Monday, 14 September 2015
Monday's Horoscope September 14 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac
* * * * Horoscope 14 September 2015 * * * *
♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓
Today the Moon will combine with Mercury so even more so it’s time today to have the talk… I mean really allow yourself you get all this stuff off your chest and out into the open, do not hold on to things but release it… It might be difficult but it is necessary to do so! The window is closing up for good on the 17th so act now but ensure your seeing things from both sides and try not to fool yourself in thinking certain things pay attention.
It’s time today to look at what you want, it’s time to look at how far you have come, it’s time to be honest if what you have is really what you want. Be honest. Stay true to yourself. Things are changing. Today don’t pressure yourself or anyone but try to just open the stream of communication without the expectation of it leading anywhere.
Below is a little More on this Jupiter in Virgo opposite the Neptune in Pisces that could play out for the Next year!!
What with Jupiter in Virgo and in opposition to Neptune Of which for us Pisces/Virgo Folks this could play out in two ways… Pisces we need to see that relationships are expanding over the next year being as Virgo is our polar opposite but there needs to be a balance for us too and our ideals, Neptune is dreamy and so be careful that people do not disillusion you but at the same time much wisdom and coming into connection with people who will mirror you in a beautiful way. Virgos i’d say your expanding in regards to you! Your focus is on yourself for the next year but do not neglect those around you and they offer the Key to even more success.
This opposition could be tricky because we are all being asked to put the work in… The more we put in the more Jupiter will reward us! Jupiter changing signs changes our luck into a new area of our life which is great stuff but oppositions between Pisces/Virgo is I think for many a reawakening to certain things, Virgo can be critical and judgmental only because it’s looking for perfection and Pisces energy is all about the beauty in the imperfections here we are needing to not accept everything as okay but at the same time not being overly judgy or focusing so much on our working life… Relationships will be key until that North-node in November jumps into Virgo as well some destined things are about to come - Honestly the astrology astonishes me,
I think this week will be major in regards to relationships, Money and maybe career as well. But more so with relationships as Venus in Retrograde and the destiny node is wrapping up in Libra although it won't change signs until November - but November is when all this will be clear “Relationship wise”. Opportunities are open and as i mentioned in many of my previous scopes during this year so far it really will be a marking point from when all things change!
Jupiter is on the brink now and will be in Virgo, Changing our luck! Virgo does mean to serve, to work hard and so if your clear about what you want and your ready to put the work into it you will be rewarded like no other… I still see this being about relationships as Venus will transit back over Jupiter bringing this North Node/Destiny marker swapping places - To me this is HUGE! Relationships are transforming and your being pulled towards certain people… but you also must let something go (old habit, way of life, something has to change) in order to claim what it is that will bring you the most happiness.
So anyway back to today - Maybe a difficult or awkward conversation a need to get real, to get practical to look at things differently both in depth and long term as well.. Unexpected things in love and still the truth surfacing back from the past with Scorpio Saturn helping us see things, teaching us things - So yes! Today could be a Karmic Lesson today especially after the weekend we have all had!
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Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)
Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks
☪✮☯ With Love☯✮☪
ask a little witch,
Neptune retrograde,
Sun Signs,
Today’s Horoscope,
Sunday, 13 September 2015
The Solar Eclipse/New Moon CARDS REVEALED!
☯❤☪ Solar Eclipse Cards ☪❤☯
A Slight variation to the usual “pick a card”, as this month I am incorporating Astrology; Sun Sign, Rising/Asc and Moon Sign… Not to worry if you do not know your planetary placements you can find out here
or you can just select the card that you’re most drawn to. Please note this is just for fun and is quite the stretch so fingers crossed your card relates to you!
Now that you have selected your card please comment your choice below in the comments then scroll down for the reveal.
♈ Aries: The Bard
The Bard is a Number 7 card and this means you’re at a turning point in your life… This could be a pivotal moment where a hidden talent reveals itself and this something that you will pick up quickly and you may actually later find out that this has something also do with the past. This also has a link to music, the arts, movies is there something that you're not seeing or hearing? It’s a time where you start to look back into the history of your life looking at how certain things have been happening and repeating themselves in your present or even someone close to yous past. The Answer that you seek will be found in the history/past of someone or something depending on your situation. It’s not the time to charge ahead but to dig deeper. The Seeds to the future can always be found in the Soil of the past!
♉ Taurus: The Bear ®
Are you being defensive this Month on this Solar Eclipse there is something big happening with you! It’s important and it is powerful and it will move you from within. The Bear could also tell you that you’re about to make an important decision and one that you need to be sure within your heart of hearts is what you want. This card is asking that you’re strong, being strong within not just physical strength but you will need to allow someone in or maybe you need to protect yourself nevertheless if you know it’s what you want then be brave enough to take the next step.
♊ Gemini: The Horse
Someone could enter your life that will be able to help you a great deal in some way and it is important that you allow this person to do just that. Do not feel like you have to it all by yourself during this intense time… Help is on the way and they want to carry some of the weight so allow it you will get there so much faster if you do… and what with a Mercury Retrograde (where things slow down/delays) I think you could use it. You make yourself available to help others do not be afraid to ask sometimes… The help will arrive.
♋ Cancer: The Tower ®
Boy oh boy change is everywhere and because you are ruled y the Moon Cancer you are feeling the energy (cancer Sun, Moon, Asc). The Tower reversed could indicate that there is still some unresolved issue from the past and what with Saturn about to change signs it’s so important that your releasing the past. I have a feeling some pretty fated things are on the horizon and it is all to get you to that right place, to meet that right person or something - Note there are no wrong choices but you must make one this has a strong association to the past. Allow fate to direct you! Your are also being protected during this time.
♌ Leo: The Fear ®
My Kings/Queens you're really having to face a fear and it is likely linked to the heart… I think that your having to let go you could be holding on to something that is preventing your light from shining in someway. Remember fear is nothing more than false evidence appearing real… find the truth and shine your beautiful light all over it.. Come face to face and you will overcome it! It could feel scary and intense but it will be worth it in the long run… Get out of expecting certain things and watch the universe deliver what it is that you need be open to seeing something something which you have refused to see before. Perhaps your afraid of losing something that is not yet yours?
♍ Virgo: The Rider ®
To be expected… but there will be delays with communication or some news is on it’s way it just might take some time to get to you. Mercury is retrograde and as Mercury rules over both Gemini and Virgo expect things to be slow. Nevertheless there is a great opportunity coming your way one that will bring more than it first appears to. This is the card of taking action as well so if there is something you have been meaning to say it will be received well if done before the 17th if not wait until the 10th of October when Mercury gets a Move on… Also something that you have long been waiting for will somehow turn up in an unexpected place or when you're not even looking for it
♎ Libra: The Perception
You have a choice to make in your relationships and it requires you to things from all angles there is something that you're not seeing or not considering. It is essential that you weigh things up and by doing so you will of found your answer but it lies within the eyes of another or seeing something differently. Are you seeing someone for whom there are or how you want them to be. It’s time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Are you happy as you are or is something needing to change? The way your looking at something has the potential to change your entire world.
♏Scorpio: The Whip
Scorpio, Saturn is about to leave your sign on the 17th and you are needing so badly to detach yourself from a bad situation or a bad person in your life. I know you connect to people powerfully but in all honestly this is causing you nothing but pain… Why should you be punished you deserve happiness and your past is not and does not have to or need to be your future the power lies within you to say enough is enough. It’s time to put an end to something this really will affect the next 30 years please do make the wise choice the right one… Does not matter how much time has been invested it is time to end the suffering and stop making it worse… By refusing to make the change you are only causing yourself more pain. End your suffering and step into the life that you really want even if it means to start again.
♐Sagittarius: The Disruption
Well yes as one door closes another opens… Saturn is about to enter your sign my friends if you are a Sagittarius that is or have Sagittarius energy. This will cause something to change and this change may take you by surprise and for others it may not. Your going to be learning some very important things and although you like to learn new skills to open your mind to certain things your beliefs could very well be challenged or change or transform in many ways as well as expand… Do not get thrown off guard by the unexpected embrace it and roll with it I know you natal Sagittarius are good at bouncing back but this will be a 3.5 year transit. Things are about to change something is ending and something new is coming in… I still see this as a positive! Just saying!
♑Capricorn: The Destiny
Knock knock!! Answer the Door Capricorn! You cannot hide away and pretend it will all go away… More so you shouldn’t want it to, it’s destiny after all. Things are changing for you as well I feel it is on the up but with relationships meeting someone you know is just what you want but then comes in your wanting to detach and not open up I feel you will be challenged if you want it then you will need to make those changes or try to be at least. Important things are taking place, big things and things that will as well affect your next 30 years so choose wisely!
♒ Aquarius: The Water Fairy
Oh noooo haha (don’t mean to giggle) Aquarius you are going to be flooded with the very thing you like to detache away from… Emotion! You're being asked to look at,work through all that suppressed emotion you need to get real honest and real quick as the 17th the doors to the past close. Make sure your tying up loose ends your have a habit of leaving doors open not able to make things so final. Your moved and things are clearer than ever, deeper than ever and more intense and all these emotions has you feeling really weird because let’s be honest you're just not used to it. It actually annoys you and frustrates you that you cannot just forget or switch it off that it crawls its way back to your focus. Time to release, let go and express and open up.
Note:An Aquarius with a Water Moon may already be aware of such things but those with other Moon placements may be just plain confused as to why you’re thinking like this.
♓ Pisces: The Fish
For us Pisces business is good! Money should flow in and lots of exciting things on the horizon as well. I think for the Piscean group it is about rewards, it’s about trusting in that intuition and finding your treasure. Good things are on there way into your life. Lucky. Positive. Work offers. Keep on swimming Pisces… Keep on swimming! Magical things be this is love, career or in your personal life.
Thank you so much for playing along please do share with your friends and let me know how well I do for this month! If you would like to book please do check out my website for a personal reading with me.
Lots of Love - Kerry@askalittlewitch
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