Showing posts with label enlightment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enlightment. Show all posts

Thursday 31 July 2014

Signs, Symbols and Omens

Signs, Symbols and Omens

The universe is always talking to us, the question is do you pay attention? The Kinds of signs, symbols and omens that i’m talking about are the spiritual kind. So what does that mean? I’m talking about seeing something over, and over again, seeing something in a strange place or out of the blue…. But most of all it will draw your attention to it.

This could be seeing the same number, on number plates, in magazines, on the TV, on receipts, books, walls or over hearing them ect… It could be seeing the same insect, bug or animal or object… All have meaning to you or a message for you! Like i spoke about in the Connecting With Angels video/blog

So what doesn’t make them a sign, symbol or omen… We are constantly  thinking thoughts, and those thoughts create focus, intention and send out energy. So what i’m saying if you have been thinking a lot about something there is a high chance that it could show up in your existence. This is not a sign or an omen… thats known as manifestation! You attracted that thing to you by focusing upon it so its not a sign from above its the universe giving you the thing you are focusing upon.

This goes both ways, the universe brings you whatever you are constantly thinking about… So if you are thinking about the lack or money… Guess what the universe will present you with more experiences that make you feel like you have not a lot of money… The universe does not understand between having or lacking it only listens to the thoughts you process. So that is not a sign, it’s saying you need to learn from this and change your thoughts.

We are all here to learn, grow and create something. We all have purpose and meaning… So pay attention to what the universe is guiding you towards and go with it… It will certainly answer any questions you have been having

Friday 25 July 2014

My Primary School Haunting

My Primary School Haunting

I must of been about nine or ten. It was a rainy mid morning and I was on my morning play break at My Primary school. As it had been raining earlier that day we children were forbidden to play on the grass. I really wanted to play in my tree on the other side of a hilled field, so when my teachers were distracted elsewhere i quickly ran across and hid in my tree.

The tree was against a fence and on the other side of the fence there was a big tower block of flats… I soon began to hear screaming and yelling coming from the top floor, as i tried to see what was going on i saw a man and a woman fighting, they were pushing and shoving one another. Then before you knew it, she pushed him so hard that he went over the balcony and plummeted to his death.

It’s was a sensation that i had never felt before, it was like i came out of my body, i had acknowledged what had just happened i just couldn’t process it… It didn’t feel real, the blood, the noise i just didn’t react… Then the school bell rang… immediately i climbed down from the tree, ran across the field and into my classroom.

I told my friend what i had saw, but she was disbelieving and thought i was just trying to scare her. . . that was until a police officer came to the classroom to ask if anyone had seen anything. Her jaw dropped, and it was good to get clarification that what i saw was real. I did not come forward, I did not know what to say, but from my childhood i came to know its best to say nothing at all.

A few weeks had passed. When halfway through my lesson i asked to go use the bathroom. When i got there i was reminded of what i had seen that day, for some reason it had been plaguing me. I went to was my hands when all of a sudden, the toilet doors behind me began to swing… i turned around in disbelief of what the mirrors were showing me. Then all the taps turned on...i didn’t know whether i was dreaming or if it was real… I was being haunted by this man. I went to run out when another girl from another class had come in. It was clear by her eyes that she saw what i saw, we both ran back to our classes.

Some time had passed, and i had spent many times trying to convince myself to confront the lady from the top floor block of flats. My Friend at the time also lived in those flats but a few floors down. So when i would go visit, after school on play dates...i would go sit outside the ladies door. When one day she came out and sullenly asked me why i keep coming up here. I ran back down to my friends flat below.

A few more weeks later, i was round my friends flat again, and she was telling me about a scary movie she saw ‘’candyman’’, she told me that when you say his name three times he comes out to get you. I asked if she tried it and if it works? She said she hadn’t. Later when it was time for me to go home, my mom waited for me at the bottom (ground floor) and my friend was allowed to come with me and come straight back up.

So we got in the elevator, now this elevator had mirrors everywhere!!! So of course my friend had to dare me to say candyman… So i did, and by the third candyman, the lift stopped, the lights went out and we began to scream our heads off. I honestly thought that it had worked, and that candyman was going to get us, and kill us… I was so scared, i thought i was about to die! We were both crying, panicking, screaming that we took it back! the lights flickered back on, it was far more dimly lit now, like it would be if there was a fire and the way emergency lighting is. Then the control panel began flashing, secting all the floors… after the lift began to move, but not down, it went up! I began to start thinking of that man that was murdered, and i was fearing that the crazy lady who killed him would be there waiting for us… It went all the way to the top floor before the doors finally opened….

And there she was!!! The horror on our faces we screamed even more loudly than before… and we ran past and down the stairs!!! All the way down to the bottom. My friends mom had to come down to get her, neither me or my friend got in the elevator again. My mom of course did not believe either of us, both my mom and my friends mom just thought we were playing games and being melodramatic.

It turns out that a few years after that incident that crazy lady, was actually crazy, she was trying to kill people with an AXE!!! She was put in prison and that was the end of her.

Please do share with me any scary stories you have, find me on YouTube, Twitter and of course facebook.

Saturday 5 July 2014

The Card of the Day

- The Card of Day -
- The Bee -

The card of the Bee, is all about working hard, keeping busy and the end result is... Honey and lots of it!
If you want your dreams to come true it’s crucial that right now you are making steps towards your dreams and that you are deeply committed. IF you want your dreams to become reality you must first stop dreaming and get out there and work hard at it to make it happen. Nothing happens overnight, it takes time, so by you not acting now is just delaying your future success & there will be success!

For your full reading with me just inbox or drop me an email. Please do share my page will fellow people who like you like this

Friday 6 June 2014

What will bring me more happiness

The Card that was Selected. ''what will bring me more happiness''

I want to say i was surprised when i selected this card, but it's more obvious than it appears to be. So many people live in a constant fear of lack, we as a society are living in a state of survival (root chakra things), we are thinking about money, and obtaining enough that we can live. This is a common miss conception because money is not something to obtain (hang in there i'm not crazy- i have a point), money is a tool that we use, that the government and world leaders created way back when, as another way to control the masses and suppress us. There is enough wealth for all of us. We can draw in more money and positive experiences when we become a match (vibrationally) to it. When we do things we love, things that bring us genuine joy we attract more of it.

However what we are focused upon is what we attract. So the majority of us are focused upon all that we do not have, instead of what we do, we are focused upon money, having material things, the lack of what we have - so we attract more of it.
We fear of not having enough so it really doesn't matter if your thinking negatively or not its our thoughts ad focus that have created the reality of what we are experiencing. It has been scientifically proven that our brains cannot tell between whats real and whats a thought, so we can be constantly thinking about something/ worrying about something and we manifest it into our reality.

We need to change our focus, do not indulge in negative thoughts, constantly playing over and over something in your mind that's upset you, i know from personal experience this only manifests more and more negativity into your life. Instead change focus.

Stop doing the things that you despise and do the things you do. Step away from fearing your success, life purpose and happiness and move towards it. when we do the things we love, we vibrate on a much higher level and attract more positive experiences.   

So why the protection card... Well if we all knew we was protected from negativity wouldn't more of us pursue our dreams, live a more happier life. We are here to have an experience, to grow and to create... So lets create a better you, me, us and live in a state of protection.

I'm not sayings quit your jobs, i'm simply saying dedicate time to doing more things that make you happy, focus your thoughts on the happy things and ask your self empowering questions to help you get over those negative feelings.
