Tuesday 24 October 2017



WELCOME TO THE DARK SIDE! We are now officially in Scorpio Season where things get turned up a notch or two, Scorpio season is my Favourite Season of the entire year and mainly because of the connection to spiritual realm comes a little easier, signs are more apparent, spooky stuff happens and the energy climbs this week with our first quarter square of the Moon in the sign of changes, Aquarius - a Week where anything can happen in my opinion so be open to making a few changes.

Lastly we have the Sun Conjunct Jupiter this week in Scorpio, meaning two light bringing, awareness and illuminations coming down deep into the sign of darkness, depth and truth - things can get real heavy but bring great opportunity all in the name of personal growth and expansion - Something buried can have spotlight on it Tuesday through to Sunday.

Okay on with this Week | Please check your Sun, Moon & Rising (ASC) Sign for more well-rounded reading for the Week.


Overview for all Fire Signs
In general, I feel as though you guys should come up with a solution to some annoying little issue you might have - perhaps trying something you haven’t done before.

ARIES | For you I believe that there could be something happening that may change things for you and that points to a wish being granted - or gaining something you have wanted for some time.

LEO |For you I am feeling a journey to see a lady this week or a lady coming to visit you this week.

SAGITTARIUS| For you I feel a social meet up or a change of plans this week (invite maybe) or you're relaying something that may not have happened quite as it did this week.


The overall message for the earth Signs
For all you Earth Signs I am seeing a persistent round of gossip going around within a social group that you're connected to, chances are its old news and might not even be factual… But it could lead you to turn an opportunity down.

TAURUS | I am seeing a little anxiety, fear or worries over work or maybe your doing a Virgo and reading up on something and convincing yourself that you have an illness that you don’t have. Concerns over changes and things ending.

VIRGO| I feel a professional male could be of assistance to you this week… Or they could offer you something that can cause a little bit of drama this week.

CAPRICORN |Fear, not you guys! Things are going to work out in your favour this week you might even gain a “secret wish”.


The overall message for all
I feel that you Air signs could be experiencing changes with relationships, contracts and commitments this week - be it breaking them or starting up new ones

GEMINI | I feel like you guys might be heading off to some place that will bring a smile to your face - I am picking up on a delay be this something you held off or you are postponing it this week.

LIBRA |Okay you guys it’s all about your lifestyle choices and perhaps making some beneficial ones for yourself.

AQUARIUS | I feel like you guys might be making some foreign connections, that can lead to potential working opportunities - but travel might be needed.

The overall message for all
I feel like you water signs are going to connect with someone who will be a permanent fixture of your life. Someone you can rely upon, you may have already met them or you will at a social or public event.

CANCER |For you I feel like this is a week of a monetary bonus or gain. So if money hasn’t been so great expect it to improve - have a chat.

SCORPIO | You guys could attend an unplanned/surprise event and get a potential job opportunity this week. Anything delayed should pick up speed now.

PISCES | I feel like you guys should have a positive week, but there could be old fears or doubts creeping up about the past - but the end of that is at least in sight.

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