Wednesday 11 March 2015

All About Water - Compatibility

The Elements: Compatibility: Water

When i speak of Water i am referring to the Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer traits. Without getting too complex you do not have to be a Pisces, Scorpio or a cancer to have water traits and i’m sure you know if you follow me your chart is made up with all the signs of the zodiac of which you might have planets sitting in certain signs in certain areas of your life giving you a water influence.

Okay so when you think of water what do you relate this with. I mean every man,woman and child on this earth needs water to survive so water people tend to be very healing, gentle and sensitive types.

Water is deep and so these people feel things on an emotional and spiritual level and of which you might not ever be able to understand the intensity they feel.

Water knows when to trust and when not to trust. Water flows until it is contained so these people cannot be controlled, yet they imitate that of which has contained it. This makes these people very chameleon like, changeable, adaptable and intuitive to what is required of them.

Water people are the most psychic they see a person for who they are, reading them and understanding them. They map things out through feelings and spiritual energy, able to recall things from the past and feel it as though it is happening in the present moment. Although these people are emotional they find it hard to express the intensity as they know people couldn’t possibly understand after all the water people are here to serve the other elements.

On the worst side Water people are scared of life a little always worrying over thinking and imagining the worst possible outcomes. Escapist types who can like to be on their own (a recluse) but they are creative geniuses who are very receptive to what’s going on around them.


Okay so when looking at the elements this is the simple way, the most basic way and it is just a first layer there are much more to grasp before knowing about compatibility.

Water sign people tend to believe in soul mates, they want to connect on all levels with another person of which can be somewhat intense for other signs yet magical and unlike nothing else. Water sign people find it extremely painful in letting go because when they connect they connect deeply and the severing is sometimes too much to bare.

Water does very well with Earth - Water feeds the earth and earth giving water stability and grounds them - although water doesn’t always like to be grounded they do love to feel safe and Earth provides this to water

Blake lively & Ryan Reynolds/ Viveca Paulin & Will Ferrell

Water and Air are a good match and Air Carries water places it helps them move things along in the right direction. Air is very communicative and knows a lot of people so it helps water get out there a bit more but this can overwhelm water and they do not like to rush in or be surrounded by loads of people. They will have fascinating open conversations of which air/water can learn a lot. Water helps Air understand the depth of who they are, and how to get in touch with their feelings as water is non judgmental.. Yet Air doesn’t do emotion usually. A good thing about Air is they will allow water the space they need and Air can go do their things as well which works great. I think Air helps Water express and find the words, but also to help put things into perspective. Water helps Air get out of their logic and listen to their hearts more.

Carrie Underwood & Mike Fisher/ Justin timberlake & Jessica Biel

Water with Fire can be a balancing act if i’m being honest. Fire signs are needy, impatient and want a lot. Water loves to serve but Fire drains water, water needs lots of space and fire needs lots of closeness. If these too get too close one or the other tends to over exert themselves causing one to burn out and the other to fade. There is a lot of interest here on both parts but it will need a lot of work.

Robin Thicke & Paula Patton / Hilary Duff & Brody Jenner

Water with water is a good match there will be lots of understanding, deep connection and mutual interest with these. However me being a water sign i like a little contrast in my relationships so romantically i think it will feel a lot like getting lost and getting nothing done. But this is very intense, passionate and magical i just wouldn’t see this as long term thing but there are many who would disagree.

Selena G & Justin B/ Ryan Gosling & Eva Mendes

Thank you for taking the time to read this - If you would like to book a spiritual video reading with me please check out my website - something for everyone

Wednesday Horoscope - March 11 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 11 March 2015 * * * *

Moon is still in Scorpio today so we are all still digging deep searching for something, trying to uncover some truth. Unlike yesterday i think we will really feel the push to speak up, say how you feel, what you want and speak the truth, you will feel the tension but it is one of those necessary things.

Now need i say relationships are highlighted i’m sure your all going through the motions in one way or another, even if your single it can point to other kinds of relationships or again the past relationship you had.

What’s happening is that when it comes to the heart, love and relationships your not able to satisfy both your wants and your needs it’s always one or the other and jumping between them. This is not going to make you happy for the long run and so the universe is dragging this to the surface and making you do something about it.

I think this rare honesty and truth that surfaces even if you think you uncovered it all you find that there is more and with this causes tension, arguments sometimes and it’s what’s needed to happen, the communicating part is needed and it should flow in a way that helps you fit the puzzle pieces together. The only thing i’m seeing is there are difficult aspects that need to be dealt with.

This Pluto Square Uranus and with the South Node, Venus and Mars all co-joining in on the action again points back to 2012… Those relationships that started then or around this time might of come across a lot of opposition and as the square got closer over the years and what with the retrograde motion that uranus went through it really is symbolic of why so many relationships got torn apart 2014 & early 2015… Not to mention in 2014 it was the transition of Saturn leaving Scorpio and coming into Sagittarius. = BIG CHANGES//BIG LESSONS

Things are coming to an end and big new doors are opening the next 4 weeks - all i want to say is get ready for the crazy!!! In Astrology these transits we are going through are very revolutionary and they dont usually happen like this but since 2012 everything is changing and powerful things are happening.

I think it’s time to stop hiding who you are, your so focused on what others think of you and it is a time to break free and come out in the open & get out of your comfort zone. This is difficult and scary and your worrying over judgement yet we must take responsibility for the life we choseEverything is a choice. New chapters are starting & i ask you to all be real with yourself because you will end up being forced to make some sort of decision…

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Tuesday's Horoscope March 10th 2015 - ALLSIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 10 March 2015 * * * *

Moon is still in Scorpio today so we are all still digging deep searching for something, trying to uncover some truth. Now another thing I should mention is this Moon in Scorpio is stirring a lot of things, take it’s aspect to Jupiter…

Jupiter is a positive Planet and so teaches things for a positive affect. The Scorpio Moon here is bringing up the need to be true to yourself… Maybe you need to see the bigger picture, but it points to people not being honest or true and sometimes this can be you too. The fact that it is retrograde i think links back into the past, it’s been retrograde since December 08 2014… So all this is linking back to something that happened a good 6-7 Months ago perhaps or something happening in the retrograde period.

I still think lots is being revealed, and it is not a time to power in with old ways of behaving as that will get you know where, it’s about acknowledging things and finding new ways to deal with what you find.

I also see that people might retaliate in strange ways also, it’s not that they don’t care its just that they don’t like to show how they feel instead they're angry side could come up… With this its so important that you don’t charge in all guns blazing just breathe and look at the situation.

In fact they are only going to get angry when you throw the truth in their face so don’t do that find another way if you can. The fact that Mars is sitting with Uranus there could be a need to want to escape, breakfree altogether instead of dealing with emotions or how they feel - Maybe there is some hidden guilt here to.

When it comes to love, romance and relationships of all kinds, the doors are open, opportunities are still there, although i asked you a few days ago to decide to close the door it is important that you did decide… However there is still time to communicate, talk and clear the air to give clarity. It’s a good time to get clear, and express, talk about what you want long term and how the past has affected you and the choice you have now made.

We are all being guided right now and there are big lessons to learn so we don’t fall into old habits, and ways of being. There is a need to tap into how you feel and what you desire. But not a time to overreact or charge in… Take some time to think because by the 15th Saturn will go into Scorpio again for a few months and this will be the resolving of the past… In turn right now is about getting clear and breaking old karmic patterns not falling straight back into them.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Monday 9 March 2015

Monday's Horoscope - March 09 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 09 March 2015 * * * *

Okay so Moon finishes up in the relationship sign of Libra and makes his way now into Scorpio by midday. A Scorpio Moon and being that it’s positively aspecting the Planet of psychic intuition, i think this is about digging for the truth, things being revealed but don’t over react by what you find out or what is say today.

I think ultimately today and this week is about a big change, and the decision that you need to make i do see aspects with this to do with relationships however it doesn't have to be that. What are you changing, for me it’s my hair, i’ve had my natural hair for 9 years and now i’m drastically changing it… I think this is the influence of uranus haha.

Opportunities arise when you have important conversations with people you love, be that a friend, lover, partner ect ect but i also feel like here we really have to be truthful about what we want and get it out on the table. This i think will not be easy but a lot easier than the weekends energy.

I think it’s hard to be open and honest in matters to do with the heart because we feel so vulnerable and the ego gets hurt and we so desperately want to be right. But now really is the time to settle old issues, things from the past to heal and move passed it - it cannot go left open there has to be some sort of resolve.

It’s clear lots has changed ‘’URANUS’’... Just look at how far you have come, see the things you now want in a partner (because venus is sitting with Uranus) and look at how you take action (Mars is here also). It’s time to move past it instead of burying it.

For those who have had issues with the past, but your past love has not resurfaced to clear the air, there are ways that you can close completely although it’s harder and maybe there is a deeper reason or lesson behind this. Spend some time looking at the situation and commit to saying that this is the end close the door, locked it behind you and throw away the key… What’s coming is so much more than anything you had take it from me - i’m not usually wrong, this person (NEW) surface this year so stay open… The old has no place in your future as they have shown by them hiding and running away - it will make their future harder in the long run.

This year is going to bring new people into our lives ones that will be around for a very, very long time… So clear out people who are not what you want - everyone is changing and you need to align with the right people.

I know a lot of girls who are going through this - Sudden break ups, relationships suddenly ending,  I’m lucky mine ended last year, My advice is to stay strong there will be some truth surfacing and your aim is not to act upon it but move passed it.
It’s hard to except at the beginning but people come into your life for many reasons and the ones that have left were never meant to be apart of your future and that’s the choice that was made. Don’t hold onto to things you have no control over your just cause yourself more pain - Once you have healed you will see what amazing people replace the old ones that left.

Today is a day of change, this entire week will be about this change and the truth and i think today is a perfect day for communicating and speaking from the heart.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Saturday 7 March 2015

This Weekends Horoscope - March 07+08 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 07+08 March 2015 * * * *

Okay i’m just going to say it what an intense relationship focused, healing focused weekend. Don’t know about you but i woke up foggy and groggy - hence the delay in the weekends horoscope. Nethertheless the Moon in Libra conjunct the North node is indicating to me this situation we are in is 100% necessary.

What we are going through should be a clearing of the old, what with directly opposite the south node which is trying to clear Karmic debt old relationship issues, looking at our beliefs and how we take action and with Uranus it is certainly shaking things up and it’s all a bit of a change… Be that a physical change or a change coming from within.

The Sun this weekend will be sitting with Chiron, which as you know everything in the universe is symbolic of what’s going on down here - Chiron looks at emotional wounds, hurts from the past ect… This weekend try not to allow old things in relationships to cause you pain or upset. Step back and look at the bigger picture.

To add here Libra which is where our emotional minds will be at, and as such be focusing upon our relationships - look at the parts you hate about who ever is causing an upset. Relationships act as a mirror to ourself, we attract what we need to learn and as such what are you not letting go of. Maybe now is the time to see it, learn from it and release it.

I think people with a lot of planets in their 7th could be experiencing a little more upheaval than most. remember focus on what the people around you are saying and see how this relates to something about you - then create a boundary and separate and let go of people who no longer serve a purpose in your life.

This releasing over the weekend is necessary because what’s coming needs to have a fresh slate and the past needs to be dealt with so we can truly benefit from what’s entering your life.

This weekend is not a time to be delusional, notice and pick up on your faults too, as we all have them in some area of our life. Once we do this we see clearly what is next to do - again rose tinted glasses when it comes to partnerships, ensure your seeing the person for who they actually are as this is being highlighted this weekend. It will also relate to the past.

I think as the weekend gets going a lot of truth will surface depending on you i think this could cause some people to feel defensive just acknowledge and sit with it if you can - a need to take responsibility i think, certainly not a time to hide your real feelings.

Powerful revelations as we get into the late evening on Saturday through to sunday! Maybe things are making more sense and perhaps the universe is aligning you with something exciting.  

Sunday is about the taking action and really having conversations. A time to open up and speak freely and truthfully about something deep. Yet i feel this will be a difficult conversation to be had but it is needed if you want to move forward.

Open up your mind, heart and see things from a higher perspective. Clear the air you will be surprised at how theraputic this can be.  

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Friday 6 March 2015

Horoscope Friday 07 March 2015 - ALL SIGNS

* * * * Horoscope 06 March 2015 * * * *
Okay so we still have the Moon in Virgo for pretty much the entire day before he pops over to Libra (early morning) the sign of relationships. I think with this energy it should be a little easier than yesterdays, the tug of war action between what you want and what you need will gentle wear off as the day progresses. This is the only sort of aspect when it comes to our emotions and feelings so it should be a rather pleasant day.

What is interesting is that there are opportunities that arise when you dig a little deeper. You know what you want and your able to get if if you take the right action - remember we have been talking about finding new ways to act and clearing out old ways of thinking and acting. Here i believe that there is a change but we are now stepping towards what that means for us.

What is highlighted today is that relationships, the stem of new ones also are expanding, the doorways are opening up and as we approach the weekend this will bring people into our life. Again as there is uranus there is might be under unusual and unexpected circumstances/ways.

Jupiter is giving opportunities it’s expanding the way the see things, look at things and the ways in which to take action. Here we have  as well some slight positive go ahead from the Sun so it really is highlighting your relationships and how to take action. What’s coming in is going to different and exciting but you will still need to put the work in.

Movement, change and a great time when new relationships could really start to blossom and take off. Just ensure that your thinking long term happiness as opposed to right now in the moment happiness - get it clear in your own mind.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks