Showing posts with label north Node in Virgo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label north Node in Virgo. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 November 2015



It's that time again where you get to select yourself a card! Numbers 1 through to 12. For added informations check out your Sun Sign/Moon Sign Cards as well...
Please do comment your choice below & share with friends!
1 = Aries, 2 = Taurus, 3 = Gemini, 4 = Cancer, 5 = Leo, 6 = Virgo, 7 = Libra, 8=Scorpio, 9 = Sagittarius, 10 = Capricorn, 11 = Aquarius & 12= Pisces
Obviously I've asked that the chosen card relates to you! But this is just for fun & should be taken as such…

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Now you have selected lets see what your Card says about you or something going on with you right now or very soon.

Cards Revealed Below with meanings!!

Card 1 - The Solar Plexus

This card comes about as an indication that you need to have courage to take action on your feelings and not on your impulses… Feel how you feel not taking the logical approach but it’s going to open you up to believing that you CAN achieve what you desire you just have to step up your game and get out of your comfort zone. If you are an Aries you probably are wanting a change, you need to move you have itchy feet you need to do something… But you need to ask yourself what’s so bad about things being the same? What’s so bad to grow your emotions in this? Are you being honest with yourself or are you wanting to run away - Honesty will be required and you will see how it surfaces with or without your consent. Don’t be afraid for people to see you, it’s time to ask the question where and what will make you happiest in the longterm… Be honest and have courage to own your feelings! The courage you have but not when it comes to your emotions

Card 2 - Material harvest (R)

This is a beautiful card that states that you are on the brink of something coming to a close for you… Your thinking about starting something creative, a project on the horizon, or maybe you have an offer that requires you to think on it… Maybe your considering the future of a relationship or maybe someone new comes into your life… A choice about what comes next for you, and you are not or may not be someone who makes hasty changes and it is important you think on it as something is going to be revealed before the Sun leaves Scorpio! And if you have a lot going on right now it could be a time where you stop doing something, you need to give more time to you!

Card 3- The Balance

This New Moon is all about relationships, doing the right thing, committing or getting out if your heart's not into it… It’s about making authentic connections, finding people who mirror you perfectly a lot of this is going to be highlighting your relationships. But you will have to wait just a while longer because for you too you do not know all the facts yet and something will take place that clicks thing in motion. It’s about being real being with people that make you feel at home, not trying to anything but you… If your looking for justice this can also mean you will receive it but not right away still requires waiting.

Card 4- Accelerated Motion

Well aren’t you a busy bee!! Lots of ideas, connecting, talking your certainly more social than normal… If you can keep yourself focused this is the perfect time for you to turn your dreams into a reality if you do things with writing, speaking, creative type expressive work this will be of advantage for you. This Card symbolises the need to remain focus on the target though not on the arrows keep on the bigger picture... opportunities for you to travel, lots of movements and things going on this New Moon & Node shift is going to be be pretty exciting! Lots of trips, journeys and meeting of people! More so than normal.

Card 5 - Sacrifice (R)

It’s important you do not become stuck in wanting things to be a certain way, It’s about releasing control and see things differently… You will be slightly challenged in your beliefs and in letting go of of certain things. There is a lot of patience needed in your career field as well… Are you being authentic to your core values or are you changing certain things. This could be a time where you are unsure of which way to go when really all you need to do is let go of expectations and just letting go of the past enough for you to move on… You are stuck in limbo it’s time to move forward now.

Card 6 - Memories of Love (R)

This is a card that indicates you can meet someone new, there could also be a past life connection coming in as well… Maybe your thinking a lot about the past and reflecting a lot on what has happened the past few years but this New Moon and the Nodes shifting will bring a lot of luck your way, a lot of opportunities and there could also be a letting go for you as well. What this card does point to is a change - Destiny is coming knocking for you! Something fated will be taking place.

Card 7- Foundations & Achievements (R)

Well this card has surprise all over it! what I will say is be careful with your spending - That Saturn in Sagittarius has everyone spending more than they have… But you could be in for some luck when it comes to money, work maybe a change in income for you. It can point to something happening out of the blue. Just try to not be so surprised with the surprise…  After all i have prewarned you! =) Being as we are in scorpio it could relate to finding something out that may get you thinking… Things are shaking up.

Card 8 - Intuition (R)
Intuition is on point for you my friends in fact right now it’s happening a lot more with ease you can cut through and see what’s really going on… Trust in yourself, your abilities and talents, you are free stop feeling stuck in your situation you know what you need to do… Moving forward and not looking back this is your time to shine! It’s time you know that your on the right path, so set sail and start your work stop procrastinating you cannot stand in the way of your own calling =) If it feels right it is just do not talk yourself out it.

Card 9- Discontent and boredom

What with Saturn in Sagittarius you could feel like your being restricted like you want to way more but for some reason you have to do A, B,C, or do you??? This card indicates that something is on the horizon something really positive but you so stuck under your grey cloud of “whatever is not going right” that you can’t see that actually Saturn in sagittarius cannot control you completely you have an opportunity on the horizon! So take it! Maybe someone from the past has come back, maybe you realise just how good it is that things didn't work out as maybe, just maybe a new love is on the horizon only your too stuck in the details of Virgo to see it!

Card 10- The Empress (R)

It’s time for you to dig deep and ask yourself is it all worth it… Are you being true to yourself? Do the people around you appreciate you? You need to take time to do the things that make you happy… Maybe your overworking yourself exerting your energy when you shouldn't. It’s time for you to focus on you. Maybe your thinking about someone important in your life but not having the courage to do something about it. Maybe you do not know all the facts… But you soon will.

Card 11- The Universe (R)

There are things that need healing, old wounds from the past return so you can actually heal and move on. . . There is something you need to release and you cannot fully move in the direction openly with full emotions and feelings because they are buried and the Key is facing a fear in relation to the past. Some unfinished business could come back into your life to transform you… What’s clear is you will be transformed! Unexpected things come up for you… A door is closing and a new one is wanting to open but are you ready? Be honest as the truth surfaces from within.

Card 12- The Sun

For you it’s all smiles and joys you feel like things are finally on track… Pleasant news, fun new adventures, and success it feels like you are shining a little brighter than you have in a while as things are coming together everything makes sense that this is just where you need to be and you have lots to get excited about! Do not overthink things so much, start worrying that when a good thing comes along it will all turn to crap… Times are changing you have a choice do the one that feels right to you, focus on the joys, on the pluses not on the negatives things will become clear things are being illuminated for you!

Let me know if your ‘’just for fun’’ Card related to you
Many thanks
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