Friday 16 January 2015

Astrology 17 January 2015

* * * * Astrology WEEKEND January 17+18 2015 * * * *

Okay So really Friday was the set up for the entire weekend and the focus this weekend will be about making that decision that you know you need to make - your happiness depends upon it for some.

We really need to see that we are able to have the life we want if only we are willing to take action to obtain it. Moon in Sagittarius will be like that fairytale scene…  The way they have this far out strong yet powerful belief that everything going to go a certain way and then… There path is crossed by all sorts and it causes them to question, fight and battle with the path they find himself/herself on in the first place

try and be optimistic today go with the flow when in doubt

I think today we could expect to be thinking a little more about those detours that we find our self on. Yes the energy is a ll over the place but there is excitement as we are embarking on the journey to getting all we want.

Now depending upon your sign i think some like to stay comfortable play it safe stay on the the right path… But are you on the right path is this what you want? Expect the unexpected as your likely to be challenged with new opportunities.

Your starting to be able to see things for what they truly are, understanding what is authentic and what appears to not be so much. The universe is really working magic when it comes to opening doors and it is helping us to be clear and think long term and see the bigger picture -

happiness starts now, not tomorrow or one day it’s now so stop waiting for things to change and make them change.

Remember this Saturn in sagittarius won't come round for another 28-30 years so be sure at what you decide is the right thing.

Lunch time Sunday the Moon moves into Capricorn - So with Sun and moon here it means we are starting to be more responsible and think a little more seriously and align our external worlds with what we now know we want.

The Moon will Sextile Mars also which indicates that we really are able to take the relevant action when it comes to our emotions this is the kind of energy that helps get your dreams moving forward. Opportunities could even come about when your pursuing your goals.

I still think there will be a need to pay attention to what your giving up, what your closing or putting an end to - but to remember that this is the beginning of something great. It brings around a change of heart, feeling and in turn things are starting to make a little more sense now as to where you wanna be.

I think it’s time to set your boundaries, goals and really stick to them as this energy could really help push you towards something great.

dont get stressed out if things do not go to plan, if something catches you off guard - go with the flow of things as parts of this weekend can be a little crazy - breathe and carry on...

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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