Thursday 22 January 2015

Astrology January 22 2015

* * * * Astrology January 22 2015 * * * *

There is a lot going on today in the Astro’s. We have lots of Planets both in Aquarius and Pisces… This is highlighting a lot of revealing about our self, maybe even things that have been suppressed or hidden or even forgot about in the past as Pisces is a deep, intuitive sign who is able to adapt to the situation at hand.

Is there something or a part of you that you have suppressed or forgotten about… I think today could reveal a side of you that you keep hidden, a side that has been laying dormant and maybe even what with a Mercury retrograde that you are being made aware of - Something from the past.

There is a need to let go of things that are holding us back, look at how we are taking action today what are we doing and is it benefiting us in some way…

Today i think the unique aspects of our deepest most inner self will come out again. What knowledge or information are we becoming aware of -

Today with Aquarius energy we might even have one of those ahh ha moments an epiphany even.
The Sun Sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius and this will bring forth an opportunity to see things from another perspective, really lighting the way to that new doorway. The key is that we will be discovering a lot about our self maybe even things that happened in the past and it will be about integrating those sides of us into the present - you don’t need to be one thing you can show other sides of your self also.

I mean me my self (if you are interested for an example) I never used to take things quite so seriously i used to laugh at things that went wrong… I've seen over the past few days that, that side of me is reappearing - and you know what i forgot i was even like this - it’s like i am rediscovering my self - that’s what i think today is about.

With the Moon Squaring Saturn it could make for some tension as we are thinking again about parts of us that we lost along the way

But ultimately it is just bringing you back to yourself.

I think through this Aquarius sign we will be reinventing our self and stepping into a more authentic self. I think we will be able to detach from those that are not worthy and connect to those who are on the same frequency as us.

Try not to get too confused and know whatever happens if it does reflect in a darker light, that its a test its about changing perceptions and vision of where we are going - powerful day

In terms of relationships we have Venus Conjunct (combining energies) with Mercury retrograde and i think this is really highlighting the fact that your able to see someone in a different light today or in general over the next few weeks. I think you also will need to change your approach also.

I mean we are all looking at all these ideas, options and such as Aquarius likes to do lots of things but we really need to stop and focus, focus on one thing to begin with as this will stop the scattered energy feeling. Is there someone your seeing differently now and if so what are you going to do about it?

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Astrology January 21 2015 - Mercury Retrograde!!

* * * * Astrology January 21 2015 * * * *

Today is the day… Mercury goes Retrograde!!! and did i mention it’s in an Air SIGN Aquarius!!! So why does that matter you ask? Well Mercury ruling Planet of an Air Sign and Air signs always get thrown off more than other signs in a Mercury retrograde.

Let’s explain - Mercury rules over technology, intellect and the mind in terms of rational thinking. During a Mercury retrograde (we get four a year) it delays things, slows things down, makes us reflect and it screws up communication. By Screws up i meant people get mixed messages, these are often mix communications, texts, emails and the mail always gets delayed and technology goes off on one in general.

A perfect example and something that will help me explain and is totally weird!!! It’s Snowing on a Mercury retrograde exactly as it is stepping into a retrograde… For those that live in the UK you will know what i mean when i say -EVERYTHING comes to a stop when it snows in the UK! Doesn’t it? I mean the british just do not know how to deal with a little snow…

So a Mercury retrograde is like snow in England.

Now we also have a Moon in Aquarius today also so i feel the universe really wants us to pay attention to how we are feeling - Aquarius is known for his ever so detached emotions so this could be tricky for some. With the Sun in Aquarius we are certainly starting to think a little differently, there is lots to look at and consider and options and decisions although Aquarius you greedy little sod, you want it all and you may find yourself wanting to disconnect then connect to something else… The Moon can help guide your mind if you allow it to today.

Now don’t think that because we are in an Air sign that we are going to be all over the place… We are not - I think it’s more about paying attention to how we feel, what we are being shown, and looking over the information that we are receiving. Aquarius although is very changeable they do become fixed on things, as in he knows what he wants and becomes completely plugged into that energy, thing, person but when he loses interest he jumps off to something else… I mean by now we should know what it is we want! Sun in Capricorn has helped us out there - so it is just about being true to our self and moving into this new chapter even if we feel it is a little foggy and slow to begin with - Things will become clearer around the 11th or there after, and really move forward within the next month.

In relationships i think it changes things up, you might of felt things were moving in a certain way… Then it goes another. It’s a weird day for relationships we need to learn to change the way we express our self, it’s an odd day with relationships. Do not push, think and i think you still have things you need to decide on in relationships. But are you strong enough to take action up it?  -hmm… i am not so sure to be perfectly honest with you.

I think today is the beginning of taking courage to step into this new chapter and do things that you might never of done before - I can feel the change in me - can you with you?

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Astrology 20 January 2015

* * * * Astrology January 20 2015 * * * *

Today as the Sun is now in Aquarius followed by a New Moon today it really is a page turner. Today we should start to feel more free, breaking away from anything that has kept us bound up in the past months.

The New Moon always brings a better energy, I myself am glad for this pleasant change… It’s a time where a lot of us will be reinventing our self, gaining more like minded friends. I think what is key, and i know i must sound like a broken record, i just think if i say it enough maybe at least 50% of the people reading this might actually think about what i say - Are we on the right path to following our dream, on a path that brings happiness into our life, are we in good relationships

The energy has been pretty hit or miss over the past months and i promise a Saturn in Sagittarius will bring blessings if only we are being authentic with our self. So if your in a relationship that makes you feel confined, trapped or controlled i think you should prepare for that to change - Aquarius hates to be controlled and told what to do… So i hope this will be the last test for all you in relationships.

Talking relationships this could bring someone new into your life, someone exciting, initiative and unlike someone you have met or would go out with before… Just be sure you are both on the same page… Mercury will go retrograde so things are not quite as they seem, just enjoy it and expect that after February 11th things could change, end or develop in to something a little different than how it started off.

I think that today is a great day in the astrology, its a day to think about where we are heading and make solid goals and move towards them. things are really going to start changing so watch this space.

Try to get your head clear over today and tomorrow as Mercury will be going retrograde, which has a nasty habit to cause confusion, delays and mixed communication - I myself can already feel this energy… It just slows things down and with a Moon in Gemini - i’m quite quick thinking… So if your an Air sign you could find this a little more frustrating than the other signs as things are not happening quite as quick as we would like.

So Enjoy today folks! Enjoy this shiny new chapter as the page has turned over finally… What will you be creating!!!??? =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Monday 19 January 2015

Astrology January 19 2015

* * * * Astrology January 19 2015 * * * *

Okay Guys and Gals we are wrapping up this Sun in Capricorn as we will move into the Aquarius phase in the next couple of days. To top it off tomorrow will be a New Moon so things might right now feel somewhat intense as we start to think about what we want to start up, just before we Jump into Aquarius.

What’s important i feel is that we are being careful of our choices as the day after we enter Aquarius we have a Mercury retrograde and that will last the majority of the the Aquarius cycle which I think we will be doing a lot of contemplating and thinking.

This is the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one… That page is turning and things are coming to a close. It’s not a time to jump in but it is a time to decide - whether or not we will continue to be apart of the next one - I think that today will be all about that. Whom ever is not here now will no longer be apart of the next chapter of your life - looking at the astrology i’m seeing the wrapping up, it’s clear to see it’s intense but it is what it is and Although going into the Aquarius cycle could be a little odd - you will see that the old is replaced.

There is a lot of spiritual energy mixing and asking us to take action with the Neptune and Mars however we are focusing again on what we want in our life, career, work, goals and ambitions…. Maybe what we have this opportunity to achieve that can make us forget what we want on a deeper level - like i said this Saturn in Sagittarius will not happen again in 28-30 years so this really is an end of an era and these next few years will be a huge turning point for the most of us.

Pay attention to what is surfacing from within today as there is significance for it. There are unusual doors of opportunity flying open yet we are still sitting on that fence?

Choices, decisions need to be made and it’s your choice that will shape the next 30 years of your life - Like Paulo Coelho said in his pencil story - remember ‘’ should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action’’

So with that being said ensure your acting from the heart and not the ego today… Make sure your on the right path to happiness

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Astrology January 19 2015

* * * * Astrology January 19 2015 * * * *

Okay Guys and Gals we are wrapping up this Sun in Capricorn as we will move into the Aquarius phase in the next couple of days. To top it off tomorrow will be a New Moon so things might right now feel somewhat intense as we start to think about what we want to start up, just before we Jump into Aquarius.

What’s important i feel is that we are being careful of our choices as the day after we enter Aquarius we have a Mercury retrograde and that will last the majority of the the Aquarius cycle which I think we will be doing a lot of contemplating and thinking.

This is the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one… That page is turning and things are coming to a close. It’s not a time to jump in but it is a time to decide - whether or not we will continue to be apart of the next one - I think that today will be all about that. Whom ever is not here now will no longer be apart of the next chapter of your life - looking at the astrology i’m seeing the wrapping up, it’s clear to see it’s intense but it is what it is and Although going into the Aquarius cycle could be a little odd - you will see that the old is replaced.

There is a lot of spiritual energy mixing and asking us to take action with the Neptune and Mars however we are focusing again on what we want in our life, career, work, goals and ambitions…. Maybe what we have this opportunity to achieve that can make us forget what we want on a deeper level - like i said this Saturn in Sagittarius will not happen again in 28-30 years so this really is an end of an era and these next few years will be a huge turning point for the most of us.

Pay attention to what is surfacing from within today as there is significance for it. There are unusual doors of opportunity flying open yet we are still sitting on that fence?

Choices, decisions need to be made and it’s your choice that will shape the next 30 years of your life - Like Paulo Coelho said in his pencil story - remember ‘’ should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action’’

So with that being said ensure your acting from the heart and not the ego today… Make sure your on the right path to happiness

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Sunday 18 January 2015

The Story of the Pencil

* * * A Story about Life * * *
A Pencil - by Paulo Coelho

A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter. At one point he asked:
Are you writing a story about what we’ve done? Is it a story about me?
His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson:
I am writing about you, actually, but more important than the words is the pencil I’m using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up.
Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn't seem very special.
But it’s just like any other pencil I’ve ever seen!
That depends on how you look at things. It has five qualities which, if you manage to hang on them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world.

First quality: you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us according to His will.’

Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he’s much sharper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.

Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.’

Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.’
‘Finally, the pencil’s fifth quality: it always leaves a mark. in just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action’

Now isn’t that just so beautiful when you think of it like that - This is one of Paulo Coelho's  Short stories from ‘’Like the Flowing River’’

Friday 16 January 2015

Astrology 17 January 2015

* * * * Astrology WEEKEND January 17+18 2015 * * * *

Okay So really Friday was the set up for the entire weekend and the focus this weekend will be about making that decision that you know you need to make - your happiness depends upon it for some.

We really need to see that we are able to have the life we want if only we are willing to take action to obtain it. Moon in Sagittarius will be like that fairytale scene…  The way they have this far out strong yet powerful belief that everything going to go a certain way and then… There path is crossed by all sorts and it causes them to question, fight and battle with the path they find himself/herself on in the first place

try and be optimistic today go with the flow when in doubt

I think today we could expect to be thinking a little more about those detours that we find our self on. Yes the energy is a ll over the place but there is excitement as we are embarking on the journey to getting all we want.

Now depending upon your sign i think some like to stay comfortable play it safe stay on the the right path… But are you on the right path is this what you want? Expect the unexpected as your likely to be challenged with new opportunities.

Your starting to be able to see things for what they truly are, understanding what is authentic and what appears to not be so much. The universe is really working magic when it comes to opening doors and it is helping us to be clear and think long term and see the bigger picture -

happiness starts now, not tomorrow or one day it’s now so stop waiting for things to change and make them change.

Remember this Saturn in sagittarius won't come round for another 28-30 years so be sure at what you decide is the right thing.

Lunch time Sunday the Moon moves into Capricorn - So with Sun and moon here it means we are starting to be more responsible and think a little more seriously and align our external worlds with what we now know we want.

The Moon will Sextile Mars also which indicates that we really are able to take the relevant action when it comes to our emotions this is the kind of energy that helps get your dreams moving forward. Opportunities could even come about when your pursuing your goals.

I still think there will be a need to pay attention to what your giving up, what your closing or putting an end to - but to remember that this is the beginning of something great. It brings around a change of heart, feeling and in turn things are starting to make a little more sense now as to where you wanna be.

I think it’s time to set your boundaries, goals and really stick to them as this energy could really help push you towards something great.

dont get stressed out if things do not go to plan, if something catches you off guard - go with the flow of things as parts of this weekend can be a little crazy - breathe and carry on...

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Gemini - Sun Sign or Ascendant/Rising - 03