It's that time again where you get to select yourself a card! Numbers 1 through to 12. For added information check out your Sun Sign/Moon Sign Cards as well...
Please do comment your choice below & share with friends!
1 = Aries, 2 = Taurus, 3 = Gemini, 4 = Cancer, 5 = Leo, 6 = Virgo, 7 = Libra, 8=Scorpio, 9 = Sagittarius, 10 = Capricorn, 11 = Aquarius & 12= Pisces
Obviously I've asked that the chosen card relates to you! But this is just for fun & should be taken as such…
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If you missed this month General Overview Horoscope for your Sign you can check this playlist (as seen on my Youtube Channel)
For the Mid Month ones click here
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Now you have selected lets see what your Card says about you or something going on with you right now or very soon.
Cards Revealed Below with meanings!!
Card 1 - The Ring
Aries, or those that opted for card number one you guys will be rethinking your commitments be that relationship commitments, work, project or any verbal commitment or agreement you made. I strongly feel you could feel torn between two options and it requires you go with what actually will make you happier long term as opposed to impulsively rushing in. It could be an offer to move, travel, or overall a change in the dynamics - maybe a relationship will get a little more deeper or real. Really consider this invitation as there could a situation from where you won’t return (Changes).
Card 2 - The Letter
Card 3- The Sun
Gemini, or those that opted for card number 3…
I feel like you need to do you, There is a need to communicate your needs authentically and take action based off of what make you happy and lights you up from within. I feel like a lot of you who selected this card will be cutting ties with something and it will be totally liberating and freeing for you… Although you are doing a lot of inner processing, going back and forth I feel like you can hone this choice and weigh things out to see where to take the next steps - Something needs killing off, this could even be an old thought pattern that is holding you back from pursuing something or someone.
Card 4- The Fish
Card 5 - The Book
Leo, or those that opted for card number 5… So the Book!!! Knowledge is power my friends, knowledge is power . . . There could be something that your totally unaware of at least right now but fear not all will be revealed… This could be to do with work and a choice or decision that you need to make but your unsure of it. Perhaps some of you are looking at studying more - But in all honesty, what is this all costing you and is this really what you need to further yourself? I see something or someone eating away at you or perhaps doing or saying something's behind the scenes - What I do feel though is you will catch this person out and over hear something that will prove to be of importance. You will receive a solution to this problem.
Card 6 - The Child
Virgo, or those that opted for card 6… Now some of you could be starting something new while others are playing childish games… Who is it that you wish to be and are you speaking your truth or creating a false self. I really do see Magic about to happen if your mind is in the right place. I see new opportunities in work and a chance for you to start a new project or health regime but first you really must make a choice, I’m seeing a change of direction, you can fight the change but there will be lots of conversations coming up that will enforce the changes that you will need to make at some point. Tap into your inner child as he/she what will really satisfy them right now.
Card 7- The Moon
Libra, or those that opted for card number 7… Propositions and maybe promotions coming your way. . . The aim of the game for you is talking, expressing yourself and applying yourself. You see the Moon can either ignite a creative spark or it can swallow you whole as your emotions and doubts suppress you… fight this and go forward! You know somethings gotta end, your ready for change and you know that you have a long way to go - don’t allow the road ahead to put you off, because if you start today you will be one step closer than yesterday… If you put it off you are going nowhere - Go somewhere! Do not be afraid of failure use it help you stand up and build what it is that you want for yourself. Use this time to put an end to an old doubt!
Card 8 - The Tree
Scorpio, or those that opted for card 8… Are you being stubborn? I feel like you are stuck, conflicted maybe about where you're going and the speed you're going at. It seems slow and What I do see is that there could be an old friend, a new friend that comes in and helps you with something… Branch out and be surprised by what this person can bring you - It could be literally life changing! Right now ask where your roots are and are you feeling it’s time to stretch out and allow someone in? Could blossom into a strong friendship.
Card 9- The Heart
Sagittarius, or those that opted for card number 9… This card is all in regards to someone you care deeply about, a choice of belonging or maybe it’s no choice they just are and will always be a part of you… What I feel though is that there is something you can sense that they are not being forthcoming about… Are they hiding something? This could cause a confrontation or argument - My advice is to ask out straight instead of allowing it to eat away at you and make sure you find the facts out for yourself and don’t believe all that you hear - Could be that someone is stirring the pot. This person is important to you so don’t rush in take the time to be compassionate in understanding why they feel they need to hide something if they are in the first place.
Card 10- The Woman
Capricorn, or those who opted for card 10… You are contemplating your relationship with a woman currently, it’s a choice you must now make - Do you progress this or do you end it all together… She was brought into your life for a reason and yet you keep trying to push it out or to the side, and then your mind wonders on her. There is a level of transformative energy about her, perhaps she has helped you, healed you or is healing to be around and at the same time you feel like there is more to discover to explore to learn. I feel like you should stop putting things off and address this - She can teach you a great deal and together be this romantically or otherwise it could be good for you.
Card 11- Bear
Aquarius, or those who opted for card number 11… The bear is symbolic of strength and protection… What's funny was that in the Mid Month I spoke about an Iceberg of emotion and now we see a polar bear swimming below the surface. I feel like your starting to untap something that you kept hidden, guarded and protected for a time - It could feel difficult at first but as you allow it to surround you and you drink it in you will discover so much more about yourself and what really is the issue and how it is that you actually feel. I see a big decision and one that could generate a little bit of gossip - still there is something magical about what you will discover and it will require work, but nothing in life worth having is ever easy.
Card 12- The Castle
Pisces, or those that opted for card number 12! When I think of the Castle I think of Knights and Princes and yes the idea of it appears all very romanticised but the reality of it all was cold, brutal, necessary and it has a sense of fatedness about it. The Castle is symbolic of the deep past, it signals the things that took place that was necessary for you to go through as it brought you right here and you would not be the you that you are now, if it was not for that situation, relationship or series of events - It transformed you. I feel like you will revisit some of this and it's almost that putting it all into order, uncovering some kind of truth that was kept from you back then… That quite frankly doesn’t change anything now but it helps with the closing of that chapter.
I feel like this will be pleasant news, information, recognition given to you… Perhaps it will even surprise you with what turns up and even more so at where this can end up leading you.
Let me know if your ‘’just for fun’’ Card related to you…
Many thanks
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