Friday 2 January 2015

Astrology for January 02 2015 - unexpected things could happen today!

* * * * Astrology January 02 2015 * * * *

Karmic Energy starts to build as we move out of this harsh learning to do with relationships. I think we have all learnt a lot about relationships for the past 6 months and now that is wrapping up because Venus will move into Aquarius, so expect the unexpected and step towards those that bring out the best you.

I think with the Moon in Gemini we are learning more and more about who we are, what we want and applying our self to become or step into this new chapter of our life.

There is also opportunities that come when we think outside the box, be courageous and do something we wouldn’t usually do today… But at the same time there is an uneasiness of sticking to things being traditional in getting to where you want to get to - staying on the path… I’m just saying something unusual or unexpected come really come at you - but you're really needing to be courageous to go and get what it is you want - and you will.

Rest assured things are going to get a whole lot better - a lot of karmic energy with relationships that can bring a lot of happiness your way too. Something could surface putting a spin in the pipe works - nethertheless i see this as an absolute positive aspect! Things will certainly start to shake up.

No matter how things have turned out so far things will intensify and bring unlikely people together - things will surface from within and inspire us to change for the better.

There is pressure around but know that whatever tests find there way to you… It’s really just lighting the way for something greater… Also be cautious still of what you say, you might slip something out that you didn’t mean too, it could also be a day of just letting out how you feel…

I’ll now be taking Tarot bookings for 2015- if you're interested to know what is just behind the curtain.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Astrology for New Years Eve 2014 + New Years Day 2015

* * * * Astrology December 31 2014 + 01 2015 * * * *

This New Years Eve - Try not to get over emotional, allowing the alcohol to speak for you. Instead really tap into the Taurus energy enough to see things rationally. I think people could end up seeing a different side to you tonight as there is likely to be some tension around emotions.

I see that tonight could end up being the end to an old emotional habit of yours… I think that you will all find that people are not the same as they were at the beginning of the year as a lot has changed and tonight this will be highlighted.

Also i know that you could be wearing your heart on your sleeve a little more than usual - don’t make hasty decisions tonight & think before you act! I think there could be a chance that you could take something too personally and over react.

As always there is a Sun Conjunct Pluto aspect which just highlights the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. A lot of us could be a little withdrawn at times over the New Year and it is just a reflective stage.

More of us will be willing to take the action to make big things happen too. I also see that there is a need or a want to act upon a changed of belief or just setting that something new/wish into motion… But you're going to need to find the courage to take a new approach to the matter.

There will be a lot on everybody's minds today and tomorrow and there will be a need to find a middle ground and compromise on things related to the heart.

YES there is still Magic in the air when it comes to love, opportunities arise and with Saturn’s influence it will pull apart anything that is not real or good for you or at least the signs will be there… I think Relationships could become stronger than ever around this time also.

The Midnight Madness - Exactly as the clocks strike 12am Planet Saturn and the Moon will oppose!!...

With all that has happened i think this particular aspect is really looking at that big change (that took place during the Summer) and the preparation of this new chapter of your life. Taurus moon can be very reflective yet at the same time you knew you had to do what was done to get you to where you need to be.

But for some of us we could of dealt with things differently, reacted a little different but what with all this Capricorn and the Moon aspects we have not really been thinking things through but just charging forward - Taurus is cautious about his stepping and he always succeeds - so don’t fret.
I think as we go into the new year we are able to really look at our lives from a more rational standpoint.

We at least by now have gathered enough truth to know, see or look at things in a way that brings clarity. By this i'll refer back to Saturn again - The tearing apart of anything unauthentic and making it so things have been exposed. It’s all apart of making you stronger and to step into your life with confidence without the need to hide.

Ist January 2015
A good day for Love, relationships, communication and intuition. But there is a lot of tension - did you say a little too much last night? Was you thinking a little too far ahead and not thinking/reading things clearly. Not the best time to sign things… Use Capricorn Energy to plan and prepare!! But maybe some of you have started to charge ahead instead of reading the small print.

Could be a little stress and tension when it comes to emotions and feelings. I think we could still have someone or something thing like a certain situation playing on our minds today - could be either or both positively or negatively… Still there is something that needs resolving or you will continue to drag it into your shiny new chapter. Something needs to be learnt and let go of of fixed.

The around 8pm ish on New years Day, the Moon will switch signs to Gemini meaning we are able to analyse, plan or even understand or take on a little more - but it can make you emotionally a bit scattered but still increases your need to talk things out or in general communicate.

I’ll now be taking Tarot bookings for 2015- if you're interested to know what is just behind the curtain.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Astrology December 30 2014

Astrology December 30 2014

I think today will be a day that reality sets in… I mean that in a good way as the morning there is still a lot of passion and energy when it comes to how you feel and when it comes to relationships there is a need to look at things clearly and in a more logical way.

I think you're wanting to take charge and control of this new chapter in your life but there is a lot that need sorting out. Now i think because in the morning if you do act upon it you could really throw a curveball at someone - your way of dealing with things is not like you at all… or is this just the new you?

Another highly intuitive day but the morning could be more foggy or you could be away with the fairies as i like to say. But that nagging feeling inside, that hunch or whatever you want to call it is highlighted enough for you to act upon it.

I’d also say for you to get a grasp on the real story today and not the one you have been creating in your mind - as things expand treat people based upon facts and not fiction… A lot of us will let our minds run wild today.

The Moon by midday will change signs into stable Taurus meaning we are more grounded emotionally yet we yearn for familiarity and can be quite sentimental. I think if your single then today could bring up the past but at the same time meeting someone during this time could prove to be promising and lucrative.   

I think we go from wanting to be impulsive to slowing down and being more rational… Taurus doesn’t usually charge ahead until all the facts or things are in place in the right way - This is with business (as they tend to reach high in their chosen field) and in relationships they can be closet romantics you know.

I see a lot of us are learning and have learnt from past mistakes too as relationships deepen and get more serious. I think that there is almost an element of ‘’feels right’’ that sinks in. The universe is certainly working a lot to do with relationships and long term is way more fun and  has much more to gain than anything temporary.

Remember everything is happening for a reason and Saturn in his new Sign will expose anything fake for what it truly is and replace it with something amazing when you learn from your past mistake - big lessons and big blessings.

I’ll now be taking bookings for 2015- if you're interested to know what is just behind the curtain.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Monday 29 December 2014

Astrology Decemeber 29 2014

Astrology December 29 2014

The General Theme of Today

I think with NYE just around the corner there has been a lot of thoughts collectively looking at where their lives are leading. For some it will be a case of charging a head or perhaps thats what many of us have been doing in the recent months.

But my advice is that we must look at the long term goal, not just what’s right in front of us now - I mean yes pay attention to the here and now but with this Capricorn Energy it’s important that we are aligning with things that will and can make us happier in the next 6 months, year or years to come.

I also think it is wise that you think your plans through, I mean it doesn’t matter what you want to do in your life - it’s possible but now is the time to think and make steps, goals or plans for the future - and stick to them.

Today is about looking at your stability and foundations are things aligning with your true self? These next few years will surprise a lot of us and especially this next year.

A lot has ended but a lot more will begin - you will see! Even if you feel like things are not going well or things ‘’always go bad’’ believe me there is a reason and the next year will be just the opening of that greatness.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Sunday 28 December 2014

Astrology Sunday Decemeber 28 2014

Astrology December 28 2014

Today will prove to be tense as we have the Moon and Uranus Conjuncting. Basically meaning that you could become Emotionally intense and impulsively act out - as Uranus does not like to do things in set ways but rebel against anything seen as ‘’proper’’.

Now don’t get me wrong it won't be a bad day at all it could infact be super exciting as you wanna start the new year ahead of schedule - Aries Energy with Moon can make us act upon things and power ahead without thinking.

We do however have a lot of planets coming together still in Capricorn, and by now you should know that Capricorn is a planner, a prepper and a step 1,2,3 er haha but a lot of us can find that today we are ruled by our emotions so we could end up more  doing a 1,6,8 instead of in order.

We are definitely learning a lot and have done so the last half of 2014 and now it really is a re-birth of something… But i still feel like what ever came to an end to you is being highlighted in some way - things really are different and something significant has changed and we are now moving into a phase of our life.

For sure there will be a little tension as we are not aligning with heart and self expression today. I think it is important to try to work through any emotional hang ups today so you can find a way to express your self instead of using as fuel power to fire ahead without thinking.
Feelings of nostalgia could creep up but at the same time you're in a place of striving forward that you do not want to visit these emotions so you look for something or someone who can help raise your status out in the world.

A day where people can be very selfish as there is lots of Aries and Capricorn Energy yet a highly intuitive day by any means!

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Saturday 27 December 2014

Astrology December 27 2014

Astrology December 27 2014

Well today is a record breaking shortest ever Astro by me...

Today is a pleasant and an easy going day and i'll say enjoy it while it lasts... Things will tense up and get real intense as we approach the New year things could get a lot more serious.

But back to today... Everything is still festive, relaxed and there is a want and a need to just go with the flow of things today. A Moon in Pisces can make us all a little spaced out and behave a little Merry.

Today there is aneed to really allow someone to know the real you as often you land so far off from where you said you would - you focus could be a little off and when in terms of relationships you could be confusing those around you.

Are you being over optimistic?  Reality will set in -in just a few days… As i think there will be a little impulsiveness tomorrow. But today in general is a easy day a day of just chilling out, enjoying the party, the time of year or whatever you're doing today

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday 24 December 2014

- - - Holiday Season ASTROLOGY - - - 25 + 26 December 2014

Astrology December 25+26 2014

Christmas Day - Boxing Day

I think these two days will be odd ones - Yet it’s the holiday times - family around can at times cause stress and tension and my advice is to think before you act or speak as you could be slightly impulsive on the 25th.

I think you will be surprised with what emotions stir up for you over these two days - and although you want to be a little more detached by Boxing day/26th that will be near impossible as the Moon will be well into Pisces.

This year what with Uranus and Saturn two transformational Planets doing so much so this year - We are all in a New chapter of our lives… So much has changed whether physically or internally. We are not the same - Christmas is not the same as the previous years. This is the beginning and it’s time to step forward.

I do think there will be a tug of war with emotions, feelings, actions as all this is highlighted, expanded and we are able to see things from a broader, wider and bigger perspective.

I also think we all become a little too psychic around this holiday period and we are able to know how people are truly feeling inside having gone through or going through a change - this could be both positive and negative depending upon who's around.

Relationships of course are highlighted as are deep connections with people. I think a lot is rising and we are discovering things about situations, about us, our life, where we are heading and the truth behind what’s really going on.

I mean there are boundaries and compromised that need to be made in relationships around this time and maybe someone is overstepping the mark and this could cause some tension today.

There will be some positive yet unusual initiative solutions to how your feeling. Take advantage of the opportunities or ideas that come your way. I definitely feel we are in a different place and this will be a holiday that is like no other.

Boxing day - 26th is much like what i have just said with the exception that we are very aware and intuitive as to what’s going on around us and beneath the surface too.

In terms of relationships something new comes from the stress and tension - or that tug of war between where you see something doing. Things are going to improve and get better, maybe even a time where you could meet someone even if it’s at a time where you feel like that is the last thing you want. Still there is a tension as things get serious - maybe you want something serious, your questioning where things are going and from that comes something new and something more fulfilling.

There will be plenty of opportunities around this time to have your needs met. Emotions will be highlighted and from acknowledging that you can really shift gears. As you have learnt the lessons to the past and have no need to return to any part of that… Things really become more harmonious as we get into the 26th or at least you're in a place of accepting what is instead of wishing or wanting something different.
I think for the first time in a long while you're starting to understand your emotional nature, to know thy self is the key to life itself. With this i feel that you now release what you want and you do not want nor have you wanted casual relationships… Relationships i feel become a little more secure and stable as we are officially in the new phase/chapter of our life. Big lessons and big blessings with Saturn.

I hope you all have a beautiful time this Christmas leading into the new year <3

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Astrology December 24 2014

****Astrology December 24 2014**** Astro for Xmas and Boxing day will be up later today

I think today with a Moon in Aquarius we are wanting nothing more than to just be free, detached from everything but as it is conjunct Mars i think it can make us very spontaneous and maybe we could even be very open with someone or about something.

There is also a great deal going on with our minds which is also why i think things could get intense and thats because we want to get to the bottom of things our mind is stuck on something, someone or a situation and you need to get to the bottom of things - could make some anxious energy here.

There is something that could again be revealed today if it has not happened yet for you… We have just started a new chapter in our life, whether thats a move, a change of job or just a change in direction or views - This has not happened for 28 years so this is a big change and maybe some of you have not even experienced this kind of a change before.

Unusual opportunities could make there way to you today… A lot should be revealed and there is an excitable energy around - you have quick emotional responses so you spontaneous side when it comes to emotions could really surprise people.

In terms of relationships you know what it is that you want but at the same time you're not willing to give up your freedom and the life you have recently created over the months prior. There is a tug of war motion taking place because you want something serious in love but at the same time you're resistant to making compromises and maybe you even think you can have it both ways - but with this Saturn in Sagittarius let me tell you… It’s not possible - Saturn will break down anything that is not authentic and present you with what you deserve it’s not one to give for the sake of giving - not if there is something you need to learn

The is Much being illuminated from within today and the need to set things in motion, to understand something and to try and push for what you want. There could be a time earlier in the day where your heart and mind are on the same page but as the day progresses it’s important to see through situations or things for what is real and authentic to you.

Pay attention to the signs again today, i don’t think they will be quite as clear as in previous days but there are clues and answers being given if your truly open to seeing them.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Astrology December 23 2014

Astrology December 23 2014

Today will be intense purely because of Saturn changing signs into Sagittarius - I’ll get into that in a bit. I think today will reveal a lot of things maybe even it will reveal to others who you really are beneath the surface. Perhaps even something you wouldn’t usually share could come up today… I also get the notion of doing whatever it takes to achieve the goals you want and especially in relationships.

We still have five planets in the Sign of Capricorn, i won’t go into as much detail as yesterday but brief it for you… We are starting to or should now be in a place where we are looking at relationships, passions and loves in a way that has prospects. I mean we have things surfacing, and the need to analytically pull it apart piece by piece to fully understand and plan ahead and at the very same time our emotions and feelings are in alignment with it also.  I see an ending but also a new beginning maybe even a fresh start for some.

There could very well be some stress around how you feel and i think there could be some surprising, out of the blue or even unexpected news or feeling stir up from within you. You're looking for something extraordinary, yet you want freedom at the same time you want closeness and this type of confusion needs adjusting so you can feel fulfilled.

To add a little more into the mix i think some are being a little selfish or are acting without thinking. Again without repeating my self there is a need to compromise with what you want and what you're willing to give.

On a spiritual level i think we are 100% capable of tapping into that intuition to gain some deep inner awareness of what will make us the happiest and our mind for once is on the same page.

Please read over yesterdays Astrology if you would like to know more about the above… Now moving onto Saturn the Planet of change as it changes signs into sagittarius.

Can you feel a change yet? You will feel the shift more when the Moon Changes signs tomorrow into Aquarius…

Okay so Saturn is a game changer, it brings enormous amounts of change at a slow and steady pace, it’s a Planet of transformation and lessons but it always brings big blessings. Now i’m not going to lie Saturn doesn’t like to be in Sagittarius because it’s too optimistic and it’s bigger than Saturn as Sagittarius is ruled over by Jupiter the Planet of expansion and gains.

I think the next 3 years will be so transformational that by the end of it you will hardly recognise your self, the change will come in the place that it sits in your birth chart. But for now i think your views, beliefs, career among a few will be upgrading making you wiser and bringing a lot of positivity into your lives.
There is a need today though, to look at your life as it is, and stop wishing or wanting it to be different as the change will come in all due time but it’s important to keep your focus on the positive and right here and now is all we have so find the joy within it. There is also a need to know your self worth and to know that you what you want is totally possible to achieve and you will but Saturn does want you to learn something he never gives for the sake of giving only when you earnt it will you receive the amazing reward.

Going back to the Summer i think a lot of us went into a behaviour of being the status quo, doing what was expected of us and how our friends saw us and to kind of be that even if it was not who we truly were. I see that there is a stress or a regret brewing here as now what’s done is done and you want something back… Although if you're an Aquarius (because i’m talking about Planet Uranus) i think you so stuck in your head, maybe you're acting without thinking and so you won't tap into this or understand this because you're not in tune with who you are. You could be being impulsive and charging ahead - but there is going to be much change for you also - don’t let it take you by surprise.

I think a lot of us are guarding our emotions from others - maybe feeling a little cautious but nethertheless wanting to sort out problems that do arise in close relationships/partnerships.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Monday 22 December 2014

Astrology December 22 2014

Astrology December 22 2014

What’s really great is we start the week with a New Moon - As we have seen from the past few months is that the planets are all following one another…Another reason that there is something Karmic in the air.

We have 5 major Planets sitting in the Sign of Capricorn. So what this means and what we should take full advantage of, is the fact Capricorn always achieves his goals when he applies himself - So apply your self to meet your goals.

Now all the energy has shifted into the sign of Capricorn so it should feel like a stable kind of a day to be honest but 100% we are all moving into this new shift and Saturn too has changed signs - now in Sagittarius (big lessons + BIG BLESSINGS).

I want you to think back to the past few months, then look at where you were at 2 years or so ago… Major things have happened in these past few months since just before Summer, be it a new career, job, house, move, travel, relationships have played a huge role - Couples have been torn apart while others have been brought together. What’s important to remember is that Saturn in Sagittarius is the beginning of a new you, a new chapter and these next 2-3 years will be major for you - so big you will look back on these month as really see how much things have changed for the better.

Now I apologise for the exceeding length of today’s Astro, but so much is taking place this week and i want you to give you plenty of food for thought.

Uranus - The Ruling Planet of Aquarius - Goes Direct… Okay, What does this mean you ask? Well, Think back to July 22nd ish - the last few weeks of July this year. . . What happened for you!?

I ask this because around this time an awful lot of relationships started to take a plunder, confusion fogged us and things came to a hult. Now this can of made you want to rebel against a lot of things, not wanting to work through things but just to be selfish and pursue things that the ego wants of you.

Uranus direct means that expect the unexpected!! Inspiration will brew from within for months to come and at the same time as that huge changes for sure - you will hardly be able to recognise your self this time next year. Breakthroughs!!

A New Moon on Yule - Winter Solstice - holidays is a time to be thankful, show gratitude, and really set the foundations for the year to come. In a Few Days - Well on Tuesday 23rd at 14:40 Saturn will Change signs adding to the intensity to the week.

I think the highlight will really be on setting goals and plans for what it is that you truly want to achieve or have. I think relationships again will be taken more seriously as the Sun join in which just illuminates it. We also have a lot going on with our minds and putting our intellect and decision making into full speed ahead and you can also find certain things will be playing on your mind also. Serious thoughts and a time of reminiscing while the wanting to push forward to obtain your goals.

I think there will be stress and tension because of the fact we have gotten used to doing our own thing yet at the same time we want more in terms of relationships, feelings and emotions need to be met and we are not really wanting to put the work in. This is because Uranus is now direct and this need and want will grow and there will be a need to compromise.

There is however a strong need to act upon it but in an usual way of getting what you want. As Mars (planet of action and passion) is in Aquarius it brings an opportunity to the above… Uranus is Aquarius’s ruling planet so if the Aquarius folks can stay clear of contradicting themselves and find the balance between compromise while getting clear on what it is they truly truly want i think there could be many blessings coming over the next year.

Again without repeating myself there are signs and some truly Karmic things happening right now and it has been building up over the past few months or at least through the summer. You realise that all that has happened has done so for a reason. Pay attention to anything recurring, signs or things that randomly pop into your head or remind you of people. As this news, message or sign will help aid you in something.

My last advice for today is that you need to act, there cannot be any indecisions today and you will have losses because of over speculating. As i said a Month or so ago - ‘’Everything has an expiry date’’ If you don’t act you will miss out - but for those who already have been trying, move forward guys this does not apply to you - infact i would say that you need to be open to the new, and set your goals and do not to wait for something - go after it - new moon, fresh starts new chapter…

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Friday 19 December 2014

Astrology for the Weekend December 19, 20 + 21

Astrology for the WEEKEND December 19, 20 +21 2014

This weekend and the beginning of next week is all about the ending to a chapter of your life. There will be a lot of intensity around the weekend as you search and dig deeper into your current situation. One thing is for sure starting from the 21st there will be a big illumination and a revealing of things - The shift takes place on the 23rd late evening but you will start to feel the change this weekend as we wrap up this transformational period.

A lot of us might be a little on edge this weekend, defensive and can come across a little cold only because we do not want to risk the rejection as things surface. I think you will receive some clarity or be able to see the bigger picture as things expand but i feel this will cause some stress and tension - I don’t think what comes to the surface will be that easy to deal with… But there is a mix blessing to take from it. Maybe it is the fact that you acted too quickly upon a decision and now you feel like there is no going back. If you was one who confused fact from fiction then this too will surface… Again all these things will be linked to a huge change that has taken place the beginning is to come this part is about bringing forth everything so you can move into this new phase or chapter of your life - be that love, relationships, work, career or even a move it’s something that has brought a big change within the past 2 years.

On Saturday we have the moon changing Signs into Sagittarius this means that we are able to know, understand and accept our feelings and emotions as things expand further. I think there is a great positivity when we uncover some deep or dark aspect and shine a light we regain a new understanding of a situation.

I also see that within that comes a clear insight or vision of the future and how it will be and you might even surprise yourself with all this change and unique look and how you even relate or feel about something now. A time where people are more inclined to act in unusual ways in relation to how they feel a lot of energy as your passion and emotion flow.

I see that there will be a deep connection with someone this weekend or at least a feeling that links you with someone to relate to them… Guidance and spirituality come in here and they say for you to pay attention to the recurrences of the weekend.

On Sunday i think that our hearts and head will once again be aligned and on the same page no longer torn in two directions. Here i feel that we will have discovered enough to truly progress forward now. I think it is important to not be too impulsive or boast or brag about things, as sometimes it is necessary to admit your wrong doings and see a lose when you have one - However some people are able to quickly recover from this.

Compromises are needed this weekend if you're partnerships, relationships romantic or otherwise are going to progress and get you to the place or position that you want to be. Pay close attention to your thoughts and how you truly feel about relationships and your views on things - you're allowed differences as long as they do not compromise your beliefs or boundaries or maybe even your willing to adapt and change. IF there is something playing on your mind it is doing so for a very important reason.

There are opportunities to be had this weekend when it comes to love and i think there may be a strong link with someone, spiritually, intellectually and romantically a great time to engage with people.

Saying that this weekend there could be tension or stress if maybe you feel like you're being tied down, and you have an epiphany that this is not what you want no more. You can have what you want in a relationship but you have to be willing to compromise about something - nevertheless a great weekend for communication and the revealing of things.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Thursday 18 December 2014

Astrology December 18 2014

Astrology December 18 2014

Now today is a weird day and we will still be going deeper into our self, looking at situations and emotions i feel as we still have the Moon in Scorpio. Now i do not think there will be much action but there will be a digging or a searching for answers or even just getting clear about what you want.

Today could bring up unusual things, things you thought you was over and in some cases it could even point to something new and exciting and want and the need for that someone new - You didn’t think it would be possible to feel connected as much as you do now with this person. The reason i say someone new is because there are opportunities when it comes to love and relationships and brings forward deep connections with a Scorpio Moon - expect intensity and passion.

Now this could rock the boat a little because in terms of love right now your thinking from a logical sense, and you have a plan and want to stick to it, going off course is not an option but it will be the one in most cases to lead to much happiness - love comes when it comes you cannot pick and choose the right time there is no such thing.

Again lots going on with Planet Neptune the Planet of Spirituality so expect a sign or some guidance and pay attention to any recurrences today as well as they could offer clues.
Something that may come up today is the need for a complete connection with your partner, it will not be enough to have things in common or for it to be ordinary… I think here we are wanting something much deeper, spiritual even, to find someone who gets you - and when it comes to sex it needs to be intense, spiritual and you need that connection with someone to make it more meaningful and it’s not about the sex it’s more about that connection and the two of you becoming as close as you can.

A strange day that will bring discoveries in the coming days - A quiet time before things really start to heat up… Things will illuminate this weekend for sure

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Astrology December 17 2014

Astrology December 17 2014

The day as a whole will be a day of things coming to the surface… Now this is not a bad thing by any means but it is necessary and you can expect a very interesting next few day or rest of the week.

So Emotions and feelings and the focus on a lot of our minds today will be on Relationships but by 3pm there will be a shift as we get serious and start to really dig deeper into or about certain things. I say this because we now have three major planets in the Sign of Capricorn so this will for sure bring up ‘’the plan’’ or what ever we have in mind for relationships and it will now link with our intellect and our subconscious mind.

Another things to add here is that the Moon Moves into Scorpio and it will aspect planet Pluto in Capricorn which signifies death and rebirth/ Endings and beginnings- This mixed in with Scorpio the most transformational sign will mean that those Emotions, thoughts and feelings will come up and you will discover something in regards to your situation. I even think because Pluto is in Capricorn and mixing with the Planet of love/relationships that we will be expressing our self as it needs to happen before we can move forward and Capricorn is all about moving forward.

Now without repeating myself too much you can have a quick read if you have not already of yesterdays Astro because i spoke about Capricorn Energy which i’ll briefly again talk about.

Looking further there will be some stress or tension in taking any action but i think you can expect something unusual to happen nethertheless.

Again like yesterday i think now your heart and your head is on the same page even if what comes up makes you feel a little off balance. I also see that in terms of relationships there could be tension in the fact that one partner doesn't want to get serious while the other does - but little do they know that in actual fact this is what will bring the most happiness but you cannot push this as once they have an idea in their minds then that’s it it’s made up.

Pay attention to all the reminders of things today all the signs and messages that you receive. Things are definitely expanding and you're starting to see the bigger picture now and there may be a need to compromise but at the same time you might not want to act upon it straight away you will more likely need to think and think over it a little or in most cases a lot.

Expected the unexpected by all means  -

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Tuesday 16 December 2014

Astrology December 16 2014

Astrology December 16 2014

Lots of Capricorn going on starting from tomorrow and in terms of relationshipships i’d say stay away from the need to control a situation… I think now the energy is starting to shift into a more serious tone and not in a negative way but in a way that allows you to really start to process things in an analytically - I also see the need to let go of something as well it’s a time where there are endings but there will be new beginnings and not all is lost.

Relationships are highlighted because the Moon is still in the sign of Libra so a lot of what i spoke of yesterday still applies today. Something unique does take place today that will leave you thinking, questioning even what gives you true fulfilment, emotional fulfilment and unconditional love. I think we have been so consumed with searching or looking at things in a materialistic way, or a way that will give us many moments of pleasure but not true fulfillment. This feeling will not last all day but i urge you to pay attention to whatever comes up for you.

It’s more so confirmed because the planet of love and the planet of endings and beginnings are making a square which causes stress and tension. Again when i say this it is not necessarily a negative thing but more of a reminiscing and a letting go or will cause us to look at things more seriously to see what we truly desire from a partnership.

Now I know some people are still finding it hard to get over something that happened in the past, this is not always the return of someone so do not force things or read into things today… I infact urge you to allow that new person or situation in because it will be effortless and you will find all the joys you're looking for in a way that you deserve.

The reason i say do not force, control or pressure is because Mars is in Aquarius so they always find a way to break free as they hate to be chained down, they like to come and go as they please when it suits… Not in a bad way they just need this time to be free to do all that they ‘’think’’ they need. Even more so if you're with an Aquarius - allow it or move on with someone who can truly fulfill you - you cannot change someone nor should you want to

I think now you're starting to see the bigger picture, things are clearer and you can really find some positivity to how your feeling. You can now look at your situation and your emotions should expand to look at relationships as what it could be or should be.

I think by around 6pm today the Sun and Moon will Sextile bringing forth an opportunity and this is great because your heart and mind/Emotional mind are in sync with one another this means you're able to act upon things or find harmony or joy with everything.

There is also a lot going on with the planet Neptune today making for a spiritual, guided day so pay attention to the gentle reminders the universe sends, could be in a song, a conversation you over hear, topics that come up ect… I feel like you will understand something deeper than usual or maybe your just really in tune with someone today - trust in your intuition.

Now Venus in serious capricorn is feeling stressed out with a relationship, maybe someone wants to get serious and you really do not want that, you want things your way or maybe you're confusing what you think is a friendship with something more. Decisions decisions I think you're looking for something or someone unique who can bring you still everything that you want but remember to be fair you can’t have t all your way and i know that a venus in capricorn can be a little selfish at times because he wants what he wants but the passion is still there. Perhaps your heart is somewhere else… Ask yourself why if this is the case?

The chances are you could find your self doing, allowing certain things that you wouldn’t ordinarily do or allow. Unique action could be taken at this time. Again stop looking at life as you want it to be, as you think it should be and accept it for what it is when you do that you will be surprised by the changes and shifts that take place.

Today a lot could happen, anything could happen and things could expand expect something a little magical to take place - I think also here is a time to listen to what’s going on inside of that mind and see the correlation in what’s going on around you.

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Monday 15 December 2014

Astrology December 15 2014

Astrology December 15 2014

I’d like to start today by talking about yesterday… Now Sunday Morning was the last quarter Moon meaning a time where we have some sort of crisis in consciousness - now usually it points to a time where we look at what’s working and what’s not working for us and a perfect for a Virgo Moon… It’s a time now of release and preparation for the new Moon on the 21st which in my opinion will bring a great new beginning.

Now On to Monday, Today… Moon in Libra is all about the balancing things out, weighing up how you feel and what’s going on right now ready for a decision or a plan of action although today will not be a day of taking action but just working things through internally.

A day where we are looking at our self through our relationships, we grow most and we learn the most about our self when we are in relationships. Today you will be wanting to better understand something, and you may look around and notice something strange about you something you didn’t see because of your ego. I think what will occur is that you will have a realization of how you feel however it will we wavering.

You will be challenged in the respect of following that ‘’pull/direction’’ that you feel compelled towards, that subject, person or topic that has been on your mind - and the universe sends you reminder of it all day for the most part… You need to be easy on yourself and stop expecting too much… Are you more concerned what others will say or think? Stop pleasing everyone around you and listen to your self and what you want.

There will be stress and tension on what to do in a relationship today, I think that you're not able to think clearly or maybe you have allowed yourself to over complicate a situation… What is creeping to the surface that you tried to bury or forget? This is all apart of that life lesson that you're going through… Will you act upon it or continue to feel dissatisfied?

A time to see the bigger picture as we are still in that Sagittarius energy will beautiful aspects from Jupiter the planet of expansion - What is it that you truly want…

What you think you want and what you actually want are at odds because you cannot be true and there is a lot of weighing up still going on… Expect the unexpected i think in relationships.

Also trust in your intuition today as it is at an all time high and will not lead you astray. Perhaps even a run in with someone you're spiritually connected to.

We have a very interesting aspect also today that can give us a push to take a risk one in which we might not usually make, but necessary to make that change that will bring happiness.

There could be some fears and anxiety with that life lesson or transformation we have been going through also but my advice is to just accept life for what it is and not how you wish it could be… You cannot change the past but you 100% can change the future if you take the courage and steps in doing so. Stop feeling like you don’t deserve the thing that you want because you do and the only way you will get it is if you do something about it. It’s a time where anything can happen and there is positivity around for the holiday season… Be brave today and do the right thing for you for once instead of for everyone else

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