Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Thursday 2 June 2016

My Spiritual Perspective on the Vegan Movement

My Spiritual Perspective on the Vegan Movement. . .

Those that know me know the nature of my work so it’s fair to say I am a very open minded person, who lives a somewhat unconventional lifestyle. Before we get into this (I hope to be) Short blog I’d just like to say this is just off of my own perceptions and I urge you to do your own research & look into things for yourself.


We must get out of the “believing everything you read and see”. There was a time where doctors said smoking was healthy for you - just saying! Now we know it’s not (Just one example).  We are feed what the large corporations want to sell us. Notice the cost difference on certain foods.

I do not believe because you eat meat that you do not love animals, just like I love plants and eat them.

I want you to just stop and look around the room that you're in. . . What do you see? I want you to know that everything around you is energy, it radiates off an energetic field of its own - everything is alive and I’m aware that not everyone has extrasensory abilities but boy oh boy if you could see it’s actually pretty beautiful and all because you cannot see it it doesn’t mean you cannot feel it.

plant aura.jpegOkay so hang in there - I swear I am not a crazy person - says every crazy person! Haha.

vit b12.pngFor the longest time I have rarely eaten meat, In fact, I would've almost certainly of been a vegetarian if my mother didn’t force it down my throat. But for the past 2 years, I would have meat like every other day, gradually only twice a week and then once a week. I have only recently discovered why or even what it was I needed because I used to faint if I didn't eat meat - B12. Then in my spiritual work I would feel so much lighter, and connected spiritual whenever I skipped the need to consume meat - I love living in the clouds where I attain most of my intuitive insights for clients.

nutrition.jpgSpiritually speaking, I used to associate eating meat with being grounded. This couldn't be further from the truth, you see you are what you eat and as sad as it is meat holds an incredibly low vibration (energetically speaking). So being a severely empathic person It would bring me down. I’m sure you have felt it too - When you finish eating a meaty meal you feel sluggish, heavy, ready for a little nap, can’t move incredibly “full”... Side note most meat eaters don’t poop enough and if they do it can be painful? So i’ve heard.

vegan burger.jpg(Vegan Burger to the Left ) I’m also sure your aware of the absurd “living” conditions of “farmed” animals - It’s disgusting, cruel and quite frankly inhumane. But the world we live in is so overpopulated and it's ingrained into our minds from our suppliers that it is necessary to consume meat with every single meal of the day (when was the last advert you saw advertising salad or healthy choices - It’s all burgers and skinny chicks- heck you can pop over to Mcdonalds and pick yourself up a cheeseburger for little over a £1 and better yet it’s ready within 2 minutes - talk about a fast paced lifestyle!

empathyInAction1.pngOkay so let me explain empathy, you know when your best friend has suffered some sort of loss, and you literally feel the pain they are going through, that transfer of energy - The exchange… We as humans are always doing this picking up on “vibes and feelings”. Well, everything you eat has the exact same energetic imprint. So you are ingesting pain, confinement, torture, prison, death and all the sadness that comes along with it.

I’m not saying you have to give it up and a healthy lifestyle is so not all about eating salads and drinking green smoothies - Heck i’d dye.

book.jpgI just want you to question everything you have ever been taught. . . & Really ask yourself is it true? Some of the longest living cultures come from china, eating grains, whole foods, rice, and veggies and look how amazingly they age - it’s more than good genetics - It’s a lifestyle.

Is it really healthy to consume meat with every single meal you eat? Do we really need to eat a low carb diet to stay in shape? Can you really not get enough protein on a plant-based diet? I’m not saying for you to turn vegetarian/vegan… No, I’m saying why not swap out some meat dishes and choose something different, why not try some of the many faux meat alternatives Linda McCartney has a fantastic range - Super tasty. Just make one day out the week to experiment with alternative meal choices - It can be fun and you can be as inventive as you like.

Now the reason for the short Video above! Plants have feelings too! THEY DO!!! It grinds on me when Vegans say Animals have feelings and plants don’t - yes you cannot hear the screams of a leafy green - Does it mean it's not there?

I believe all things are living, breathing beings and no one or the other is better than the other. I also believe that in this thing we call life, something dies so you can live - it’s an exchange and that “food” be it meat or plant based lives on within you… It helps you grow and achieve your dreams, do good deeds ect ect. My point is that a plant-based diet increases and boosts your energy, you can eat so much more of it than you can on a meat diet without gaining the extra pounds. My second point is, do you really want to ingest a low vibration energy source as a way of living. Plants can grow in smallish spaces - animals are not supposed to be caged - but supply and demand requires it. It's funny, or not funny, ironic because we are all prisoners of our own governments feeding back into the cycles and patterns they created.

vege_v.jpgI guess the choice is yours. . . I wouldn't recommend watching one of the many horrific documentaries on the farming industry - and yes ignorance is bliss but the truth it will literally break your heart - we all know how to be compassionate, it’s apart of us that makes us human. I’d like to see things change but with so many people consuming so much meat I cannot see it happening. . . Skip McD’s if only you knew what you was actually eating and it’s not even all “meat” - Poison.

Nobody has the right to tell you what to eat - but from a spiritual perspective, I do see the benefits for this vegan movement. I know it can feel like a guilt trip or a personal attack when someone comes out and says - "I'm vegan!!". That’s because it makes you feel pressured in doing something different than what you have been long doing probably for your entire life. Habits are difficult when you look at it in a way like “i’m giving it up” - Your not giving anything up, you can have it if you want it but you can choose to make a different choice even if it’s just one meal out of a day or once a week eating a vegetarian or vegan diet. Small steps and every little helps - Stop feeding into what the government wants you to do and pave your own way - in what actually makes your body feel good.

Again I’m not pressuring you to eat a certain way, I’m not a pushy sort of person - But this Vegan movement is 100% necessary, you do not need to follow/support it buts it’s good to be aware of things, be it health wise, environmentally, for the animals ect ect

vegan for everything.jpgMy transition has taken a good few years and I have gained weight (because I quite frankly wasn’t eating enough- I would get so full on just 1100 calories a day! I know backwards right), but now I have found my balance that weight is now starting to fall off =) I don’t judge you for eating meat, I do not think that you don’t care or love animals because you eat meat - It’s a part of our culture to eat meat, to restrict carbs, calorie count and work out like a crazed person to stay slim!

I Get it! Bacon tastes good -I can have bacon if I want it - truth is I no longer desire it! The food I eat is so unbelievably tasty, I'm buzzing on a plant based diet and My spiritual abilities are strengthening (as the pineal gland decalcify) which is amazing! = A very happy Kerry!
I wouldn’t recommend for anyone to just go plant based! I think the staying power comes with small changes and building on it. I wouldn’t say I’m "Vegan", because I’m not an activist, I'm an advocate, if someone asked me what I eat I’ll say a plant- based diet, I still try to purchase things that are cruelty-free and not tested on animals! I do not believe in wasting things so will use up any old makeup products until its finished and find an alternative & I’m super sentimental with some items - I guess I see things in a way that the Avatars do!

Something I have noticed is that there really is an alternative for everything! isn't that magical!

Anyways this is very long! & For those that know me please do not feel the need to tread on eggshells around me because I have come out and said I don’t eat meat anymore - it’s been quite a while for me! & I totally get your resistance to the Vegan Movement - Change is hard! & You are free to munch whatever you like. 

#akward stock check at Lush haha!

Much love - Your Little Witch X x x

Monday 4 August 2014

What’s going on with our Water

What’s going on with our Water

Today i wanted to talk about waking up. You see as a society, we are sheep, we follow what we are taught and not many of us question what we are told. We follow the herd. Now i do not mean this to offend anyone, this is something that i know many free thinkers, visionaries and open minded people also believe in. So hang in there, i’m not asking to to believe what i say, i’m hoping that this video will leave you questioning a few things enough to make you go out there and research and find out for yourself.

The first thing i wanted to talk about is our water… Now i have a blog post about this which i will leave in the description box below, if you want to read it, but i urge you to find out for yourself. not many people really question our water. We turn a tap on and magically enough we have water… Pretty amazing stuff aye. But we do not know is what is in it… Yes water has naturally occurring chemicals from the earth, but what we do not know that is some parts in the UK, and throughout the USA is that fluoride is added to the water… My question is why?? For the same reason that why is it added to toothpaste.

Now obviously Fluoride naturally occurs in our water, my issue is with the fact that so much more is added to it, along with various other chemicals. Another thing to remember is the fact that whatever we ingest as humans, comes out in our urine. That urine then makes it way to being filtered out, a lot of what we ingest as humans were no where near as toxic back in the day that our filter system was made, so we can expect to find that we are not only ingesting fluoride and chlorine, we are taking in all the pharmaceuticals that people have been also taking. Antidepressants, birth control pills, pain killers need i go on.

Here is what my water company says is in my water...

Whats even more upsetting is it’s the less fortunate that suffer the most, people that cannot afford to buy water filter systems and buying spring water. What’s even more disturbing is how this is not common knowledge to people. To find a spring near you please visit

Here is what y country has claimed about water fluoridation. Now i disregard a lot in the article apart from the maps. So much of the world is being subjected to water fluoridation.

The history of Fluoride is SCARY! It was not research enough to know the long term effects, yet here we are being presented with higher rates of cancers, organ failure, more babies with higher allergies…

Fluoride was used in the concentration camps back when hitler was around, and chlorine in its gas form was what was used to gas those people… Now it’s dosage is lowered but added to our water? I ask why… If it has no health benefits why not leave it out? We have not evolved enough that the world leaders still want to control and contain us out of greed. It’s shocking and people need to be more aware of what’s going on, stop listening to the information they give, the information about the things they are ‘selling us’ and find your own research.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Healing YOUrself Naturally part 1

- Ixchel - 

Medicine Woman

Hey Guys, So it's actually really funny that this is the card i picked today. I asked ''what do my page viewers want to know about'' It's funny because i had an urge to write about vaccines again...

Any ways The Medicine Woman Card means that we all possess the great power to heal our self. Our body is a naturally healing vessel. We cut our self, we bleed, and then our blood clots and we scab over and our skin regenerates new skin and we heal.

We are all capable of healing, but we give much power to doctors and drugs that if any thing can prolong our healing process. Our body if you are in-tuned will let you know what you need to heal, and it mainly comes down to what we put into our bodies. Sadly we put more harmful, chemically in-juiced foods into our system than that of what we truly need to function.

Secondly a part of healing comes down to stretching and exercising our bodies that is something that many of us find a chore to do, or finding time to fit it in. Thirdly we live such emotionally driven life styles that we become quite stressed and this stops our body from functioning correctly causing more problems and illness. Healing the Emotional body is key and is not something to push to one side, and with these burying issues, you will just experience more of the situation you have buried causing more stress and making you more ill - you need to healthy deal and express your self in order to heal.

And lastly we take no time to mediate, this might sound silly, but your body needs time to just be still to clear your head and this is key if you want to be in tune with yourself. Now meditation does not always have to mean siting down, chanting or anything else... we all have our own rituals i suppose, but maybe make the time to take a slow walk in nature or through a woodland area or even a park to just be alone and recoup

We all have the ability to heal, some are more in touch than others... It all boils down to your belief. .

FutureBlogPosts : What haunts you? Vaccines. How to meditate. 

To book your spiritual reading with me please go to my website/facebook/googleplus page

Sunday 23 March 2014

wake up

Hey everyone!
So, I was not going to post this, but I feel like I should? It's in regards to this cancer awareness raising money for cancer research.

First of all I'm glad people are being generous enough to support a cause that everyone can relate to. We all know someone who suffers with cancer, or has been effect by it and or has passed away due to it. Please please guys do your research. I keep asking people to question everything more.

Who there knows exactly how much money goes into "actual cancer research"??? I bet you haven't even thought about it.. We just donate what little we have because it's the "right thing to do". Well I'm not saying don't give to genuine charities! Because that's not what I'm saying, donate to private independent charities that actually go out and make a difference. Check out DR Burzynski who has treated and cured some of the worst types of cancer using Antineoplastons - which basically stimulate cancer fighting genes and suppress 'Oncogenes' which allow cancers to grow. Some cancers have already been cured, we just don't know about it because then we will return to health and that's not what the government wants. The cure is through natural resources and not through toxic harmful radiation.

Let me just go on to point something else out...X-rays are bad!! We all know that (at least I hope you know) are not good for us, we should have as little and as few as we can help in our life time.. . So why is it then, at almost all major airports in the states, like LA they are using backscatter xray machines (''for security reasons'')? The big round ones!! They "airport security" imply that you have to go through it? Now that is not true, buy law they cannot make you pass through. But we as the general public, are more and more like sheep (because of fluoride, additives/chemicals added to our food, microwaving meals, the list is endless)... And in we go blindly following, blindly trusting! If you don't believe me ring and ask TSA! You do not have to pass through the big round X-ray machine, you simply say to the security staff when it's your turn, that you don't go through those. Be polite, calm and collected otherwise i'm sure they will create problems for you. They will then let you go through the metal detector (I've yet to see this type of machine at the airport in our UK airports - however i'm sure it will only be a matter of time).

The government want us to be worker bees, however we are running out of our resources - less we question the better for them - why so many people of power, are CEOs of major charities, pharmaceutical company's, MPs, food industry, doctors, scientist, ect they literally run and own everything! They do not OWN you!! Please guys! Wake up! Why donate your money so they can use it to research drugs for "cancer". The cure is there we just not allowed to have it, because it is not profitable. Notice that hardly any people in power undergo such treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, you wont catch them eating at McDonalds?? because they know things that you do not! Question EVERYTHING? Look at exacty whats in the food you consume... Wake up you all!!! Sorry for the long rant! I just want people to see things clearly! X x x x x x

Saturday 18 January 2014

About me - Who are you?

Ask a Little Witch

Who are You!

‘’Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is going to come from. The next smile, the next wish come true. But if you believe that its right around the corner, and you open up your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it, you just might get the thing you’re wishing for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish’’

What word defines you? If you can only pick one, what would that word be? Well I always found it hard to voice myself, for many reasons… My life has not been an easy one, but I am so grateful for every second because it has lead me here, to now, to the path I’m on and working towards the life I want to lead.

I am ‘MAGIC’. My word is ‘MAGIC’.

Magic? Why Magic, you’re probably asking yourself. Well because if it wasn’t for magic I may not be here today, if it wasn’t for magic I would have turned into a very different person than the person I am today. You’re probably thinking, ‘’well the magic I know, doesn’t exist?’’

Magic, is found around every corner. Magic can be found in an unexpected strangers eyes. It can be found in the stillness of night. It can be found in precious moments, like a baby’s first words or a beautiful landscape. Magic can be found in those odd coincidences that occur. Magic is everywhere all you need to do is access it!
How do you access the Magic – You believe it, dream it, be alert to the signs, imagine it and feel it… with all your heart… By thinking and imagining you create the world you live in.
 ‘’And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.- Roald Dahl”
So I am MAGIC – do you believe?
I haven’t had the easiest life, I’ve never really fitted in with the ‘norm’ and I was born with the gift- some of my spiritual talents I'm still getting to grips with. I’m incredibly sensitive, intuitive, I saw things that others couldn't, I questioned everything, I had a huge pull to all things outer-worldly and I am very spiritual (not religious).
I’ve been reading Tarot cards since I was 13, it started off with just reading for my friends and family, it progressed to distant family and friends of the family and friends of friends. I had such great feed-back.

High school I was very much liked by everyone although I was never popular, I was friends with the popular crowd, the nerdy crowd, I had the ability to literally relate to everyone. I think my empath ability served me well, although it did cause a lot of confusion as to what I was feeling and what others were.

I only came out of the (Witches-broom) closet in 2007, shortly after completing my BTEC in Film/moving image and prior to that, performing arts, from there I have done a lot of charity work using my tarot. I have worked a lot of jobs in the coffee, bar and restaurant industry and it came to a point in my life where I felt like I was at a crossroads.

I had to answer that dreaded question ‘’where do I want to be in 10 years’’. The
answer was simple, I want to be happy. But what would make me the happiest?
I spent the next three years, discovering the things I love. Dance, film, spiritual work, and writing. Most I think I love people. I continued on my spiritual path, and it fascinated me, I studied people that I met, spiritually, with astrology, how they deal with life, the good the bad… I made some amazing discoveries.

In 2010 I visited a very lovely gypsy reader, I kind of came across her by accident (but of course nothing is by accident). Since then I have been on a fast learning curve by the universe. I love tarot and the amazing things it does for my clients. I love seeing that months down the line, my predictions coming true. Of course everyone has free will, everyone makes their own choices, and everyone has their own life path… I love helping people see clearly the things they don’t see. Everyone can be happy they just first have to choose it.

I knew I had the gift, I always had this magnetic pull to all things spiritual, and from there I have been helping people through tarot. I love helping people through their problems, relating to them, understanding them and giving them an honest reading. I am magic, and if you believe in me, and allow me to do so I will help you.
Unfortunately the world we live in requires me to charge a fee for tarot, because I need to pay my bills just like you do! I want to help as many people as I can, and for that I need my time free to mediate and prepare for tarot to help you. This means I’m unable to work another job. You will be pleased to know that I only charge a reasonable £25 currently (2014) or $42. Now for a good reader you will pay a minim of £75 or $115 – My readings speak for themselves as does my feedback- which can be found on my website (testimonials).

I’m here to help you, to listen to you, to give advice to you and help you get the life you want to live. My dream is coming true I want to help you get yours. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter. And in 2014 I’ll be on YouTube helping you, guiding you and teaching you.

Book your reading now

Monday 13 January 2014

A Simple way to Promote Happiness

Ask a Little Witch

A Simple Way to Promote Happiness

Hi everyone!! So people always ask ‘’when will I finally be happy’’, ‘’how can I be happy, when and what do I have to do - to be happy’’.

Well let me tell you something, it may shock you but happiness is a choice, 100% it’s your own choice to feel a certain way. Yes certain things, situations, and even people can come into our lives and knock us sideways. But there is always a choice!

Happiness is a state of being and it is not a destination. We can choose, who, how, where, why and when can makes us happy. We can make a choice to surround ourselves with positive people, and eliminate the negative ones from our life. We can choose how we see a situation… 
for example, you’re working in a café and you get a really difficult and rude customer, this guy might of woke up late, missed his bus, late for work, it started raining and his umbrella broke….

Yes there is no reason for a customer to 

talk to you in a rude way, but CHOOSE to see it like this… although ‘’the customer’’ was rude it makes you appreciate all the lovely customers you will serve that day… Choose to reject the negativity. You don’t know what’s caused them to behave a particular way, but you can choose to not let there negativity effect you…Ask them if they are okay, wish them a good day and break the cycle… Kindness can make all the difference to somebodies day!

Do more of the things that spark creativity and passion within you. Spend time walking through the park and appreciating the beauty in the world that we almost always take for granted. And here it is…. The 1 Thing you can do every day, whether it’s when you’re getting ready, making breakfast or heading into work… COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!!!

Start from one and work your way to ten, list TEN things your grateful for in life… we all have something to be grateful for… like our home, water, heating, clothes, soap, shampoo, food, our health, transportation, money (wage), it’s all something to be thankful for and guaranteed you will feel great about the day ahead you’re going to have knowing how lucky you are.

Have fun with it, because what we think we create!! Give it a whirl… what have you got to loose

Love your Little Witch
X x X

Saturday 23 November 2013

Updated - What it means to be a witch

Ask a Little Witch

1     What it means to be a Witch

‘’A Witch is someone who lives the Art, Science, and spirituality of witchcraft’’
First let’s touch upon where witches originated. Well the old ones were simply nothing more than that of wise men and women of there tribes, towns, families who those would go see for spiritual assistance, divinatory and medicinal purposes. In ancient cultures people would go visit the high priestesses and priests for healing. At the time, healing was much more that what our modern medical profession is today. Modern medicine is great in many ways, but in the ancient times, healing was a process involving the mind, emotions and spirit as well as the body. Healing was an energetic process.
A healer would give counsel and advice, and minister the spiritual balance of the individual. You will probably find many witches of today are involved in the healing arts, traditional of otherwise, because helping others in such an important part of witchcraft.

A witch is someone who ‘’walks between worlds’’ – like that of a shaman. The shaman believes in non physical, spiritual realms, in these worlds, one can get information and healing energy, and communicate with spirits. The Shaman ministers to his people though the ability, to effect healing of the mind, body and spirit. Witches like Shaman believe in non physical realms. They are bridges between worlds. 
The belief in and the practice of magic has been present since the earliest human cultures and continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today. Witchcraft is a spirituality, you walk a spiritual path for nourishment of the soul, to commune with the life force of the universe, and better your own life.

To determine the Witch you must first determine the craft the witch practices. I myself am all of the above, I aim to help others and to heal them and to better the
individual. I'm not a villain from a fairy tale story poisoning apples or placing curses upon people.

I help heal people through the art of Tarot and the three fold law. I’m a strong believer that what you put out you shall receive.

I hope this can somewhat explain what being a witch means, I shall upload soon more about my craft as always <3 your little witch x x x

Oil Pulling - teeth hygiene

Ask a Little Witch

The Art of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has been used for 1000’s of years from culture to culture. It’s a traditional way of cleaning your teeth but with added benefits.

Oil pulling is easy and effective, it aims to remove harmful toxins, bacteria and plaque from your mouth. In time it will improve the overall health of your mouth, gums and teeth, as well as other benefits in your body.

So what is Oil pulling 

It’s a holistic remedy for bleeding gums. It involves swishing a tablespoon of oil (coconut & sesame oil are my favorites) around your mouth for 5 minutes working up to 20 minutes. 

Now what this does is pull any bacteria, toxins and plaque from your mouth. It does this by mixing with your saliva, turning into a white liquid. Lipids in the oils begin to pull out the toxins from the saliva. As the oil is swished around the mouth, teeth, tongue and gums, the oil continues to absorb the toxins, it will then sometimes start to thicken. Once the oil has reached this consistency, it’s time to spit out in a bin (not down the sink), it’s important you do not swallow as you do not want to re-absorb the toxins you have just removed with the oil.

- How do Oil Pull –

  1. 1.     You will need a table spoon of oil. Place the table spoon of oil into your mouth and begin to swish. I often set my timer for 20 minutes. Obviously when starting out you might find it difficult to swish for the full 20 minutes, so maybe start with 5 and build up.
  2. 2.     To see full benefits I recommend doing this for about 21 days in a row, in the morning is best as it’s the time that you have the most bacteria in your mouth. After the 21 days you can do it 3 times a week, and work your way down to just once or twice a week or as and when you feel you need it.
  3. 3.     Spit out into a bin, never down a sink oil is not good for house hold piping.
  4. 4.     Rinse mouth with water & then brush teeth as normal

>>Brighter, whiter teeth

>>Healthier gums
>>Prevents bad breath
>>Increased energy
>>Clearer mind
>>Decreased headaches
>>Clearer sinuses
>>Alleviated allergies
>>Better sleep
>>Clearer skin
>>Regulated menstrual cycles
>>Improved lymphatic system
>>Improved PMS symptoms

What have you got to loose… I always advise everyone to do their own research and see what they find out. Do what works best for you! This is my natural way of keeping my smile bright and white.

As always Love your Little Witch 

x x x