Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Friday 3 March 2017

Taurus March 2017 Predictions | AskaLittleWitch

Taurus March 2017 Predictions | AskaLittleWitch

Apologies for the crap audio on this month's (March) Monthly predictions, being as it took me a full day to do them I won’t be re-recording them but I am in the process of writing them up, below is what I picked up on for the sign of Taurus. The Mid-Months will be back to normal with my traditional Camera & Mic <3 Thank you so much! Please Share, Like and Sub if you like these.

The image they showed me for all you Taurus folks was Tulips of which I associate with Spring and of course we have the Spring Equinox on the 20th of March, signalling the end of winter and beginning of where new things start to emerge.

So this to me will signal for you guys a significant turning point. It may have felt like things were stagnant for the past few months and now things are about to change in a big way. Taurus is not a sign that does well with big changes unless it has been well thought out, the impression I am getting is for you not to be alarmed and that this is actually a really good thing for you.

Now for March, I feel like the main concern is over money, stability, work, it feels more material and I think that perhaps in March there will be some more expenses, at least more than usual.

Now they did show me a match being struck and I am going to say that within about a month or so the initial anxiety felt or concerns over home, money, work or “fill in the blank” will be rectified somehow. It feels like March for you is a month of transitioning.
Whenever you're in that space of “transitioning” it’s important to keep yourself focused on what is present, amongst the changes happening… I do feel like some of you might be feeling unstable or your foundations or goals seem a bit shaky but that being said the clarity will come because they did show me the Sun.

So even if the initial response to this month is stress I feel like by the end of it you will have the clarity needed moving forward. I feel like the thing that can be causing the conflict is double edged. Movement is needed, change is needed, momentum is needed - I see an offer being given to you to better advance yourself long term, be that you have to travel, move, or switch job roles.

The way that I see you dealing with it is almost a feeling of conflict, uncertainty maybe even argumentative or snappy because of this new opportunity, move, or change be it what it may. The advice for sure is to take the plunge with whatever it is and stop talking yourself back out of it.

They also say manage your stress levels, you feel uncertain, confused and indecisive but they say commit to it. Let go of all the “but this could happen”, “what if”, “but..” and release it because it is all paving the way for you to have or to live the kind of life you want to have.

They say this month is leading you towards a greater sense of empowerment, joy and abundance. They say that this is the opening of the right opportunity for you, what with Venus going retro you might be just re-thinking and doubting on a lot of things… But this is all aligning you with a big something new, an important love that you meet having following these changes, a pregnancy or a birthing of something that will bring you much growth and happiness alike down the road.

Now it’s not a whimsical type of energy here so fear not, I see you completely in charge of it, your wits are about you, I see you feeling and looking at your best. There is a lot of inspiration that will come from this.

This is what I picked up for the sign of Taurus, be sure to check out your Sun, Moon and rising sign for more in-depth reading for March.

If you would like a personal reading with me, head on over to  & feel free to connect with me on these interactive links Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

Thursday 20 October 2016

A Notion on Love... "But we were supposed to be together?"

A notion of Love found and love lost

- True love never leaves!

It’s true what they say, that nobody can take away the past, what you had with someone, the memories, the moments, they are yours and forever always will be for as long as you remember them.

I guess we all meet that one person in our life that takes a piece of you when it’s all said and over, they imprint you, mark you and perhaps even change you… But it is important to not lose the time that we have for the time that we had.

For a long time, I spent holding on to what was, scared of what could be if I was to open that part of myself to another - Love is about trust and vulnerability, and we often find ourselves questioning, finding yourself comparing everyone to that one.

It’s not fair to put that level of expectation on to anyone,  to always be doubting, surely to be who they are and have that be enough should be enough. Who knows you may be surprised with what that rare person could bring you because everyone we know right now is serving some form of a purpose - To teach us something, to show us what we want, don’t want, to see or discover something ect.

Yes, it’s true that things end, things are taken from you and things change but it is important that we allow things to be as they are instead of forcing them into what we want them to be.

You will always have those moments, they are yours ingrained deeply and with every memory you can be reminded of how you and they once burned bright… But note that when that fire goes out don’t wait forever to allow someone new to make you feel even a fraction of how they did or do.

Holding onto something or someone that is no longer here and present with you is only you, standing in the way of your own happiness, the happiness that you deserve... What if the person that you're supposed to be with has just not found their way to you yet? What if that something had to end to shape a series of events to bring you together. If something ended or someone walked away from you, they are not a part of your future, but just a reflection or a fragment of a memory that will last but only a moment in comparison because what you will create, which will last a lifetime.

Because I guarantee that with every step forward the best will always be the very best to come. Be open to surprise, to truth and to the love that never leaves you but grows alongside you.

The ones that have faith in all that you do, the ones that are not only there for the good times, but the ones that can make everything okay when things get tough. The best friends, the boyfriends, the girlfriends, the brothers and the sister, people who see you, cherish you, inspire you and will always be there for you, not the drive byes and the for the moment types.

In a world full of superficiality my wish for you is to find the truest form of love there is, and for you to be fully open to receiving it. Because Love is not rational, it makes no real sense, it’s a chemical reaction, a feeling, a knowing, and that right there is something that not many people ever get to experience - embrace and follow that feeling, that feeling that lights you up and I’m not just talking about romantic love, but friendships and the tribe you vibe with.
So many of us play it safe, stay inside the lines, conceal our truest thoughts and feelings - not many of us can be honest with others let alone ourselves… & Some hide, some are so scared of what could be that they never get up and do it or see how or what it could be.

Be honest today, and allow your over thinking mind to take the day off, step into your heart space and truly see for the first time.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Fall Relationships - Make up or Break up?

With Fall upon us and relationships entering the Make up or Break-up phase I thought it would be a good time to voice some words...

So What’s the deal with relationships this day in age…

Those that know of me know the nature of my work and I guess I find it super interesting to see the recurring themes that come through when I do my readings.

So, It’s that time of year again the summer is coming to a close and for some strange reason we all feel like we have to be in some form of a “real- action - ship”...

Everyone wants a relationship, well, okay, not everyone… But the majority especially in the western world do, but not many people know how to make a real relationship work. Why is that?

I believe that we are so “self” focused that we forget a relationship includes another person… That other person is not there for your own means and when it suits you and this goes for both Men & Women and be that if you're in a same-sex partnership or otherwise.

So yes we all want something that’s “real” something that is exciting and something that is going somewhere “real-action-ship”... but you have to be able to relate to one another, work thing through, be ready not just for the good times but it’s the bad times that define the strength of a partnership.

The Video that I shared with you is a Video by a man that seems to just get things! And everyone knows I love people who see things differently. I’m not a relationship advice coach but I have experienced enough to know what works and what does not work.

For example the “No Phone Rule”... Everyone is so glued to their phones that they allow the world to pass them by or live it online, instead of experiencing it for themselves. If you want to create something beautiful with another person, switch your device off and actually physically connect (not just for sex).

Another thing that I feel is super important is that you have your own life outside of the relationship, being glued to one another is not the healthiest kind of partnership, and partnerships require growth and if there is not much variety it slows down.

Create boundaries, it’s not about being a hard ass it’s about knowing your needs and respecting the other person’s needs also.

Communication is obviously the most important and something that I personally have been working on my entire life… Don’t be afraid to speak up and air things out. And be sure to understand your significant other's love language - we all speak it differently.

And lastly the relationship is not about yourself it’s about the both of you - remember this! If you think a relationship is about your significant other waiting on you hand and foot, buying you gifts and dropping everything at whim as soon as you call then maybe you should work more so on the relationship you have with yourself before getting into one with someone else.

Relationships in my opinion should be as fair and as just as they can be, it’s hard work, it requires time, patience and the willing to experience growth (growth is not easy). You have to carve out time, you have to consider another person, you have to be open and willing to understand things in the eyes of another, you have to choose that person everyday, it requires transparency and honesty, it’s giving and taking.

“Most” people look at relationships from a superficial perspective, as in “what can this person give me” - Do they look good, how many people want them, do they have a good job, are they needy (don’t want to have to work so hard), money can even come into the equation as well as who do they know.

Some look at relationships as something to “do” when your bored, someone that’s there to make you “happy”, someone to make you feel good when it suits you. Not many people see it as hard work, if it becomes hard it’s time to end it and move on to the next exciting thing… Everything is instant this day in age and everything is outward…

What can you offer someone? And what is it that you really need when looking at an ideal partner? Everyone is seeking the idea of a connection but not many know how to connect past the physical act of sex.

Personally speaking, you only attract someone truly fitting for you when you are happy in yourself, in the life your living and when your not actually looking for anything. You don’t look for love… It finds you!

Then comes the real work… To not allow the life you have to slip but to increase it further - not in an instant but slowly.

For those who have met their “twin Flames” (a lot of My clients have experienced this) - Remember there purpose is to help you grow at a fast rate! They really are not all they are cracked up to be and energetically speaking we are still in the Jezzabel phase it’s certainly not the time for reconnection. Focus on you for now and watch and see what happens from September 2016  through 2017 - The right kind of love will find you.

Much love x x x

Thursday 2 June 2016

My Spiritual Perspective on the Vegan Movement

My Spiritual Perspective on the Vegan Movement. . .

Those that know me know the nature of my work so it’s fair to say I am a very open minded person, who lives a somewhat unconventional lifestyle. Before we get into this (I hope to be) Short blog I’d just like to say this is just off of my own perceptions and I urge you to do your own research & look into things for yourself.


We must get out of the “believing everything you read and see”. There was a time where doctors said smoking was healthy for you - just saying! Now we know it’s not (Just one example).  We are feed what the large corporations want to sell us. Notice the cost difference on certain foods.

I do not believe because you eat meat that you do not love animals, just like I love plants and eat them.

I want you to just stop and look around the room that you're in. . . What do you see? I want you to know that everything around you is energy, it radiates off an energetic field of its own - everything is alive and I’m aware that not everyone has extrasensory abilities but boy oh boy if you could see it’s actually pretty beautiful and all because you cannot see it it doesn’t mean you cannot feel it.

plant aura.jpegOkay so hang in there - I swear I am not a crazy person - says every crazy person! Haha.

vit b12.pngFor the longest time I have rarely eaten meat, In fact, I would've almost certainly of been a vegetarian if my mother didn’t force it down my throat. But for the past 2 years, I would have meat like every other day, gradually only twice a week and then once a week. I have only recently discovered why or even what it was I needed because I used to faint if I didn't eat meat - B12. Then in my spiritual work I would feel so much lighter, and connected spiritual whenever I skipped the need to consume meat - I love living in the clouds where I attain most of my intuitive insights for clients.

nutrition.jpgSpiritually speaking, I used to associate eating meat with being grounded. This couldn't be further from the truth, you see you are what you eat and as sad as it is meat holds an incredibly low vibration (energetically speaking). So being a severely empathic person It would bring me down. I’m sure you have felt it too - When you finish eating a meaty meal you feel sluggish, heavy, ready for a little nap, can’t move incredibly “full”... Side note most meat eaters don’t poop enough and if they do it can be painful? So i’ve heard.

vegan burger.jpg(Vegan Burger to the Left ) I’m also sure your aware of the absurd “living” conditions of “farmed” animals - It’s disgusting, cruel and quite frankly inhumane. But the world we live in is so overpopulated and it's ingrained into our minds from our suppliers that it is necessary to consume meat with every single meal of the day (when was the last advert you saw advertising salad or healthy choices - It’s all burgers and skinny chicks- heck you can pop over to Mcdonalds and pick yourself up a cheeseburger for little over a £1 and better yet it’s ready within 2 minutes - talk about a fast paced lifestyle!

empathyInAction1.pngOkay so let me explain empathy, you know when your best friend has suffered some sort of loss, and you literally feel the pain they are going through, that transfer of energy - The exchange… We as humans are always doing this picking up on “vibes and feelings”. Well, everything you eat has the exact same energetic imprint. So you are ingesting pain, confinement, torture, prison, death and all the sadness that comes along with it.

I’m not saying you have to give it up and a healthy lifestyle is so not all about eating salads and drinking green smoothies - Heck i’d dye.

book.jpgI just want you to question everything you have ever been taught. . . & Really ask yourself is it true? Some of the longest living cultures come from china, eating grains, whole foods, rice, and veggies and look how amazingly they age - it’s more than good genetics - It’s a lifestyle.

Is it really healthy to consume meat with every single meal you eat? Do we really need to eat a low carb diet to stay in shape? Can you really not get enough protein on a plant-based diet? I’m not saying for you to turn vegetarian/vegan… No, I’m saying why not swap out some meat dishes and choose something different, why not try some of the many faux meat alternatives Linda McCartney has a fantastic range - Super tasty. Just make one day out the week to experiment with alternative meal choices - It can be fun and you can be as inventive as you like.

Now the reason for the short Video above! Plants have feelings too! THEY DO!!! It grinds on me when Vegans say Animals have feelings and plants don’t - yes you cannot hear the screams of a leafy green - Does it mean it's not there?

I believe all things are living, breathing beings and no one or the other is better than the other. I also believe that in this thing we call life, something dies so you can live - it’s an exchange and that “food” be it meat or plant based lives on within you… It helps you grow and achieve your dreams, do good deeds ect ect. My point is that a plant-based diet increases and boosts your energy, you can eat so much more of it than you can on a meat diet without gaining the extra pounds. My second point is, do you really want to ingest a low vibration energy source as a way of living. Plants can grow in smallish spaces - animals are not supposed to be caged - but supply and demand requires it. It's funny, or not funny, ironic because we are all prisoners of our own governments feeding back into the cycles and patterns they created.

vege_v.jpgI guess the choice is yours. . . I wouldn't recommend watching one of the many horrific documentaries on the farming industry - and yes ignorance is bliss but the truth it will literally break your heart - we all know how to be compassionate, it’s apart of us that makes us human. I’d like to see things change but with so many people consuming so much meat I cannot see it happening. . . Skip McD’s if only you knew what you was actually eating and it’s not even all “meat” - Poison.

Nobody has the right to tell you what to eat - but from a spiritual perspective, I do see the benefits for this vegan movement. I know it can feel like a guilt trip or a personal attack when someone comes out and says - "I'm vegan!!". That’s because it makes you feel pressured in doing something different than what you have been long doing probably for your entire life. Habits are difficult when you look at it in a way like “i’m giving it up” - Your not giving anything up, you can have it if you want it but you can choose to make a different choice even if it’s just one meal out of a day or once a week eating a vegetarian or vegan diet. Small steps and every little helps - Stop feeding into what the government wants you to do and pave your own way - in what actually makes your body feel good.

Again I’m not pressuring you to eat a certain way, I’m not a pushy sort of person - But this Vegan movement is 100% necessary, you do not need to follow/support it buts it’s good to be aware of things, be it health wise, environmentally, for the animals ect ect

vegan for everything.jpgMy transition has taken a good few years and I have gained weight (because I quite frankly wasn’t eating enough- I would get so full on just 1100 calories a day! I know backwards right), but now I have found my balance that weight is now starting to fall off =) I don’t judge you for eating meat, I do not think that you don’t care or love animals because you eat meat - It’s a part of our culture to eat meat, to restrict carbs, calorie count and work out like a crazed person to stay slim!

I Get it! Bacon tastes good -I can have bacon if I want it - truth is I no longer desire it! The food I eat is so unbelievably tasty, I'm buzzing on a plant based diet and My spiritual abilities are strengthening (as the pineal gland decalcify) which is amazing! = A very happy Kerry!
I wouldn’t recommend for anyone to just go plant based! I think the staying power comes with small changes and building on it. I wouldn’t say I’m "Vegan", because I’m not an activist, I'm an advocate, if someone asked me what I eat I’ll say a plant- based diet, I still try to purchase things that are cruelty-free and not tested on animals! I do not believe in wasting things so will use up any old makeup products until its finished and find an alternative & I’m super sentimental with some items - I guess I see things in a way that the Avatars do!

Something I have noticed is that there really is an alternative for everything! isn't that magical!

Anyways this is very long! & For those that know me please do not feel the need to tread on eggshells around me because I have come out and said I don’t eat meat anymore - it’s been quite a while for me! & I totally get your resistance to the Vegan Movement - Change is hard! & You are free to munch whatever you like. 

#akward stock check at Lush haha!

Much love - Your Little Witch X x x

Tuesday 3 May 2016

What causes the Signs of the Zodiac to Cheat… All Signs of the Zodiac

What causes the Signs of the Zodiac to Cheat

My initial thoughts on what can drive the signs of the Zodiac to cheat! Now not every person on the planet is going to be a cheater but I believe that people cheat when they are not getting their needs met with their current partner. So this post is primarily just for fun so don’t take anything I say to heart… I think cheating is a greatly confusing topic, being a water Sign myself I couldn’t bare causing anyone any hurt and so yes the right thing to do in a relationship, if a, It’s not going somewhere, b, you want different things, and c, your still so in love with that person… Is to communicate! Communication is scary especially when it threatens everything you have built together, but you need to reassess if you can meet each other's needs and it’s wise to ensure that you're responding to each other's “love languages” ie someone might show love through quality time and another through gifts and others via words of affirmation. If you do find that you're both no longer compatible and unable to grow (If something is not growing it's dying), then you have to face the inevitable of cutting ties - cheating in a relationship just causes guilt (for the cheater) and trauma (for the one cheated on).

Alas, enough of my rambles… Here are my ‘Initial’ thoughts on how I ‘think’ each sign would likely cheat! Check your Moon & Rising Sign too - and remember it’s just for fun! Drop me a comment below or on FaceBook & Share with Friends =)

Aries: These impulsive little rams are Loyal they don’t know how to cheat (without being found out) but, they don’t mind dropping your ass if you are being too emotionally needy, trying to hold them down or boss them around (That shits only fun for an hour or two)... They expect physical activities, action, and direction to be taking place if it’s not going anywhere and someone more adventurous comes along its bye bye to you! They see something they got to have, they take it!

Taurus: If you got a Taurus to commit to you… that in itself needs/deserves round of applause! These guys and gals have high standards and they do not commit to just anyone… Now, the only drive that will cause them to cheat is if you have cheated on them and they are the master at pulling you back in and reminding you just how amazing it is to be theirs and  they wait for you to dump your bit on the side … then wait for it... BAM!!! They dump your ass or start seeing someone new because I’m sorry the moment you cheated was the moment it was over - be prepared to be heartbroken by the bull who sees red and tramples all over your heart. Ohh, watch out for that temper too! It takes a lot to get to these folks and when you cross that line you're in for a whirl of torture.

Gemini: These people are likely to cheat if they feel there is nothing more to learn, if the conversations are becoming less interesting these people need to communicate if you stop communicating or you become “boring” with no motivation for self-improvement or to grow towards something - their mind wonders off of you and onto someone NEW!

Cancer: If your not feeding these individuals with quality soul food, giving them lots of quality time, love, affection, and appreciation and you're not good at judging there up moods as well as their down moods and someone comes along who gets their emotions and can nurtures them better than you, then and only then will they cheat…. But Cancers are creatures of Loyalty and it takes a lot to drive them to do this they care far too much to hurt anyone intentionally… But if they suspect you of cheating you best believe they will return the favour only they will never take you back (don't be fooled) - Trusting is not easy. They may appear like a tough cookie but underneath it all, they are soft and fuzzy inside.

Leo: These Queens are Loyal! But they are not above cheating… You need to treat your Queen like a Queen, if you stop paying them attention, love and affection they slowly drift off to the Lions den for a Nap… If you don’t show interest in waking them up from their Nap with something a little more fun and Playful... in the bedroom… they wonder off to find them a King worthy of them.

Virgo: Now these people are the people that will go above and beyond to serve you… But believe me, they are not pushovers like their opposite sign Pisces! The thing that drives these people to cheat is if they are being unappreciated for all that they do (for you). . . I’d also say these people it’s more of an emotionally/intellectual cheating than a physical cheating they can take a lot of shit but they will give it straight to you. The way to these souls is through that mind! If someone comes along who can stimulate their mind these naturally flirtatious chatterboxes will talk themselves in but then out of any awkward situations. I’d also say that the Virgo will Cheat if they feel that you are criticizing them more than they already do by themselves (you cannot be more hard on a Virgo than they already are on themselves).

Libra: What could possibly drive your luscious Libra Goddess/God to cheat! They are like the “perfect” person to be in a relationship with, right? Haha! Well, If you are neglecting your Libra’s needs, not reminding them of their beauty, giving them your undivided attention, making them feel safe and secure and you start to put these beauties down, criticising them, spending more time with other people in comparison to them and stop putting in the effort even with the small gifts… and Prince charming walking into the club and Libra drinks and drinks some more, you bet ya with the right amount of alcohol and enough charm that Libra will cheat and wake up not remembering a thing - DON’T LEAVE your LIBRA unattended especially (around alcohol and) if you haven’t messaged them all day long!

Scorpio: If you Neglect your Sexual Seductive Scorpio Lovers in the bedroom and you disconnect from them on a soul merging level and all in all your doing something shady behind their backs - and a super sexy someone new walks in the door you best believe they will strike up conversation and charm these souls into the bedroom and what’s worse you won’t even know it happened! Masters at keeping a secret and to top it off they might string along the affair until they are ready to fall in love again. . . They are not the forgiving sort! That being said they are the most intense lover you will ever know, claiming you and owning you it will be a difficult and rare case of a cheating because even running from them they will find you and nobody can resist the hypnotic trance a Scorpio can put you in! Cheaters… Hmmm only a revenge tactic or if the relationship is “over” to help the cutting of the tie.

Sagittarius: Free Spirited Sexy Sags tend to live being just that… FREE SPIRITED! If you try to control, dominate (anywhere other than the bedroom) these Archers will be lining up new potentials… and they are never short of admirers. They need space, travel, adventure and they need to expand themselves and their minds, these folks are not the average cheater, in fact, they will dump you and have a new boo the next day/week. They just live on the brighter side of life and if you're not on the right side and you're not heading in the same direction its ce la vie from your Sagi! They enjoy the spontaneous nothing tooooo structured they need jokes and laughs and lightheartedness, not Serious Sally faces that will just dampen the mood. . . Do not stand in their way of their Dreams or for sure you my friend will be a goner.

Capricorn: These people are workaholics so I’d be greatly surprised if these people can find the time to cheat… Alas, It does happen to if it does it will be with someone they work closely with and someone who is below them usually not above (unless they are trying to climb the career ladder). My advice for keeping your Capricorn Loyalty is to allow them to blow off some steam and most Capricorns I know are horny little devils. Although some Capricorns like their partner to be dominant (especially those is powerful career roles) mostly they are the traditional type and they like to take charge. These people are only likely to cheat if you are adding to the already much higher pressure they have with demands or expectations - Money, security, structure and career are important for these souls, it’s what makes them feel safe… The moment you jeopardise that is the moment their wandering eye leads onto someone more understanding of them.

Aquarius: These nutty professor types need you to define and outline your version of cheating because these people are friendly, and friendly gets mistaken for flirting, and one thing leads to another, and yes you got it they are now in a very tricky situation. But what drives them to cheat other than the accidental cheating? They can cheat when they feel it’s getting to serious and lacks that spontaneity and a new someone “usually a friend” shows interest and gets along well with the Aquarians current friends more or better than the current lover and can open them up to more experiences in an area of interest.

Pisces: These souls need you to connect with them, emotionally, spiritual, intellectually and they need you to get them! They won’t take up much of your time, but if the time you do spend with your Piscean Lover is not of top quality and they sense your not paying attention to things you're not being authentic - they go into shut down mode… These people are likely to cheat if they feel they have a “connection” with someone else - there Ideal partner comes on in or collides with them and it has that “just out of the movies vibe” about it - Sorry yal your Pisces swam to a new Ocean for a better and bigger fish! You just won’t hear from them again.

For a Personal Reading with me, Please Visit, There is currently a 50% off deal for the Month of May and June 2016 to get a personal Monthly horoscope with me for just £10 (£11 with PayPal Charges and Fees)

Much Love - Ask a Little Witch - Kerry x x x