Showing posts with label august. Show all posts
Showing posts with label august. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 August 2017


August 29th through to September 5th, 2017

This Week I feel as though something is coming to a close… In some extremes it can feel like a death, now it doesn’t mean a literal death, of a person, but something is going to shift to the point where it’s no longer the same this week.

Your plans could suddenly change or the venue or chosen place for these plans could be shut down, out of business or no longer the same. All in all, I feel something is going to change.

I have tried to do mini predictions for all 12 signs but read all of each element as it could still relate to you - for example… I’m a Pisces Sun, Cancer Rising & Gemini Moon - So I should read all of the water signs (Pisces, Cancer & Scorpio) as well as all of Air Signs (Gemini, Aquarius & Libra) even though the Pisces, Cancer, and Gemini will most relate.

It feels like you're at a crossroads this week Water Signs!

This week Pisces I feel you can either be visiting someone from your past or going to a place that you have not been to in a while or someone is coming to visit you this week - I feel the experience to be somewhat altering, spiritual or it could be drawn to going to church for some reason this week… That of this visit has more to offer you than at first glance.

This week cancer there could be a lot of talk over some sort of important matter at hand this week… I’m not so sure its new gossip or talk but it’s certainly coming up a lot. You may be questioning what it is that you're doing with your life this week and where it’s going to lead you long term. Not sure why but they are saying “Karma”. What goes around comes around.

This Week Scorpio I feel you thinking long and hard about the past, past issues, worries, fears, concerns and doubts about the past. It feels like whatever is going on it's a little larger than life right now and it would be a prime time for you to give meditation a go… I feel there is some kind of spiritual message to take from this week.

This week Fire Signs I feel like also things are moving slowly they are certainly starting to move. SO anything that was already on hold could start to get going.

This week Aries I feel as though you are considering your commitments moving forward… Some of you might be assessing your new responsibilities, commitments, promises, and contracts, while others of you, are looking at your relationships to your children or new friends.  Or perhaps some of you might hear the news that there is a pregnancy in the family - Nieces, nephews or cousins.

This week Leo I feel Like some of you are planning a little get away with your significant other. There could be opportunities for you to be a little more social this week, events, parties or evening dinners could all be on the cards for you this week. For those that are single, you could very well meet someone while out this week for others the indication could be more of an acquaintance that could ask you to go out.

This Week Sagittarius I feel like you're being held back or delayed, this can be with travel or movement plans. There very well could also be an old issue that gets brought back up this week, as a result, something that was not resolved could start to be resolved.

This week Earth Signs I feel there will be some hurdles to overcome!

This week Taurus I feel you will have to face something that you do not want to face. It could be that this week you get an unexpected bill or some of you might get a little fine come your way… I do Feel as though mostly this week will bring some kind of issue and it is one that you do not need to deal with alone - so please ask for help!

This Week Virgo I feel like you have hit a bit of a dead end this week, it’s like the way forward is currently on standby - You could receive news of the delay or if you happen to of been waiting for something to arrive then you can expect that to come this week.

This week Capricorn I feel will be a pleasant week for you. I feel like you could get an offer of work, some kind of proposition coming your way… But I do feel like there could be some sort of social or work event that will have a few obstacles to overcome.

This week there is a lot of sneaking around when it comes to you, Air Signs!

This Week Gemini I feel like there could be a little bit of dishonesty, either from you, yourself, or someone younger being a little bit sneaky. This can point to a secret about a connection with someone younger, or be keeping a pregnancy private… It could be that a child is hiding something from you - or if there are contracts at hand here there maybe something that you do not know - the example you hire someone to then find out in a few weeks or after probation period that they are pregnant and will not be able to work.

This week Libra I feel like someone is for sure lying to you, trying to deceive you in some way, so my advice is to not believe everything you hear this week find the truth out for yourself. It could be a time where you experience some misunderstandings this week. As a side note you can also like your fellow planet ruler Taurus, could find some sort of unexpected expense this week, a bill or a fee too.

This Week Aquarius I feel like there is some connection or reconnection being made with someone that you have known for a really long time or someone most obviously from your past… Now I don’t know why but they give me the impression that you could be escaping some sort of consequences this week, like you're getting away with something in link with the person from your past - they don’t know something or you are not telling them something but this week it doesn’t even matter.

Have a beautiful week!

Tuesday 22 August 2017



This Cancer Rising person is still feeling the effects of last nights New Moon/Solar Eclipse… So I shall keep this weeks weekly brief and to the point.

The energies that I feel for in general for this week is a symbol of growth, they are showing me a tree, so I feel some of you might be tapping back into your roots, connecting to important people to you - like your oldest and dearest of friends. . . For others, you might be feeling a little stuck, and for others, you need really look at what it is that you are aiding in new growth, is it serving you?



This week is a week of blessings for you but on the other side, it seems like you have to have a talk that you may be putting off or avoiding. I promise you that the outcome will be so worth your while! Do not hold back, you need to stand up for yourself or say your piece.

For you guys, I feel that this week is a week you open the window to an entire life change. This is a week where belief(s) could suddenly change, a time where you simply change directions.

I feel for you guys that there are changes being made without your consent or without you being made aware of them this week. It’s a time for you to really start to research and gain wisdom/knowledge moving forward.

For you guys, I get the sense that you could very well overcome some issue, obstacle or blockage that you didn’t think was possible to do so. I feel like luck is on your side - so positive outcomes when you face those difficult situations.

Have a beautiful week!
LOVE ~ LittleWitch <3

Friday 14 August 2015

A Twist of Fate - August the Month of Destiny!

A Twist of Fate
Making a New Life for Yourself - New Moon/Full Moon 2014/2015

Okay, So I didn’t really feel like i made sense with what i was saying in my introduction to today’s 14th August 2015 New Moon horoscope! So here i am here with diagrams and all to try and get my point across.

Now I have been saying since the end of December 2014 how 2015 is going to be a transformational year… Everything is leading us up to this point in time. Lots of Destined things happening and especially with relationships.

Okay so back in 2014, July 26th we had the Last New Moon in Leo… So it’s been about a Year just over since we have had a New Moon in the sign of Leo? Leo is the brightest sign of the Zodiac it brings illumination and its powerfully linked to the heart so I do feel this is important to state, and something which should be looked at.

Now I do not do Sun Sign Horoscopes for the fact i like all my readings to be 100% Accurate and relatable to you, the reader… Sun Sign Horoscopes are only 85% Correct if your Sun just so happens to fall into the 1st house in your birthchart. The birth chart is dependant upon place and time of birth as it sets the chart in motion… Now Unless you use equal house systems of which i don’t although if i am using Vedic for predictions I would I just feel this is the best way for me to give you, the reader the best insight as the planets do not just affect you they affect us all on a grander scale too of which i base my scopes to… Unless if your getting a reading i will look at your chart and get to specifics.

Okay on to the reason i’m even writing this! 2014, July 26th Here is the chart of the New Moon on the Right with the Chart for the Full Moon on august 10th 2014 on the Left.

2014 full moon new moon.jpg

Now Below is the charts for 2015 New Moon August 14 on the right and the Full Moon on the 29 August on the Left.

2015 New Moon Full Moon.jpg

Okay, So from these two sets of charts you can see some similarities that both New Moons start off with Sun and Moon Conjunct, with 2014 Jupiter Conjunct and in 2015 Venus Retro Conjunct.

In both Full Moon Charts they both have the opposition between Sun and Moon that Tug of war torn between two vibe going on… With a Square going off to Saturn in Scorpio! and an Aspect to Uranus, in 2014 a easy aspect and in 2015 a minor just tricky one both indicating change.

So this Saturn in Scorpio has been about letting go, clearing the past 30 years, of old habits, old ways of thinking a breaking free of many ways but also digging deep enough to see the truth - Things rising to the surface. Now back in 2014 we had and still do have this Pluto/Uranus Square now squares serve us to learn something to adapt to make things better…

In 2014 I think we was so focused on the ego and stuck in the physicalities of the situation that we forgot to pay attention to the heart hence why the change was so difficult back then yet probably was for some liberating. Around this time i saw tremendous amounts of breakups, issues in regards to trust and a lot of scandals coming to the surface. It was easier to get out of the situation, to run and jump into something new than to deal with the situation - Saturn literally broke everything apart and only those in strong committed relationships became even more stronger. *applause to you folks*

Also in 2014 Full Moon was surrounded with difficult conversations… Now moving to 2015 it’s been a little over a year and this summer we have been faced with some difficult things to do with the past few years but more so to do with our relationships, the ones that ended maybe we have been thinking on those some more, old people from the past cross paths again and new lovers coming in as we wrap up the destiny node in Libra which purpose was to align us with the right people.

Looking at the 2015 29th August transit chart you can see that yes there is still that opposition but it’s now technically in Pisces Moon looking at the Sun in Virgo. We have the opportunity to have what we want in our lives and yes we have to work for it, sort out the kinks and let go of the past… However Virgo can be incredible self sabotaging in terms of not feeling worthy, needing things to be perfect and in a certain way.. Example- I need to have this, this and this sorted before i can ever have that!

This could not be further from the truth the opposition does feel like a tug of war, sometimes feels like a choice between two things in this case could even indicate people/relationships (venus in reto after all)... Pisces and Neptune tell you to look at why these people are in your life, what have you learnt, what was the reason behind it all, trust in your gut your intuition… If you know a Pisces you will know that they find the imperfect moments… perfect, the love the imperfections and these opportunities come along once in a lifetime - in this case what with Saturn in Scorpio i’d say it will be another 30 years before this kind of magic comes knocking.

It’s time to step up! The Virgo energy in 2015, what with Sun being conjunct Jupiter it is making for some amazing luck but you will have to but work into it, to stand up and get what you want. Sometimes this means a change in certain things, in your plan so to speak, adjustments need to be made… It will interesting to see how you all choose during this time!

To end I’d just say that in terms of relationships things have never been so clear, you just have to allow yourself to let the changes in, have courage have those important conversations and know that this will transform you in a way like last year but I see this as the beginning of something much more to come!

Thanks a million for taking the time to read my rambles… I hope it kind of gave you food for thought to reflect back to the past year and look at how things have transformed and to prepare yourself for whats to come…

Everything has led you here

☪✮☯ With Love☯✮☪