Monday 2 February 2015

Astrology February 02 2015

* * * * Astrology 02 February 2015 * * * *

So I technically liedFull Moon is not until tomorrow however later tonight your start to feel it as it goes into the sign of Leo. But up until 5pm we still have this Cancer Moon, so still paying attention to how we are feeling today much like the rest of the weekend.

What i do think is that a lot is brewing today ready for the Full Moon tomorrow at 11pm. I think there could be some conflict if your someone who buries or hides your emotions or even suppresses them. This Full Moon will link in which some thing that took place on 20th January or there abouts.

When the full Moon hits it always is a powerful revelation of how we feel truly, even more so because it is in the Sign of Leo which rules over the heart area. So It’s important that we are all following our hearts when it comes to relationships. The fact we are in Aquarius can sometimes detach ourselves and want to please the majority - Aquarius can sometimes value Friends over romantic partners but there needs to be a balance and you need to align with your heart centre.

I think today will be a tug of war going on with everyone when it comes to intellectual mind and emotional mind. So things that might be coming up you might be confused about as Mercury is still retrograde so we are having to be reflective and things from the subconscious are resurfacing and making themselves known - especially in dreams!

It could even indicate that your  breaking free from ‘’traditional’’ ways of thinking. Allow yourself to just feel and work through things, i know there is a push to take action but i think it’s a more gentle approach.

I still see unusual pairings with people being brought together - unexpected things -  like i mentioned at the weekend it is not enough anymore to just be physical with your partner you need so much more and there are opportunities to align with someone on a deeper level.

I also feel we need to forgive and react more compassionately with others today and tomorrow. At the same time it is not wise to gloss over problems as they will just get worse just find an appropriate way of dealing with it.

Exciting things are on the horizon and we are able to see things from another perspective even though it could seem a little out there or odd it’s captivating. I think New romance is also coming in time for Valentines.

One last thing is that do not try to take on too much. You need to pace yourself and really be realistic with what you can achieve right now - Mercury Retrograde slows things down - Delays things and messes with your timing!

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Saturday 31 January 2015

The Weekend Astro!! 31/1 + 1/02 2015

* * * * Astrology WEEKEND January 31+1 February 2015 * * * *

Okay so today the Moon is Cancer and well remain for the rest of the weekend. When Moon comes into cancer it can make us get in touch with our feelings and emotions.

Now yes the Moon loves being in Cancer, it’s about riding the waves, and not always feeling like you have to be strong and put on a front to hide how you truly feel. Now with the Sun in Aquarius it could make this energy really odd and awkward because we don’t want to go there, we want to detach instead of admitting how we feel.

I mean with the planet of love, beauty and relationships combining with the Planet of action, energy, passion and sex it highlights just that, taking action and wanting to move relationships forward or to be in one that it truly fulfilling on all levels. Being in the Sign of Pisces it adds a little more of a spiritual connection and physical love and beauty is not what we are looking for we are looking for everything and something different,

I think over the weekend we will be confronted by triggers that get us to think more and understand how we truly feel. I think we all know how we feel, just some of us suppress it and with a Sun in Aquarius it just promotes detaching rather than dealing with it and confronting it. As well as that we are certainly in a reflective stage what with Mercury Retrograde.

I think it could be a confusing time as you could be a little up then a little down but you will find a way to heal old wounds and move forward. I think if you can see it in your mind you are likely to create it.. take a chance this weekend to get out of your comfort zone and follow what your gut is telling you.

As we approach Sunday we are really starting to discover some emotions we forgot we had. There will be a discovery of a situation that will bring back a lot of memories and maybe even answer a few questions. Now on the flip side of this you could be feeling very suspicious of someone and their true feelings towards you and for the first time seeing the truth… As Pluto brings this to the surface it might be hard or too tense for you to deal with but you do need to find a way to express it.

I think it is about looking at the choices you have made, looking at the opportunities you have taken and really seeing if this all aligns with what you want long term. It’s great having fun in the moment but will this grow into something more in the future.

The universe wants everyone to pay attention to their actions and to look and see if they are following the things that bring true happiness and joy or the things where they are to gain materialistic things that feed a egotistical mind.

A reflective yet healing weekend for most will still exciting opportunities to link with things long term if only you can confront your emotions and feelings when it comes to relationships.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Friday 30 January 2015

Astrology 30 January 2015

* * * * Astrology January 30 2015 * * * *

Okay Guys and Dolls, So we still have the Moon in Gemini which can make for some pretty all over the place energy, when it comes to conversation i reckon with our minds pretty clear now and it could be a good day.

I do not feel like today is going to be an extreme day but an easy going one, which is always pleasant to hear as we approach the weekend. There is still the need today to take action upon what we have decided and especially with relationships.

Relationships today are as important as they have been the past few days so your mind can be heavily focusing upon them. We must let go of the past and actually take action in responding to the situation instead of cowering away. It think New and exciting doorways are here and are open if we want to open them up and step forward.

I know half of the people have gone through a very rocky stage when it comes to important relationships, and the other half have jumped into new ones… Please note that what is coming for the ones that have not jumped in are more likely to find themselves in ones of a deeper kind of a relationship, one that will be long lasting if you listen to your heart and gut.

Emotions and feelings could really intensify with a lucky someone later this evening as well as seeing the depth within someone. I think later this evening we have an interesting aspect that will draw the right people to you! Something deep, real and interesting will surface and you will take action to wanting to know more. The energy is there and all i’ll say is trust in your intuition.

Do not feel like you need to try too hard later, be easy on yourself and just go with the flow and really be in the moment tonight is a time to indulge, enjoy and to let your hair down. With the Sun still Sextiling Uranus expect the unexpected… things might come out of nowhere - good things i think as we have Neptune in the mix just make sure your listening to your initial instinct as your most likely to get people right as we all can put the charm on - look for sincerity!

The pressure is off the storm is clearing and tonight you can enjoy!!

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Thursday 29 January 2015

Pick a Card... What will your weekend be like??

* * * * Pick a Card * * * *


Pick a card from above and lets see if it relates to your weekend??? All you have to do is share this post and leave me a comment below with your choice of card.

The Cards Revealed!!


Card A - The Sun

Your weekend will be full of Sunshine, Joy and Happiness!!! This is such a brilliant card to get it says that this weekend if you shine a light on it will bring a great time. It’s a positive Weekend for you! Enjoy lots doing whatever brings a smile to your face for sure you will have one painted on.

Card B - The ring

This card is saying you have plans, responsibilities and commitments this weekend! Perhaps your spending it with someone you hold dear to your heart. This weekend will focus upon your relationships.

Card C - The Fish

A Lucky weekend for you card c people! The fish always brings a turn of events! Luck in money or maybe your going on a splurge this weekend - whatever happens money is highlighted this weekend for you! Your quite lucky this weekend, just make sure you keep things in proportion.

Card D - The Man

This weekend your going to be with a man, or cross paths with a man… Now it’s not just any man this is someone who you can benefit from in some way, whether it is hearing the right words, sound advice, a new love, this man will be of some importance so be sure to strike up conversation!

Card E - The Mouse

This weekend your asked to be on your guard as there is a mouse lurking around you. This could mean you might lose something this weekend, someone might attempt to take something from you, this is not always a card of a robbery but the feelings associated with it are the same. Be on alert from anyone that feels no good, do not give your time to people who drain your energy this weekend.

Card F - Lilly

This Card is a two parter purely because it has two diverse meanings. Firstly this weekend could be all work and no play for you! It’s a time where you have lots of things to do that will take up a lot of your time… Your mind is on work mode. The second is that you have been feeling a little under the weather of late and you should not push yourself but take some time out to rest and recuperate a bit.

Again these cards are Just for fun!!! But still lets see if they really do relate to your weekend!! Let me know Sunday eve - Monday day

Many thanks for playing along!

Astrology January 29 2015

* * * * Astrology January 29 2015 * * * *

Moon in Gemini does bring an intense flare in regards to whatever has been on our minds since just before the Mercury Retrograde. Being in an Air sign, Aquarius and with Mercury here too in a paused action there is a pressure to really become clear on how you feel about the things in your life.

I think it is about bringing everything together, looking at your life from all angles and seeing what you can incorporate and what you need to change. What i do think is that by now with all this reflecting we are now more clear about what we want at least on an emotional and mental level yet with Mars in Pisces and Chiron we really do not seem to have the courage to step up and take action.

I think that we are feeling a bit shitty and in a state of doubting our self a little more than usual and healing is needed we really need to be able to release from the past.

Now later on the Moon does  come into a funny aspect with Pluto and here i think it will bring up your confusion between what you love and what you desire, what you need and what you loveThings are changing and there is a need to compromise and let go of the past and to understand and see your emotional responses to things.

Look at the bigger picture! See from another perspective!

This is like the climaxing energy before the Full moon on the 3rd of Feb. What you need to start doing is to stop trying to cater for everyone… First look to your self and act upon the things that will make you happy, i think right now your trying to please everyone around you out of fear of what they might say… Just be you and follow your heart! Thats the one thats going to open the most doors in your life.

I think today is the time to get your emotions all aligned and in place for the big decision. I think we all know where we are at and what needs to be done but maybe today is too intense to actually take the courage and do it!

Get prepared for a big realisation today!

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Astrology January 28 2015

* * * * Astrology January 28 2015 * * * *

Today we have Moon finishes in Taurus and at 11pm or just before the Moon Changes into Gemini. A Moon in Gemini with everything else that is going on today and yesterday i think this could really be like...

Your running as fast as you can… But getting nowhere fast

I feel like this Gemini Moon with all the other Air qualities will just confuse the hell out you… Your mind starts to really start thinking at all aspects and all angles and you allow your own thoughts to eat away at you - seeing as it is taking place late tonight.

I mean looking at it there is a choice you need to make in regards to a relationship issue… It’s not an easy one, and not one that should or that your able to make when there is always something/someone else to think about. I feel like this choice will not only affect yourself but someone else that you care deeply for.

You need to stop thinking about what you can get or gain and start following your heart… But there is so much reflecting going on that your not coming to a conclusion fast and the longer your leaving it the worse it is becoming. I think a major thing is that your so concerned with what others think of you and the choice your going to make - friends and family alike. I said it yesterday i’ll say it again today

Stop caring for those who don’t care for you - your just giving your energy away

A Question… Are you seeing a person for who they truly are? I mean really seeing someone or is it all an illusion. Again Saturn will be testing this and as always just a warning but the truth will come out - choice wisely and all that.

Now on the positive note with relationships it can bring new romance and someone with a deeper spiritual connection… What i will say is that your 100% certain with what you want and do not settle for less. Again Saturn is testing this, and is opening doors of opportunity in this area if you are willing to take it.

I feel like this entire transit that we are in is bringing so much change but it is empowering for us to really step into this new you… Cut out those who no longer serve a purpose and give more time to those who are going to be around for the next 28-30 years of your life. This is a year of great things and it’s important your clear in where your heading and who is coming with and who your going to help along the way.

With Venus and it’s aspects to Saturn i think it can bring up the feelings of burden responsibility. You might be feeling rejected, not good enough or just in and out confused about your situation.

Know that Saturn wants you to grow and get stronger and like any bone that breaks when it’s mended it’s stronger than ever! The kind of love that you will be in over the course of the year will be a make or break kind of love.

Those that make it will be with each other for a very very very long time

The universe is certainly giving you what you want just be sure it’s really what you want

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks