Friday 20 May 2016

Mid-Monthly Horoscopes - Full Moon in Sagittarius - All Signs

Mid-Monthly Horoscopes
- For Each of the Signs -
Full Moon in Sagittarius a 2 part illumination

Okay, So needless to say that any regular Full Moon is pretty intense, it’s very evident that everyone is triggered in some way, something gets illuminated and emotions are for sure heightened. But In the time that we are currently in with 4 planets retrograde and 2 of those planets being intimate personal planets aka Mars & Mercury, one of which rules over our communication and the way we process things, and then Mars which is that inner warrior, the take action, the passionate, willful and action orientated part of ourselves in that state of deep reflection (Retro-grade/Re-Learning or assessing the old information/situation).

Now not only that Guys/Dolls, but this will be the first of two Full Moons in the Same Sign!! Which is super rare! And It is in Sagittarius of all signs, the sign of expansion and poor ole Jupiter (Sagittarius ruling planet) is sitting over in Virgo - Jupiter doesn’t like to be bogged down in Virgo stuck in the details and being as he has not long turned direct (as in started on the journey forward again) he is mulling over, turning and transforming these revelations that he has had into a reality - I hope you're following me okay!??

Not only that we have Virgo's Ruler in fellow Earth Sign Taurus (looking at the value systems, life direction and wealth, family and ways to earn - Taurus loves to Earn) but Retrograde… But we also have in the Sign of Sagittarius- Saturn moving backwards and Mars exact conjunct on top of this Full Moon…

Sagittarius is the archer the traveler in many cases as it does rule over the 9th house and Mars also rules over travel, movement as does Mercury (the tech side of things) - Avoid traveling anywhere if you can this weekend, there will be delays, confusion, angry drivers and all kinds of crazy and especially avoid flying anywhere as well! Communications are iffy and slow so ya know - avoid it at all costs.

Jupiter is at a Funk degree of strange and spooky 13! So transformations and endings are at the ready - which let’s face it change is what this year is all about I think whatever takes place during this specific time you will see the full effects by Scorpio Session for sure! It’s the year of the monkey and so… Anything can happen! That includes dreams coming true might I add! But I see this beginning part that we are in as a huge release and letting go or forgiveness and moving past - there is a lot of clearing taking place especially with Saturn retro and Mars approaching Scorpio!

I’m seeing explosions or energy this weekend for the course of this Full Moon heading into the early parts of next week. Prepared to be surprised by all that goes down, but at the same time, it’s about allowing what needs to surface to do just that and allowing everything else to slip away… Big changes for everyone! Even optimistic Sagittarius is having a lot a lot to deal with, what with two Full Moons in their sign and Sagittarius and Mars retrograding but at least your ruling planet is moving now… Now you have to get the work done, pursue the things you desire with a little more intent than normal =)

Okay So as promised My predictions for each of the Signs

It's that time again where you get to select yourself a card! Numbers 1 through to 12. For added information check out your Sun Sign/Moon Sign Cards as well...
Please do comment your choice below & share with friends!
1 = Aries, 2 = Taurus, 3 = Gemini, 4 = Cancer, 5 = Leo, 6 = Virgo, 7 = Libra, 8=Scorpio, 9 = Sagittarius, 10 = Capricorn, 11 = Aquarius & 12= Pisces

Obviously, I've asked that the chosen card relates to each of the Signs! But this is just for fun & should be taken as such…

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Select yourself The card that catches your eye and be sure to check out your relevant cards in association to your Zodiac Signs Sun, ASC & Moon

Now that you have selected please scroll down for your Mid-Monthly Prediction =)

Aries or Option 1 - Detach

For you guys It’s about finding the confidence in you again, not allowing others to tell you what your value is and yes you might be feeling somewhat deflated for the next week or two but there is an opportunity for you to stretch your wings and free yourself the situation, the past issue that has resurfaced for you. You are not limited but you do need to reflect a little on your relationships, friendships and partnerships - Are they reflecting what you to want to be and see for yourself in the future? The Word as added guidance that came through for you was Confidence! Step out of the shadows and if there is something that you want you will need to take courage in going for it! Who cares really what others think at least you're pursuing something - your just one step closer! Detach from all that holds you back or keeps you stuck in the past, be that physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

Taurus or Option 2 - Love Abounds

For you, My friends Love is in the air! It’s just the beginning but you have got that spring in your step once again… It’s still early days but someone has caught your eye and although your kind of playing by ear and trying to play it cool or perhaps you're a tad unsure if it’s just you or if that feeling you got is being reciprocated… Trust in your intuition and make a move already! (Well on or after the 22nd May). Maybe you get to find out someone is into you and it takes you by surprise… Don’t be! Stop seeing yourself as the hungry caterpillar but as the beautiful butterfly that you are! This is the start of something new even if it’s not love related something new is entering your life and it just might surprise you at how this all pans out =) The word I got for you was TRUST!

Gemini or Option 3 - Reach out! Or Reach within!

Some of you might be feeling the opposition and it’s important that you just stop… Mercury retrograde finds it hard to mess with you at the rate it works on most people, but you need to take this time to do what any retrograde serves us to do… To reflect! Otherwise, you can feel very drained and with an entire 3 weeks worth or retrograde time building up within just a short few days or leading off into the shadow period - I too am guilty of this - You need a break! I know you may have high demands when it comes to work but believe me, your hard work is not going unrecognised - take the time to Pause. . . Pause, was the word I received for you and boy oh boy you need it! Just stop and breathe a while and stop trying to push everything forward if you need help ask for help - you will have plenty =)

Cancer or Option 4- Win or Lose!
Change or the reflection of change is what you're battling with over the course of the next week or two… It’s time to stand up or maybe stand down - You need time away just like those Gemini Folks! But for you I feel like any Full Moon - It’s going to knock you for 6! You may feel like you need to go to war or something where the only place you need to go is for a well deserved time out! You need to unplug from the world - your being told to ask for what it is that you need no matter how difficult it may feel at first - win or lose you have to state your terms! The word I go for you was Unplug! Your certainly highly charged over the course of the weekend.

Leo or Option 5- Moving on
Ahh my Kings and Queens of the Zodiac! For you, I pulled the card moving on and for the most part it is signally a change and yet a decision that you need to make. . . Are you ready for an adventure? You feel it in your bones that you are and yet something is holding you back. This could be the inner reflection of an unresolved issue from the past - Whatever you do, do, don’t suppress it you need to let it all out and allow yourself off the hook! Your Healing or in need of a little bit of TLC - The word that came through for you was healing =) Once you have healed the next chapter awaits.

Virgo or Option 6 - Flow
This is so perfect for all the Virgos that are out there… This year is your year, and allow you have had challenges, Jupiter is moving forward helping you to put into perspective all that really matters to you, you also have the North Node here which is the destiny node and the card I pulled for you was the card of flowing - The wheel of fortune! Your Luck is changing and finally, it becomes clear that things are on the right track - Finally!!! You have had oppositions to deal with and things may have felt slow but this is the turning point from where you align with your calling or at least get on the right pathway that will lead you there. The word I got for you was Nourish! I think that where you have been a bit tested or pushed, stressed maybe - This is the time where maybe you are not using food to nourish you but to numb you from the stresses this too must change - but it’s a natural thing with this bit of good luck your being asked to make healthier choices when it comes to food and your well being =)

Libra or Option 7 -Dedicated Effort
Libra it’s time to bite the bullet! You pulled the card dedicated effort… You will only reap the reward of all that you put into it. You can sit there all day wishing and wanting, but if you are not taking action, you will miss out. You're being asked to reevaluate things and recurring situations - there are opportunities but maybe you need to stretch yourself a little more to get out of the comfort zone. The word I got for you was OFFER, If you think highly of someone, let them know, If you miss a friend, let them know if you are crushing on someone, find a way to compliment them or reach out in some way… You must extend yourself and then wait and be amazed by what this can bring you.

Scorpio or Option 8 - Feeling Alone
Money worries my little Scorpions! I pulled the card feeling alone. . . This can pop up when we are looking at everything we desire as such a far away thing, you are only limiting yourself this way. You have more to gain and the real wealth in life comes in the form of people… You're not alone and maybe you are worrying about the basic fundamentals of life, like money, work, home, and survival - But there is so much more than your limited perspective. Do not fear and do not feel alone because you are not alone! This is a time of great action make a plan and set things into motion - with a conscious effort and gratitude for all that you have . . .You will reach your goals in no time at all. The word I got for you was Breathe. . . If nothing else just bring yourself back to the present moment with a deep breath, reminding yourself you are alive, you have time, you have now and you are capable of greatness.

Sagittarius or Option 9- Believe & Succeed
You folks are really emptying the barrel! You are embarking on a journey and you're on the first leg of it, this is the leg where you have to put in the extra conscious effort, the stickler for all the small and fine details - not exactly your forte, It’s time to do the work and to release any fears or past hang-ups that may arise for you. It’s a time where you may really be pushed to your limits when it comes to belief, and finding that belief within yourself, if you can see it, and you start taking action in regards to your preparations if you can visualize it you will succeed. You're releasing a lot of stuff right now and maybe things that never got to you before are really getting to you now - persevere. The word I got for you was ASK, IF you need any help, my generous souls, ask for it people would/should offer a helping hand and if they do not question the next time you overextend yourself for them - Clearing out often does involve people that hold us back or drag us down. What I do see is the first hurdle and you Aced the TEST!

Capricorn or Option 10 - The Base Chakra
The Base chakra! I laugh at this card because I hate to be grounded I much prefer to live in the clouds… Anywho - This is a card of grounding! You are being asked to really connect with things, be present, acknowledge how you feel and if you have any uncertainties about this physical life that you are living… Your being asked, to be honest also, what is it that you need and what is it that you are not allowing yourself to have… This is a time to connect not to disconnect - You wanted something and you are being given it and get your not allowing it all the way in? Hmm - The word I got for you was Fulfilment =)

Aquarius or Option 11 - Healing Begins
You guys are finally ready to look beneath the veil into the dark scary memories of the past. You're finally ready to acknowledge something. . . This is just the beginning of your journey as something is ending you are only starting to shift the energy to confront things that you refused to do so in the past. This is a time where great healing will be taking place but as I said this is only the beginning it will be a slow yet steady way across this lake. Emotion is not something that you dive into at least not in the way that your heart wants you to so baby steps, do not rush yourself this will take time. The Phase I got for you as it was more than one word… was “Listen to your Body” So, my advice for this would be to notice your triggers, what causes a rise in emotion, do some deep inner shadow work, inner child work, Teal Swan, has a great many techniques that will free up some of this built up tension and unacknowledged emotion… Mostly have patience and go easy on yourself - Be present with you! Nurture you and give yourself what it is that you're craving =)

Pisces or Option 12 - Observe
So it may feel like your back at the crossroads! You may have thought that that situation was long behind you and yet every year it finds a way to creep back again… This is a time for you to not make a firm decision but to be open to all the possibilities this is a time for you to do nothing more than to observe! I do feel like you need to get out and about, you need to get your body moving, when we come to these combination points we spend so much time trapped inside our own minds that we exhaust ourselves mentally, instead get physical, movement, dance, free your body and get your mind off of it - your not coming to any conclusion yet, not until you find a way to get going again, but for that you have to see or should I say wait on how things are going to play out - look at all angles you have more than one option here. The word I got for you was Dance =) Again Pisces rules the feet I think it’s simply to move about in the space we have we may not be moving forward yet but there is plenty to consider. . . Maybe even a pattern to un-code.

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