The message of the Lamb is about questioning what you're conforming to. Sheep love to be apart of the group, they want to be accepted and belong to something bigger and to be apart of something that feels safe. As such, the message here could be about fear of being different, doing something different and not shying away. The message here with the Lamb is about embracing your untapped potential and following your own path, not the path that may have been set out for you.
When I see the lamb there is this vulnerability that comes alongside it, “can I do this”, “will they understand”, “I want to belong- to be liked and accepted”, Self-doubt, they start to listen to what the rest of the herd are saying and because they don’t have the greatest of vision they can back down and get in line. It’s good to be grateful with you have but it is okay to dream of more, it’s time to find your herd, the ones that will support your dreams because even though a sheep can be independent they do yearn to belong to a group.
It is time for you to get into a quiet space and listen for what truth is trying to surface. Be patient, your time will come.
THE COUNTERPART TO THIS IS THE EARTHWORM - So perhaps the issue here is that you're not wanting to come out and into the light, you could very well be hiding away, or perhaps you feel as though you're not experienced enough... It reminds me of the Movie "Sing" Meena, The Elephant/Tori Kelly, who has this big gift inside of her but she is just plain shy and so she has to stay behind the scenes until she can face that fear.
The point is that you have something to offer, and you want something, but what are you willing to share in exchange. The Earthworm doesn’t like to be the centre of attention, in fact, when it senses the light it automatically wants to burrow underground. It’s either time to come up and share something or it’s time to get some movement in the soil of the dream you have, get productive and fertilize the soil so as your seeds can grow.
- hope this helps <3 Askalittlewitch