or Option 1 - Nine of Wands
The Full Moon will highlight something from your past or something that you're holding onto, It’s clear you have a decision to make and It might be one that you do not want to make but you kind of have to because your initial reaction to finding something out requires you to do something about it… But think before you do, it’s almost like you have to give something up potentially. It could even point to a project or some aspect of work that is not going to turn out a you expected. It can also mean that something gets exposed and this might take you by surprise. Be careful of reactions to things because you will have to cut something out or away, this is your last hurdle but if something is over, it’s over try not to hold on to something for too long as it will prevent you from moving forward. Also, a little advisement if you're over exercising or pushing yourself too hard, give yourself a rest of you will cause yourself more injury and need more time long term to recover.
If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Taurus or Option 2 - Three of Wands ®

If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Gemini or Option 3 - King of Pentacles
So this Full Moon will affect you being as your Ruling Planet will be involved - Mercury. What I am picking up is that there is clearly an Earth Sign man or woman, a Virgo, Capricorn or a Taurus this could be someone that you know from work or something is going to affect your work somehow. I am so picking up on home as well and maybe the desire for movement, or maybe you recently moved, traveled somewhere and now want to return… A lot of this looks like maybe something has not turned out quite as expected but that with some wise advice and hard work you really could turn this all around. You might be acting out and not sure why I’d say it’s because of the moon that your a little more on edge than normal. I’d also say for those looking for work there could also be an offer being made to you but again it could require a move - If this is the case believe in yourself enough to make the right choice.
If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Cancer or Option 4 - The Hangman

If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Leo or Option 5 - Ten of Wands
Are you taking on more than you should? It looks to me there is a lot weighing on you, and you're trying to handle it on your own where you do not have to. It looks like the end/beginning is well within sight but you cannot quite get there, every step forwards requires extra effort than the previous step… You need to let something go, drop something, priorities are needed to be made you cannot keep on as you are. There could also be a move or a journey ahead of you and this can be a physical move/journey or an emotional or psychological one… There are things that you need to leave behind, clear out and work through and you need to be real honest about what you want and where you want to be. There is something that you know you need to release fully but at the same time they are so deeply set the idea of somewhere new could frighten you as you have built something where you are… All because you wanted something before doesn’t always mean that this is what will make you happy now. Be honest with yourself… You will be able to see the light and get that breakthrough that you know you need - a New beginning! The Next chapter- speaking up and out about things that are sinking you… Think of it as if your a boat and you have these knives cutting through them, if you take them out before your ready you will sink the boat and symbolically drown in your emotions - everything in the right time… Do not rush yourself before you are ready.
If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Virgo or Option 6 - Four of Cups

If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Libra or Option 7 - Six of Pentacles
You, my friends, need balance always haha, You need to look at what you give and what you receive and is there a fairness here, It could also be a time where you need to watch your finances. What I do see is Love on the horizon but you need to check those pros and cons and ask yourself if you're being fair about this person… To me, it looks like they are the real deal, and there is much more to unlock within them. You might feel that you're at a crossroads and there is no harm in getting some experience if you haven't dated in awhile you could be pleasantly surprised. Also for you It’s time to utilize a skill and stop hiding yourself.
If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Scorpio or Option 8 - Six of Wands

If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Sagittarius or Option 9 - Two of Wands
You guys have a choice to make! It’s not a time to keep putting it off it’s time to commit and dive into it. This could involve work, your public persona, image, career, it’s certainly going to impact you in a big way… & Yet there is a lot of reminiscing going on during this time, thinking back to the past or childhood in someway and you should know that there is a wise woman either a past over relative guiding you on the right path or that there is a business woman either a Capricorn, Virgo or a Taurus that can help you out or be coming in to propose something to you… I get the feeling this is partially a destined path the option that you choose and that if you have children there could be something to do with them during this time also - Just pay attention to the signs and make your choice. This could open up an opportunity to go on a trip, move or travel.
If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Capricorn or Option 10 - The World

If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Aquarius or Option 11 - The Empress
Okay, so for you it involves a important female in your life… The one that stole your heart, be that your lover, your daughter, or this could also relate to motherhood or your own mother or even just you. There is something that your holding on to and a little too tightly, there is a need to let go and to avoid thinking that you can control this or this woman (or your feelings for her) because you cannot. There is a deep admiration and a deep connection here and you are only wanting the best for this person, but by holding onto your own feelings or keeping something to yourself, you are not able to be fully happy… There is something that is worrying you or playing on your mind and you do not need to keep this to yourself, all is not lost… There is a way out and a way to happiness you're just looking at it all wrong. It could be that you are being stubborn about something also! This is a time where a woman could really take you by surprise… Or if this is you, maybe you could even surprise yourself. Your Happiness is at stake, do not try to trick yourself or pretend to be happy if you are not, if there is someone that you want to reach out to - Go ahead you have nothing to lose, by holding on to it all you will only be constantly wondering what if… It just needs you to take action.
If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch
Pisces or Option 12 - The Tower

If you would like a personal reading with me please visit www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information
Thank you for checking out my Full Moon Cards, If yours related to you please do comment below and share with friends don't forget to like me on facebook and find me on youtube!
Hugs from Me to you @askalttlewitch