Showing posts with label divination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label divination. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Pick A Card & Comment Below - The Reveal!


So It's that time again beginning of the Month where I select a few cards and deliver a little guidance JUST FOR FUN but lets see if your chosen card relates to you.

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This is Just for FUN… Please Check out, like and subscribe to notifications on my page to not miss out on more fun stuff!!!

Now you have selected lets see what your Card says about you or something going on with you right now or very soon.

Cards Revealed Below with meanings!!

Card A - The Novice

This card comes at a time where your finding your footing in a new situation. Your embarking on a new journey one that at times you feel unsure of because you have yet to experience this but you are on the right path and heading towards the direction that will bring great joy and happiness. My advice is to stick at it the things in life that are worth having are the things that you work hardest for. What’s important with this card is that your learning something new do not resist the lesson do not act like you know what’s best this is all new to you go with it.

Card B - Wisdom (R)

Your looking at things differently, maybe changing a belief and if your not it’s asking you to see the bigger picture. You need to see the error of your ways, to change and adjust with what is now, something that you held on to be that a belief for example is preventing you from moving forward. Wisdom is called here because you already know and have had this lesson before it’s time to apply what you have learnt from the past and direct it and use it to create a better future. The answer you seek is locked within your heart what does it tell you.

Card C - Restriction

Your being put on hold, you have done much, revealed much to yourself but you can do more… Do more! The gate will open up when you stop looking outside of yourself, when you stop being in a hurry to get from where you are to where you want to be and just enjoy the process of getting there. They want you to look long and hard at how far you have come, all that you have achieved and just relax and take/make time for you. Restriction is a good thing focus on each moment and see where it leads you… Soon enough the journey within will open the gate to something without - something new will come in to your life physically just don’t rush it!

Card D- Heart Chakra

This is a card that says is your mind, life or your ego drowning out what now seems like a whispering from within… The Heart chakra wants you to be silent and take stock of what your emotions, feelings and your heart wants it’s great to be excited have lots of plans, ambition and to be active but your heart is saying “I know what you yet cannot see”. Open your heart up, deal with and express whatever you have been suppressing and covering up distractions with. Get creative and get in touch with your inner child, your inner you and do something you once loved to do again… It’s time to get back to the centre of who you are once more - open heart opens the doors to something so pure it will take you by surprise.
Card E - Discontent and Boredom

Are you just going through the motions, wondering when something even a little exciting is going to take place. You may even be needing to make a choice and your so focused at the boxes you forget to think outside of it. Life can have its motions but you are learning something be that an inner working of sorts… The work you are doing internally is making way for things to come in. Here comes the issue - The life you have is due to the things you are doing… Change something, be that small or big and see the difference...Get out of your comfort zone and shake things up because what is one the horizon if you do so may just be what you always wanted.

Card F - Patience

Need I spell it out for you… you need to give yourself time to heal, to let go to figure things out by being on your own. Patience comes because you need to not be in such a hurry to jump from one to another, healing, letting go, honesty it all takes time because we need to see how we are looking at the situation so we can have a true understanding of how we feel. Let me put it this way if you make a hasty choice now you will later change your mind, see something differently and later regret this very choice. Take time to just sit on it for a while. Start focusing on you, your health and if your blocking something out, causing yourself to worry and in turn making yourself ill - Patience and things will become clear!

Card G - The Cow

This card is saying look at the quality of what you are creating… Is your heart in it 100%, are you happy? This card points to the universe cycle of things… What you put in you get back… But are you asking for help when you need it and giving of help when you notice it is required. Find the balance and the courage to not overextend yourself and set boundaries and organise yourself more as you will gain more. The Cow says “Take my milk, for i can always feed you because i can eat the grass just don’t forget to till the soil to ensure that the grass will grow” Everything is an exchange! Do not break the cycle of exchange - giving too much or too little and it shall break the cycle of exchange.

Card H - Firm Foundations (R)

Are you being stubborn, greedy, putting a lot of focus onto the materialistic side of life… Ask yourself what are you building in life, what are your aims and your dreams? As yourself are you building a stable foundation or are you rushing in and being greedy. This card says focus on the real wealth in life, the people that surround you give them your time and enjoy abundant wealth because money comes and goes you can always earn more later focus on what truly matters to you. Look at what you have not what you do not have.. YET. For you will gain it but only if you can loosen that tight grip and just allow yourself to enjoy what you have.

Card I - The Owl

The Owl is the card of wisdom, and paying attention to what is being said and what is being kept from you. The owl is about seeing through the darkness and finding the truth. Someone maybe hiding their real intentions, it uncovers lies deceit and any misconception it also asks that your being honest with yourself and not living in denial or lying to yourself. Your intuition is at an all time high so why do you make excuses for it. Pay attention to the recurring signs that find you! Are you seeing the bigger picture and are you being wise and trusting in that inner feeling. If you sense something is not right it probably is not. Digging deep and things start to surface - Saturn retrograding in Scorpio - Old lessons from 2012-2014 coming up be wise and trust.

Let me know if your ‘’just for fun’’ Card related to you

Many thanks

Friday 10 October 2014

Mystery Cards - Friday 10 October 2014

Mystery Cards - Friday 10 October 2014

Thank you so much for sharing with your friends… Okay so if you have not done so already, and to never miss out on a free card reading, freebies, one card giveaways - Just hit the like button on my facebook page -It will drop down just select & press ‘’Get Notifications’. Facebook keeps changing the settings Guys- So i am still posting, giving away you just need to hit the ‘’get notifications’’ to have it come up on your news-feed  <3

If you have not already please check out my Astrology for today this will add a little extra to what’s going on. Posted at 7 pm.

Left or Right
then Scroll Down

These card to add a little background theme to them i would say is about finding Acceptance for where your at. This Energy is about accepting and knowing that everything you have chosen has lead you to here. Now these can be both positive and negative, but i feel that even the negative has the capability to be turned around and seen positively. You need to see who you are at your core. Know your talents and skills and not to be modest but to be powerfully strong. This is all about self love and self acceptance - Believe in who you are make amends and have courage to grow and step forward into the unknown.

Okay so if you opted for Left you got Quest and if you was drawn to the right side then you got Expansion.

Quest - This is a throat Chakra card, and yes it fits beautifully within the energy of today and the coming days ahead. It’s saying you need to be honest with yourself, get deep & speak your truth - stop lying to yourself… you know what you need to do and with this card i feel you are ready for it and all it will bring. This card is saying do you feel you need to be somewhere else and then you will be happy? is that true of you? I think you will go on a journey whether a physical one, emotional one or a spiritual one - you will be discovering more about you, what it is that makes you spark and working a way to do more of it… Sometimes though we can over complicate things, so be wise, don’t search the world to find the thing you wanted all along was right where you are… This card is about being open to seeing all possibilities and what ones align with you the most to bring you JOY!!

Expansion - This is another throat chakra card again there is a search for the truth. I feel with you guys though there has been an expansion in your consciousness, like you're able to see more deeper into the matter at heart here. Your life is changing as you move away from the old ways of seeing things. New people are entering your life now, it’s time to sort out your relationships, some may not be serving your highest interests. Reach out to those who are on the same frequency or page as you… People who lift you up and do not put you down. Start to believe in your vision, your dream, your desire as this will open up more to you. You will be meeting people who help you expand your horizons some old friendships may die out but the new ones are just what you need.
#I hope these cards kind of give you a little insight to what’s going on with you - I do try to make the relate to as many people as possible. So thank you for sharing and join me again Saturday for more of the same

For the Month of October i am offering Mini Readings for £15 =) If you would like one of these they are online, worldwide, via paypal to your email.

I am now offering Face to face readings for those that live in the Chelmsford Area £25 For a Reading - and if you would still like the online ones i will be now making some changes and sending you a recording of your reading instead of a written copy (if you would like it written up it does take me 2 hours to do so - so the reading will take longer to arrive and there maybe a small fee)

I aim to get my readings to you within 24 hours of cleared payment depending on workload up to 72 hours.

Enjoy your week x x x

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Choose your card

Choose your card

Please select Left or Right before scrolling down…Hey Guy's... So every Monday, Friday & Saturday i'll be posting up these beauties @ 11 am on Facebook and all you have to do is pick Left or right - comment below and then i will reveal the cards with meanings at 8pm! I hope you like this version, please like and share with friends as always...

have you selected... Now Scroll down to see what you got!

Okay so what card did you select?? LEFT - Perception & RIGHT - Renewal

Perception- This card is saying to look at things differently... You may have been really caught up on something feeling sure you made the right decision, but where you really seeing things from the right perception? Perception is stepping away from your ego and how you see things in your mind, or how you feel others influencing your thoughts, its about seeing things from the heart - hence it being a heart chakra card.. Ask yourself ''how would someone who loved their self see this?''After all the heart knows what the eyes cannot see... A big change may be coming! you could go through some kind of transformation.

Renewal - Being a root chakra card it symbolizes the beginning, starting from the material, survival, basic needs and ensuring your needs are being met. What appeared to be an end is really a new beginning... It may bring a new opportunity, a chance to build a new life for yourself, or embrace something new that will build up into a strong foundation... It's time to start again and make your life the way you want it to be... but first starting with you. New energy is being brought in so you can move past the old and either start again or renew that something old which will prove to be better and stronger than before... This end whatever it maybe is not an end but a new beginning - enjoy!

Please do share with friends, comment and like the post to show your support if you are liking these new cards!  Join me Weds for a free one card reading... & if you would like to book a reading with me, they are £25, online, worldwide, via Paypal straight to your email - please check out what other people think of my readings, you won’t be disappointing x x x

Saturday 30 August 2014

Signs & Omens : Spiders

Signs & Omens : Spiders

When spiders keep crossing your path it can mean a number of different things, like maybe it’s telling you to take a risk, do something that scares you to overcome a fear. Otherwise it’s saying for you to get creative, get inspired to make something but your skills into action and build something. Could be anything creative, writing, fashion, cooking, art, makeup or beauty… the list is endless it’s what ever inspires you! So you see spiders are a lucky omen they are also very protective in terms of spirituality.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Signs, Symbols and Omens

Signs, Symbols and Omens

The universe is always talking to us, the question is do you pay attention? The Kinds of signs, symbols and omens that i’m talking about are the spiritual kind. So what does that mean? I’m talking about seeing something over, and over again, seeing something in a strange place or out of the blue…. But most of all it will draw your attention to it.

This could be seeing the same number, on number plates, in magazines, on the TV, on receipts, books, walls or over hearing them ect… It could be seeing the same insect, bug or animal or object… All have meaning to you or a message for you! Like i spoke about in the Connecting With Angels video/blog

So what doesn’t make them a sign, symbol or omen… We are constantly  thinking thoughts, and those thoughts create focus, intention and send out energy. So what i’m saying if you have been thinking a lot about something there is a high chance that it could show up in your existence. This is not a sign or an omen… thats known as manifestation! You attracted that thing to you by focusing upon it so its not a sign from above its the universe giving you the thing you are focusing upon.

This goes both ways, the universe brings you whatever you are constantly thinking about… So if you are thinking about the lack or money… Guess what the universe will present you with more experiences that make you feel like you have not a lot of money… The universe does not understand between having or lacking it only listens to the thoughts you process. So that is not a sign, it’s saying you need to learn from this and change your thoughts.

We are all here to learn, grow and create something. We all have purpose and meaning… So pay attention to what the universe is guiding you towards and go with it… It will certainly answer any questions you have been having

Thursday 24 July 2014

Free One Card Reading Every Wednesday

Free One Card Reading Every Wednesday

Join me Every single Wednesday for a Free one Card Reading on my Facebook and Twitter - It’s all online and worldwide like my full readings. I run two sessions one for the UK and the EU, and another a few hours after for the USA, Canada, Australia and Mexico.

So what do you have to do….

It’s really simple all you have to do is come down to my facebook page and every Wednesday there will be a post that says ‘’FREE ONE CARD READING’’ at 730pm BST (UK) Time for the EU/UK and same post again but at 1.30am for the rest the world.

You must share the ORIGINAL POST
Like it and comment your name below on the ORIGINAL POST.

On Twitter @askawitchuk you must follow me, RT the post and tweet me with your name so i can find you

I will then at 9pm & 3am BST (UK) Time pull your cards and inbox them to you - Time zones are below

Thursday 10 July 2014

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Today we are being asked to look at everything with unconditional love. You see everything in our existence is a reflection of you, it’s being shown to you as a mirror image of your internal being. We are all interconnected, and our experiences are just reflections of what we need to learn about our self inside out.
When you feel judged by other people it’s showing how you judge your self.
When you have been hurt by someone its because you're allowing them to do so and by that you are hurting yourself. We have to see that this day in age nobody is perfect we are all the same and yet we are all different. We attract relationships that contrast our self, we must remember that the people in our life are a reflection of who you are, who you will be, there is always something to take from every experience you have. People come into our life to teach us things, so remember that when you are out in the world to look at things from a higher perspective. I’m not saying it’s easy, because we are all emotional and spiritual beings having a human experience, and each of us has a part to play in this ‘’life’’ (video game). So when someones rude, see it as that's a reflection of who they are, do not lower your vibration to argue with them… The universe is presenting you with a challenge, you are not a rude person so therefore you do not need to acknowledge this person. Now i’m not saying to allow people to mistreat you because that would not be good for you. I’m saying to handle things with love, love your self first, be the change you want to see in the world, and watch the shift happen from within you. When you see a homeless person, its presenting you with the chance to help someone in need, like what you need when you're down on your luck. It presents you with the chance to look at yourself and realize just how lucky you are. Be grateful for the relationship you have, the things that bring you joy and the fact you are healthy, embrace your journey with unconditional love.

Saturday 5 July 2014

The Card of the Day

- The Card of Day -
- The Bee -

The card of the Bee, is all about working hard, keeping busy and the end result is... Honey and lots of it!
If you want your dreams to come true it’s crucial that right now you are making steps towards your dreams and that you are deeply committed. IF you want your dreams to become reality you must first stop dreaming and get out there and work hard at it to make it happen. Nothing happens overnight, it takes time, so by you not acting now is just delaying your future success & there will be success!

For your full reading with me just inbox or drop me an email. Please do share my page will fellow people who like you like this

Wednesday 13 November 2013

guide to Auras

Ask a Little Witch

How to See an Aura

Good evening all that’s tuned in to Ask a little Witch … So you clicked on this because you’re curious as to what an Aura is, how can you see an Aura and if it’s a trick that most can do… Let me do my best in explaining it as much as I can from what I've learnt over the past.

An Aura, What is an Aura?

Well, an Aura is a vibration of energy. There, wasn't that simple? Okay, now let me explain… All living things are made of energy, you yourself are energy, trees, flowers, animals, fruit and all types of things that are alive exuberate energy. Now the vibration, or what I mean by that is, we all run on various frequencies, some vibrate faster, some slower, some have a stronger vibration and others a weaker vibration of energy.

So that's what an Aura is. But what does it look like??

Auras are different, they look different depending on what, who you’re looking at - just as you’re not the same as your neighbour and their different from you. Sometimes you will see a ring of colour around there silhouette surrounding there body. Some will have beams of colour coming from them.

You see the glow around the hand... That's what it appears like... and on some other occasions on healers hands (reiki healers, crystal healers and masseuse etc)  you will see beams, swirls of energy coming out of their palms.

Okay, so why do people see them and what are they for?

Auras are seen by people with a higher sense of awareness, they can tell a lot about a person from the colours that they see coming from them. Healers can tell use the colour of an Aura to see what energy centre (Chakra) is blocked.
Another way I can describe it, you know you get a feeling in the pit of your tummy, sometimes when you meet someone, and for some reason you get a bad feeling… That’s you ‘psychically’ picking up something about that person. You may not see the energy from that person, but you feel it!

How to see Auras…

You need to approach this with an open mind and bucket loads of patience. You need to be in a relaxed state of being, before you begin you will need your subject to practice on... I'd recommend a piece of fruit like an Apple or a banana, you can even practice on your own hand (in time). You will need to place it in front of a white background... like a white painted brick wall (not wooden as wood usually very much alive), If not, stick a sheet or two of plain white paper on a wall and then begin.  

First you want to quieten your mind, so spend 5-10 minutes just focusing upon your breathing. Deeply in, then out, empty your mind of thoughts. 

Then close your eyes, pick up your item (apple or banana) and hold it gently in your palms. Continue breathing in, and then out, you don't want to strain it, or force it to happen... gently feel the item (apple or banana). But feel I do not mean to stroke it. I mean to feel it, what energy vibration do you get... the best way to describe the feeling for energy is the feeling you get when you hold a crystal in your palms. Some feel a tingling sensation and others a warmth, everybody is different and the vibration can even feel different to different people.

Now place your item in front of the white wall or sheet of paper. You then want to look blankly at the outline of the item (apple or banana). Best way is to imagine you were to draw it, look at the item, not directly at it, but to the side (outline). Eventually your eyes will un-focus... don't panic this its the training process of seeing auras. Soon the blur will turn into a colour, and the aura will appear. 

Please do not stare for too long (you will be seeing the imprint of your item for about 5 minutes after if you do that), try for a minute at a time, until you can build up to a couple minutes. Not everyone will see straight away, it takes time, so be kind to your self...

I hope this has helped to explain what an Aura is... Post below or to my Facebook page, with your progress. I will aim to make these blogs into videos on my new YouTube channel in time. 

Let me know if you want to know what Colours of Auras mean.. or what you may want to learn about next...

As always <3 your little Witch x x x 

I do not claim rights to photographs used in this blog