Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts

Saturday 22 October 2016

Living through Death

Death is immensity, the finality of something that ceased to exist… But all because you cannot physically see them, touch them, speak to or hear them it does not mean they are gone.

When a child loses a parent they hold within them a piece of that person, their blood is your blood, you have (hopefully) years of stories and memories and by remembering who they are, by knowing them and that feeling that is felt at the leaving of their body, you know just how lucky you are to have known someone who has impacted your life the way that they have, to feel what you feel is love and that is more than anyone can ever ask for.

It’s my belief that nothing dies it simply changes forms. . . And by remembering they live on through you. Spirit is with us we are energy and yes you may not be able to physically speak to them, see them in the physical form but they are with you, surrounding you, guiding you, so pay attention, remember them and be wowed at how life has a way of showing you they are walking right along beside you.

Death is immensity, it’s all consuming but when things have run their course the only step is change, try not to be selfish in wanting to hold onto someone/something when it’s their time, they have the right to transition to what's next for them - I know that it feels unfair, it feels a lot like abandonment, and believe me I know a lot about abandonment, but you never lose them, they have and are a part of who you are, be allowing for them and live on in memory of them.

You should always live for you and not for everyone else. Yes it’s true some people are taken far too young, to early, too soon, but there is never a right or perfect time for change, it simply is and it happens - but I am a fond believer that the universe never gives us anything that we cannot handle, even when we feel like we cannot, we do, it's a test of strength of courage and it leaves its mark with us/on us in helping us become who we want to be.

Death is not the end it is just a new beginning.

Be a lighthouse! Shine even in the darkest of nights and you will find your way.

Monday 15 September 2014

Breathing - The Cure for all

Breathing - The Cure for all
Breathing is something i learnt when i began to meditate... & it was mastered when i started Yoga! - I realize this sounds totally WEIRD - But it's true...

I used to suffer from intense anxiety and breathing really can change your state of being - It teaches us to be in the now, & to know right now you have the power to change how you feel, the power to change your future... So JUST BREATHE - slowly - deeply - Watch the change it has upon you  <3 Nothing is as scary or as bad as it seems in the moment

Thursday 14 August 2014

Breakups #02

Breakups #02
Okay, Tomorrow is a brand new day - Those i know going through a heartbreak or a difficult time... Don't be mad at yourself for feeling upset…. You have made it through another day!! & Guess what - Tomorrow is a new day!

Today i want you to go through your house… & Clear away the reminders you don't need to see Like old photos, things laying around the house, cards, gifts, shirts, whatever it is that reminds you of the other person… This is because our brains when we see these things send triggers that remind us of that said thing and the memories linked to it.

I’m not saying you need to erase them from your life - I’m simply saying ##out of sight - out of mind’’ This will help you move along instead of wallowing over what ‘’could've been’’.

I want you to get your self motivated… Set your self some new goals, revamp your vision board!! Indulge in all that makes you smile... Exercise and eat healthy, really connect with who you are as a person!

Clear out your home so you can clear out your mind & day by day things will get easier - it's okay to miss someone it's just your hearts way of saying you still love them... all apart of the process! at least that's what they say Tomorrow will be better than today!

Be STRONG and know you deserve everything they was not able to give you!

Friday 6 June 2014

What will bring me more happiness

The Card that was Selected. ''what will bring me more happiness''

I want to say i was surprised when i selected this card, but it's more obvious than it appears to be. So many people live in a constant fear of lack, we as a society are living in a state of survival (root chakra things), we are thinking about money, and obtaining enough that we can live. This is a common miss conception because money is not something to obtain (hang in there i'm not crazy- i have a point), money is a tool that we use, that the government and world leaders created way back when, as another way to control the masses and suppress us. There is enough wealth for all of us. We can draw in more money and positive experiences when we become a match (vibrationally) to it. When we do things we love, things that bring us genuine joy we attract more of it.

However what we are focused upon is what we attract. So the majority of us are focused upon all that we do not have, instead of what we do, we are focused upon money, having material things, the lack of what we have - so we attract more of it.
We fear of not having enough so it really doesn't matter if your thinking negatively or not its our thoughts ad focus that have created the reality of what we are experiencing. It has been scientifically proven that our brains cannot tell between whats real and whats a thought, so we can be constantly thinking about something/ worrying about something and we manifest it into our reality.

We need to change our focus, do not indulge in negative thoughts, constantly playing over and over something in your mind that's upset you, i know from personal experience this only manifests more and more negativity into your life. Instead change focus.

Stop doing the things that you despise and do the things you do. Step away from fearing your success, life purpose and happiness and move towards it. when we do the things we love, we vibrate on a much higher level and attract more positive experiences.   

So why the protection card... Well if we all knew we was protected from negativity wouldn't more of us pursue our dreams, live a more happier life. We are here to have an experience, to grow and to create... So lets create a better you, me, us and live in a state of protection.

I'm not sayings quit your jobs, i'm simply saying dedicate time to doing more things that make you happy, focus your thoughts on the happy things and ask your self empowering questions to help you get over those negative feelings.


Tuesday 14 January 2014

How Tarot Works

How Tarot Works…

Let’s start at the beginning

Tarot has been around for at least six centuries now, it’s hard to  say exactly where Tarot came from as there are no written documentation confirming dates. However there are many myths saying that Tarot originated from ancient Egypt and another myth claiming that the Gypsies brought Tarot to Europe.

Tarot for centuries has been used to solve your most burning questions or to catch a glimpse into the future or that of the recent past. Sceptics argue the fact that a set of cards with obscure pictures, could ever possibly tell us anything about our lives. There are a lot of misconceptions spread around by superstitious and religious people who shy away from Tarot in fear. They say that the cards are evil and that demonic entities will curse you or doom your life. The honest truth is that they are just cards and on their own hold no real power.

So we have discovered that the cards are not supernatural and controlled by evil spirits, they are used as a divination tool. Like with any tool, they are only as good as the skilled person wielding them.

About my readings

I have been reading cards since I was Thirteen years old, first for family and friends, then for friends of friends and family friends, and so the word spread…’’It runs in the family’’. I completely understand the stigma that comes with this line of work, and so I make it top priority that the client understands fully what tarot is, how it works and also the new law legislation implemented by the government, that all spiritual workers now have to inform clients. When booking or paying online you will receive this ‘’disclaimer’’.
I like to make YOU, the client feel at ease before beginning anything, as the more relaxed, calm and open you are the more you will gain from the reading. I also only read for people genuinely intrigued, or open to the possibility of what tarot and spiritual readings can offer, as I have out grown the need to feel like I have to prove anything, it goes without saying the reading speaks for itself.

There nothing wrong with being skeptical, belongs your open minded tarot will never seize to amaze you.

Let me explain further…

So once we have one through the essentials, payment has been made, and we have discussed how it is that you came for a reading, what it is you may be interested to know… We begin the reading.
Now bear in mind that the cards will show you whatever it is that they feel you should know – all for the higher good of course. They will only tell me the things that you need to know, they will clarify things that have happened in the past and work up to the future. People often worry about getting bad cards, but in all honesty there is always something positive to come out… & always guidance and advice for you follow so the bad, doesn’t end up bad. But of course it’s your life, your choices to make, your lessons to learn… I am here to listen and guide you onto the right path… the happy path!
So here I am, your spiritual guru, counsellor or witch – whatever you like to call me!
I’m not a professional psychiatrist, or medical doctor… But in all honesty I believe healing is not cured by taking pills, not to say that modern medicine is not good I just feel it’s used without fully understanding what’s making the patient ill. I feel it’s impersonal and I have yet to find a good doctor and so always use a more holistic approach to health (that’s not to say it’s for everyone). We get ill, discouraged by a range of physical, emotional and spiritual strains on the body and mind. But this is an entire other subject. What I’m trying to say is, think out side the box, listen to your body, heart and mind… Stuck in a difficult relationship, keep getting ill, want that job you always dreamed of… tarot will help you but it’s you that has to make the choice, and step into the life you long for.

"Remember those that do not believe in magic… never find it! It’s good to dream! "

How I do online Readings

With an on-line reading, I tune into you by photograph and using your date of birth. With your payment you are giving me consent, allowing me to connect with you. I then draw cards, with any questions that you may want to know about. Please do bare in mind that the cards will tell me what they feel you need to know, they will never tell me anything that you cannot handle. And so, I will guide and prepare you for what’s to come… Please do check out my feedback on my Facebook page… and all links can be found on my website. I truly hope I can help you like i have helped so many others

I truly hope I can help you like I have helped so many others. 

Drop me a message for any questions or enquiries I'm always happy to help. You can keep in contact through Facebook, email, twitter and soon YouTube!

<3 your little witch 

x x x