Friday 8 May 2015

Friday's Horoscope May 08 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 8 May 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is now in Capricorn, you may wake up today feeling like you have to plan ahead, get something done or make something happen… It’s a little relentless if i’m honest and it’s purely because the Moon which rules over our Emotions is pairing up and combining energies with Pluto the planet of death, rebirth and destruction, and also making a hard aspect to Uranus the planet of Change and as well as that in comes that difficult aspect with Venus now in the Sign of Cancer, Cancer being ruled by the Moon just amplifies emotions and the Pluto energy also.

Sorry i know that is a lot to get and understand, especially seeing as Mercury which rules over our intellectual minds how we express our thoughts is about to go retrograde, and it’s in its own sign Gemini, but it really is finding it hard to stay on one thing for two long.

So today being as Moon is heightened or felt a lot today because in matters of the heart is now transiting Cancer… Try not to push things, force things or jump to conclusions today… As Capricorn can be a little cold at times and can be more work oriented than relationship focused don’t go getting things twisted today people might be looking at their relationships from a “matter of fact” sort of a way.

Also because of this Capricorn energy we might want things (or results) to be a certain way and almost force things to happen, you want results and you want them now and that’s due to the fact Mars is now leaving Taurus (stable sign) and moving into Gemini (mutable air sign) meaning it wants to get things going.

Then if you look at the aspects we have the planet of change, mixing in with the planet of endings and getting to the bottom of things and so i think it is important today that we are as compassionate as we can be. To not be so responsive towards people as they might not even realise they are being different, we are all going through some sort of transition it’s important today to find a bit of balance and see things from the other side.

Might be some past issues to resolve today just ensure your going about it from the right way… especially in relationships Cancer is a very caring, nurturing and somewhat guarded sign it’s important that we try and implement the caring side of things into relationships today.

I’m kind of glad for this sudden boost of lets get stuff done… Just ensure your using it to get the right things done =)

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Thursday 7 May 2015

Thursday's Horoscope May 07 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 5 May 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon will enter Capricorn, later tonight so we do still have that Sagittarius energy going on for the most part of today which i have spoke about in the previous few days Astros

But to give a small recap, a Sagittarius Moon is some what over optimistic, it’s fiery and wants what it wants, it desires more in any need and out of the other fire signs this one does have a spiritual link to it as it is ruled by Planet Jupiter.

A Capricorn Moon on the other hand will slow things down, will process everything from a higher angle and to a degree they will look at the bigger picture, a Capricorn Moon wants to work, to build something and being as it is ruled by Saturn it wants things to work out it’s not a quitter. As well as that when we look at Saturn it is reflecting back to the past so perhaps this Moon in Capricorn is about not making the same mistakes it’s about working through them so the past situation doesn’t occur again.

When we are looking at the aspects there is something very interesting taking place with Relationships, matters of the heart and love in general… Venus is preparing now to leave Gemini and make it’s way into Cancer this will more or less follow the Moon into Capricorn. Now Cancer is ruled by the Moon so i guess you can expect relationships to run with the tides of the Moon as well. Cancer and Capricorn are both Cardinal Signs and so what’s interesting is something is starting to build in regards to the next few days.

Cancer in Venus which i will speak of more over the coming month will be all about the emotions, don’t be fooled Cancer is a Water Sign and is deeply psychic so trust in what your feelings, your certainly wanting to build something but is what you had, have what you truly want? With the Moon in Capricorn Again it’s about building and looking at the end result… Emotions will govern relationships over this Venus in Cancer transit. The transition is going from fun and games and plenty of excitement with the Gemini Venus into “I want depth and meaning” in a relationship with truth and connection in the Cancer Venus transit.

In truth today we are being pulled into two different directions, maybe we are finding it hard to have the best of both worlds when it comes to romantic issues. We desire one thing and our heart desires something else… What’s super interesting is Gemini is a dual sign so maybe they cannot find satisfaction from just having one partner… hmm Maybe things are not as solid as we thought.
I have a Moon Square Venus in my natal so i’m fully aware of finding it hard to find the best in both, hence the being single until i do. My Moon is also in Gemini but i’m not a cheater so please do not think everyone going through this transit is…

The last thing i’ll mention about today is that Moon/Mars aspect is stating that perhaps our emotions and actions are not being consistent… Maybe we are out of sync I read it as your needing to make constant adjustments, this is because your need for excitement and fun is not enabling your needs for security and love to both be fulfilled i know it’s tough it’s all about finding the balance and to not over do one or the other.

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Wednesday 6 May 2015

Wednesday's Horoscope May 06 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 5 May 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is still in Sagittarius, now as i said yesterday Sagittarius is a positive Sign today will be a challenging day not as much as yesterday but simply because you have the Moon still under Saturn the Planet of restrictions, lessons and karmic issues influence.

The real issue today is going to be our minds aka Planet Mercury

To elaborate a little more on what ive just said with the Moon and Saturn, I think you will be emotionally tested in regards to a past issue… As you know Saturn is retrograde which brings about a reflective energy an internal energy based off off the last transit of Saturn so all that chaos, decisions and choices that were made back then will come about again in some way as a sort of evaluation process. Saturn always finds a way of teaching you these lessons whether or not you want them… It’s necessary.

To add into the Mix we have Mercury in Gemini which is having a tough time making a choice whether or not to maybe get in contact… Do not fall back down the rabbit hole my friends!! It’s not worth it, learn your lessons, be wise and don’t allow your mind to trick you into anything I know Sagittarius Moon can be a little over optimistic from time to time which serves native Sagittarius folks well but not all of us. This could have something to do with past relationships, love relationships or matters of the heart as Venus is transiting Gemini.

Mercury is going through some serious motions today, aka our minds are over thinking things and in reality we could do better with expressing our self more instead of battling with our self and what’s racing up in our minds.

Now lets look at the Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, which today is aspecting things in a way that will be quite transformative in terms of you needing to change something, or look at things differently having to change or adapt your beliefs in some way… What i find fascinating is that perhaps you are fighting within yourself a little bit, trying to keep two sides of our self separate in someway. Adjustments need to be made as something becomes clear and you realise you can’t keep fighting with yourself you need to merge the two conflicting parties or at least try to.

Lastly I’d like to add that the Sun is positively aspecting the Planet of change, death and transformations Pluto, which is also retrograde so again in regards to the previous 6 months or so… This will bring forth a change, and an ending or a rebirthing of something that needs to happen. I think what with other aspects and what with Mars still toughing it out making slow and steady progress the action to the change will not be now but it will be coming soon.

Today we much acknowledge something and then decide then after that comes a change. I think today will be far more positive and upbeat than yesterday i just feel our minds are all over the place and the best cause of action today is find a way to express it. I know with Mars still combining with Mercury and Mars still in Taurus at the moment we will want to move slow but honestly today we need to trust how we feel and get out of our heads today.

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