Tuesday 21 April 2015

Tuesday's Horoscope April 21 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 21 April 2015 * * * *
Today the Sun in Taurus, which is ruled by Planet Venus… As i mentioned yesterday… Will be aspecting the Planet Saturn, of restrictions, lessons and Karmic ties. So What will likely take place is we are reflecting back to the major decisions we made in at the Beginning of Saturn in Sagittarius and the end of the Scorpio transit which was around the end of Summer time. In doing this we are seeing what situations we find our self in currently.

Taurus being an Earth sign, a practical sign and one that doesnt rush into anything. Right now and over the course of the month your going to be feeling a little more grounded than usual. So we want to indulge and just do things that make you feel good on the physical but we got a lot going on beneath the surface.

Pluto is also Retrograde so looking back to those past six months and truth is starting to surface making us want to act upon it. We are thinking about the actions we are taking, being very analytical about what we do, do, Taurus as i keep stating needs time before committing to anything.

The Moon today is in Gemini with Venus the planet of love… When these two come together in such a dual sign, it points to the need to find mental stimulation, ultimately we want more talking, more connecting, we want variety and excitement and yet at the root of all this is a decision that needs to be made a need to really look at things and maybe even some sort of truth surfacing from within… I think mostly it is kind of saying is to know what it is that you want then work out if what you have is going to give you that… Sun will be in Taurus for the next month so it will be a trial and error without commitment until you are certain.. So just enjoy.  

In terms of Love the doors are opening but being in the sign of Gemini and what with Taurus Sun, Mars and Mercury all sitting here could make us Get practical and look at what we are starting up around this time. Gemini wants to mingle, sample all the options before deciding upon which one to buy into to. What will be really exciting is if we can step into that place of enjoyment we can expect the unexpected when it comes to love… May just be a little something/Someone that takes you by surprise.

Again without sounding like i’m repeating myself there are still more than a few aspects that state not to get carried away… Are you seeing people for who they are or are you seeing them how you want to see them? It’s a time where things/people might not turn out how you want them to be - still no commitments just yet.

Happy Tuesday all!! Taking bookings as always just visit my website to book =) www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Monday 20 April 2015

Monday's Horoscope April 20 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 20 April 2015 * * * *
Today the Sun will enter Taurus, which is ruled by Planet Venus… So throughout the next month we will be looking at what it is we need, want and desire and really starting to do more things for yourself.

Taurus is an Earth sign, a practical sign and one that doesnt rush into anything. Right now and over the course of the month your going to be feeling a little more grounded than usual, especially if you are a Water, Air or even a Fire Sign. So expect to want to indulge and just do things that make you feel good.

The Moon today is Also in Taurus and will Move into Gemini tomorrow so whats happening here is a decision that needs to be made a need to really look at things and maybe even some sort of truth surfacing from within… I think mostly it is kind of saying is to know what it is that you want then work out if what you have is going to give you that… Sun will be in Taurus for the next month so it will be a trial and error without commitment until you are certain.. So just enjoy.  

Another good thing to know about Taurus Moon is that they are not always one to reveal how they feel, doesn’t mean they don’t they have strong roots it takes time to warm to something new.

In terms of Love the doors are opening but being in the sign of Gemini and what with Taurus Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury all sitting here could make us keep emotions hidden away. Gemini wants to mingle, sample all the options before deciding upon which one to buy into to. Again without sounding like i’m repeating myself there are more than a few aspects that state not to get carried away… Are you seeing people for who they are or are you seeing them how you want to see them? It’s a time where things/people might not turn out how you want them to be - no commitments just yet.

Happy Monday all!! Taking bookings as always just visit my website to book =) www.askalittlewitch.com/bookings-information

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Saturday 18 April 2015

Weekend Horoscope - New Moon - April 18+19 2015 - All signs

* * * * Horoscope 18+19 April 2015 * * * *
Today (Saturday) will be the New Moon in Aries, what this will bring is something New for sure and everything is pointing to fresh starts. What is interesting is that the only aspects here are that the Sun & Moon are joining together at the exact time of this New Moon and aspecting Saturn.

Okay so Saturn being in a Retro-grade (think retro, think old and think the past) state is looking at the decisions you have made, the big shifts and changes and Karmic relationships. What is happening here is we are looking at our relationships and seeing if this person/persons are what we want to bring forward into this new phase.

Now i realise i keep talking about new Chapters, but what we are or have been experiencing is a clearing and cleaning out. Before the retrograde it was external, literally taking action, but now what with both Pluto and Saturn in this motion we are internally processing it all.  I have done many readings over the past few weeks all talking about something new starting yet then it all went weird or suddenly went off.

Saturn will be Retrograde until July (august 2nd) and Pluto until September of this year so there is a lot of internalising going on. But we must make sure we are looking at our relationships in a way that can you see these people (friends or romantic partners) in your long term future… If the answer is no, can i ask what’s the point? Saturn wants you to take this seriously and will be dishing out his fair share of lessons - just a heads up.

If you know your time of birth and are interested I can look at what this will mean for you I just need your Time, Place, Date of birth - £3.50 to find out just drop me an Email askalittlewitch@outlook.com

So this New Moon will indicate needing to take something seriously and to have some sort of plan as to where your going… On the Positive you will be joining together with your self and listening to what it is that you truly want and stepping up to the plate.

Opportunities are opening up just ensure your thinking about the ones your walking through. Be true to yourself and you might need to express what is surfacing from within… A lot of people are having a change of heart! Change in feelings and i think this is all a reflection of the past and the fact of not really thinking about the choices you made thoroughly enough. Now what you can do is change the ones your making now.

Pluto brings change, Saturn gets you to think about it and get serious and practical, the Sun and the Moon are pointing to new beginnings as we shift from one way to another that will be the start  what’s to come in the Spring and Summer months.

Moon will be in Taurus so you might find that you are slowing down a little, taking your time more with things, and maybe the need to enjoy the moment as opposed to commit to anything. Taurus Moon in terms of relationships will be feeling things out and looking at where and if there is going to be a future with someone - If your not single it could be more about taking some down time and enjoy spending time together.

Also with this it is combining with Mercury which makes it easier to express ourselves in a way that is open and honest. It’s a time where our emotional mind and rational mind come together. Although not a time to act on things it’s a time to talk and engage more.

So all in all if you can be open, honest, and take things slow without the need to rush and label it then this weekend could be a passionate and great one. Lots to get excited about, lots of great conversation and a time to think and take things seriously but also a time to reflect and learn from past mistakes. A time to accept what ever surfaces.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Submit your Question and I will answer...

* * * * Q&A Saturday * * * *

Taking Questions for Next Week!! Comment below in the comments or drop me an email with the Subject titled “Q&A Saturday” askalittlewitch@outlook.com I will Select the winning Question Tomorrow with the Answer revealed Next Sunday

You can ask me anything you like… Whether you have a topic that you cannot understand, dream that you would like interpreting, I will give you my honest answer.

Many Thanks - Kerry