Monday 16 March 2015

Monday's Horoscope - March 16 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 16 March 2015 * * * *

Good Morning! Okay So Moon is now in Aquarius and what does Aquarius do when it comes to emotions… Detached (depending on moon Sign in a chart). We will be needing to have difficult conversations today we have been internalising and going through a lot today and by 11am tomorrow Venus will move into Taurus.

When Venus enters Taurus it is an indication to get things moving in the right direction (love/Romance) but today you need to be certain with your choice. We have been experiencing the same things in relationships for the past 3 years now, and What with Saturn coming back into Scorpio - Have you learnt your lessons or will it keep replaying out until you deal with it.

Today is the last exact Square between Uranus and Pluto so i think things are coming to a close and i do think part of it is to do with the choices we have made with relationships. Today could feel like your not able to emotionally connect with people, and thats because there are things you need to finish up with and are you thinking long term and seeing the bigger picture.

Today will bring some form of news, message and you should look into it things are ending so things can begin. Past emotional things need to be healed so you can move forward. You need to take responsibility for your choice instead of just jumping to the next thing.

Last thing to add with a Moon in Aquarius is that they do not like being told what to do… Stay away from controlling the issue, with Venus in Aries it can seem a little rushed and things moving too quickly. Really look at how you even do here and see the bigger picture as to what really happened?

With this there could be a need to slow things down which of course can cause some tensionScorpio Sagittarius gets you to honest with yourself, honest with whats happened, happening and what your trying to hide being exposed. I’d rather people do the work now or the next few months things can be somewhat difficult as a lot of things will be dragged up.

You know what you want! So why are you holding back? Be honest and don’t wait for the “Right moment as there is never a RIGHT moment”. Opportunities come and go but some things like love have expiration dates, if you have the right one why are you finding it so hard to commit or make things serious? It’s just a label and it’s there whether or not you make it official so why are you so bothered? What is there to rebel against?

you can call a rose by any other name it’s still a rose

Have the conversation - you will be glad that you did =) Happy Monday

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Saturday 14 March 2015

Mother's Day Weekend HOROSCOPE - March 14+15 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 14+15 March 2015 * * * *

Well What a Serious weekend we have in front of us… Moon is now in ever so practical Capricorn this weekend which means we are getting practical about where we are heading.

As we get further into Saturday the moon will combine it’s energy with Pluto, the Planet of Death and Transformation… Now for me personally i see this as a game changer, we might all think we know what we want, and as this is going to be aspecting all those planets over in Aries (Venus/love, Mars/Action, Uranus/Change & South Node/Karma) Expect another change this weekend.

I say change and maybe it will be a long process what with Saturn slowing down to stop and go back into Scorpio for a short while. We are seriously thinking and we could be making some serious decisions over this weekend. I just think things are shaking up, i know we have been going through a lot internally what with love, romance and our life direction but it’s just going to fire up more… I think this will lead all the way up to the Eclipse this month, so another 6-7 days.

Important conversations to be had, that door is closing, decisions being made and then just when you think you have made it! BOOM! More change and a test from Saturn to ensure that you are Sure about the path you have chosen… It might even feel that the universe is pushing you and guiding you and giving you no choice in the matter.

I Just feel something will happen that will click something within you and from that comes the questioning and a choice needing to be made. Saturn retrograde will further that past relationship aspect and will be giving lessons to ensure you have learnt from the past.

One thing's for sure shouldn’t the past stay where it belongs? It obviously was not strong enough to last this horrendous transit, with the influence of others, i think it’s best you remain strong and hold out for what’s coming… You deserve more.

Now this Karmic relationship stuff will be coming to an end you just have to really let go and move on with things. People change, you have changed and now what’s coming will align with that of who you are and where you are heading.

As mad as it seems it is important you trust your intuition this weekend and you will see your hunches were spot on and this will help you in that decision you must make.

Not a time to be proud… But a time to be honest!

Enjoy your weekend - & remember the stuff i’m talking about is what is going on, on a deeper level although the decision will affect the outside too. Chose from the heart not your logic and have a little faith.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Friday 13 March 2015

Friday the 13th HOROSCOPE - March 13th 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 13 March 2015 * * * *

With Moon in Sagittarius still we are definitely thinking about changing up a lot of things. As Moon relates with our emotions and how we might be feeling i think a lot has been changing, we are shifting and we want things now, so some of us could become somewhat impatient.

At the very same time as doors are shutting and old chapters of our lives ending it really is a time to look at the doors and opportunities that are opening. The course of the next month you will know what this means for you.

I see a lot of change and it really is just building up more and more, i know we all at times have a habit to hold on to things, but we are not fully fulfilled don’t stay in a position of unfulfillment out of comfort. There is a lot that needs to be released so new stuff can enter our life.

You know, at least i hope you now know long term what will make you the happiest… So now is the time to be honest with yourself it’s time to end something about your past for good. I feel this back and forth will be present for the next few weeks but it really is a time to learn from your past mistakes and move things forward.

What with Mercury now in Pisces it can make communication seem a little distant, confusing or even find more misunderstanding than understanding… Nothing is logically making sense to you! This will have a stronger influence if you have strong Gemini, Libra or Aquarius Traits without much pisces in your chart.

It might feel like your having to trust Spirit a little today to guide you in the right direction as Pisces is not the most logical but the most Spiritual Sign. Mercury the planet of intellect and logic will be combining with the most spiritual Planet Neptune in the Sign of Pisces meaning your needing to have a little faith… I personally see this as destiny/fate coming to play things out over the course of the next ¾ weeks.

So to sum up today is a continue on from yesterday but without some of the harsh aspects, yet it is still somewhat intense whether on a positive or a negative will depend upon the work your putting in on re-evaluating your life… Releasing and letting go of the past ect.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Thursday 12 March 2015

Thursday Horoscope - March 12 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 12 March 2015 * * * *

With Moon now in Sagittarius meeting up with Saturn who is about to stop and go retrograde you can certainly be expecting to start to re-evaluate our lives.

I’d like to add that yesterday was the time to trust your intuition and today things are just confusing with 7 planets all in FIRE - Things are fired up and your not necessarily going to be thinking straight.

I think everyone is feeling the push to jump and rush on into things and there are plenty of opportunities but i think we need to think about what has surfaced for us. I do not feel we are in the right frame of mind to make good solid choices right now thats what fire does it’s impulsive and with our emotions off the radar and no checking in today with the Sun (our heart) i just don’t think your thinking of seeing the big picture here.

Today with Mercury, which rules over your logical mind about to leave Aquarius and go into Pisces… Our Logic is about to also go into a more spiritual realm. We really are acting on impulse, stay away from arguing and fighting and speaking up today - you had your opportunity yesterday for that. I just don’t think things are in balance today at all, could feel a little intense with things springing from out of no where.

I’ll state what i spoke of yesterday because although today the communication when it comes to the heart is there, it’s not there because everything else is off line… We are re looking over our life, what’s missing and seeing that our needs and our wants are not in sync today.

Opportunities are presenting themselves… Yes! But are you going to walk through the right ones??? I’d say hold off and try and think about things for awhile. I realise this will be near impossible because everything around us is telling us to jump and go for it but it really is not the best of times to do so.

We are healing and letting go of past karmic hurts, habits, pains, worries and relationships and with all of this squaring over to Saturn = Simply meaning causing stress and not harmonious aspects… There is a need to apply all we have learnt in order to not relive it over again.

Not all is doomed! It will actually be a fun, exciting everything up in the air kind of a day so it should move quickly however these are the hidden unlying things being highlighted for today. Enjoy everything just make no commitments today.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday 11 March 2015

All About Water - Compatibility

The Elements: Compatibility: Water

When i speak of Water i am referring to the Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer traits. Without getting too complex you do not have to be a Pisces, Scorpio or a cancer to have water traits and i’m sure you know if you follow me your chart is made up with all the signs of the zodiac of which you might have planets sitting in certain signs in certain areas of your life giving you a water influence.

Okay so when you think of water what do you relate this with. I mean every man,woman and child on this earth needs water to survive so water people tend to be very healing, gentle and sensitive types.

Water is deep and so these people feel things on an emotional and spiritual level and of which you might not ever be able to understand the intensity they feel.

Water knows when to trust and when not to trust. Water flows until it is contained so these people cannot be controlled, yet they imitate that of which has contained it. This makes these people very chameleon like, changeable, adaptable and intuitive to what is required of them.

Water people are the most psychic they see a person for who they are, reading them and understanding them. They map things out through feelings and spiritual energy, able to recall things from the past and feel it as though it is happening in the present moment. Although these people are emotional they find it hard to express the intensity as they know people couldn’t possibly understand after all the water people are here to serve the other elements.

On the worst side Water people are scared of life a little always worrying over thinking and imagining the worst possible outcomes. Escapist types who can like to be on their own (a recluse) but they are creative geniuses who are very receptive to what’s going on around them.


Okay so when looking at the elements this is the simple way, the most basic way and it is just a first layer there are much more to grasp before knowing about compatibility.

Water sign people tend to believe in soul mates, they want to connect on all levels with another person of which can be somewhat intense for other signs yet magical and unlike nothing else. Water sign people find it extremely painful in letting go because when they connect they connect deeply and the severing is sometimes too much to bare.

Water does very well with Earth - Water feeds the earth and earth giving water stability and grounds them - although water doesn’t always like to be grounded they do love to feel safe and Earth provides this to water

Blake lively & Ryan Reynolds/ Viveca Paulin & Will Ferrell

Water and Air are a good match and Air Carries water places it helps them move things along in the right direction. Air is very communicative and knows a lot of people so it helps water get out there a bit more but this can overwhelm water and they do not like to rush in or be surrounded by loads of people. They will have fascinating open conversations of which air/water can learn a lot. Water helps Air understand the depth of who they are, and how to get in touch with their feelings as water is non judgmental.. Yet Air doesn’t do emotion usually. A good thing about Air is they will allow water the space they need and Air can go do their things as well which works great. I think Air helps Water express and find the words, but also to help put things into perspective. Water helps Air get out of their logic and listen to their hearts more.

Carrie Underwood & Mike Fisher/ Justin timberlake & Jessica Biel

Water with Fire can be a balancing act if i’m being honest. Fire signs are needy, impatient and want a lot. Water loves to serve but Fire drains water, water needs lots of space and fire needs lots of closeness. If these too get too close one or the other tends to over exert themselves causing one to burn out and the other to fade. There is a lot of interest here on both parts but it will need a lot of work.

Robin Thicke & Paula Patton / Hilary Duff & Brody Jenner

Water with water is a good match there will be lots of understanding, deep connection and mutual interest with these. However me being a water sign i like a little contrast in my relationships so romantically i think it will feel a lot like getting lost and getting nothing done. But this is very intense, passionate and magical i just wouldn’t see this as long term thing but there are many who would disagree.

Selena G & Justin B/ Ryan Gosling & Eva Mendes

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