Friday 16 January 2015

What it means to be a Gemini... Video upload coming!!!

* * * Signs of the Zodiac * * *

I’d Just like to add that this is just my interpretation of what it means to be a Sun Sign  Gemini or Gemini Ascendant . Please take into consideration that you as a person are much more than just this one sign… The Moon Sign will add another layer of you, as will Venus, Mars and Mercury - Astrology is deep and complex and all the Planets, Signs and aspects help you better know yourself, understand things and help guide you  - but for that you will need to know your Time & Place of Birth. For now my Vloging/Blogging will focus on the surface layer of the collective - So please Subscribe as I give you my insight into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac - Go on hit that button!!

Gemini Sun Sign

Okay Gemini Ascendant, Risings and Sun Sign Gemini’s your ruled by Mercury the planet of intellect and communication, you rule over the third house and you rule over the shoulders and arms.

To be a Gemini you would have to be born on and in between May 21 - June 20th

How to tell if your dealing with a Gemini…
think of Italians - Geminis

Well a Gemini is that person who always has something to add to a conversation, they talk a lot, they appear to know a lot they are an expressive sign in the Zodiac. - Social butterflies

Now all the Geminis i know are incredibly friendly, outgoing, fun and have bucket loads of personality. They have presence about them something about a Gemini stands out.

So as a general theme i’m going to say Geminis know how to cater for who they are with, they are able to adapt to their surroundings very well. They tend to be everyones friend, they know a lot of people and thats because they love to communicate.

Gemini being ruled by Mercury the Planet of Communication makes these people very quick witted, there minds are always on the go, they never really switch off there is always something on a Geminis mind. Geminis act quickly and exude energy.

Being as Gemini loves to talk, communicate and connect this sign makes friends the quickest. As a rule they are probably the most friendly sign as anything goes with a Gemini.

Now a Gemini needs to be mentally simulated, whether it is talking or doing something that is of interest to them… The moment they are doing something that is boring to them, that has no interest whatsoever these people come over drained, tired and completely switch right off.
A Gemini being a great people person knows how to social network, they are popular among friends… Now a thing to note about a Gemini they need to be liked, so because of this need they can sometimes change who they are around certain people to fit in, to be liked to connect and it’s not that they are being fake they are just adapting to the surrounding they are in.

A Gemini knows a lot of things and loves it when people help them to see bigger, they love to learn and of course they will direct themselves towards people who have something to offer them and revert back so they can spread and share what they know.

Geminis are passionate about life (need to be having fun), they are usually never too much of one thing for too long - so if something annoys them, they bounce back quickly and are fine again . They as a rule are very confident even if they don’t feel it people see them as confident individuals.

If your Good Friends with a Gemini then you will know that these guys are really outspoken and say what’s on there mind. I say friends i mean close friends as usually in bigger groups they are the ones to be more fun and humorous (really funny sign) as opposed to being to direct - they like to be liked and have a habit to people please.

Unlike a Taurus who is just liked for who they are, a Gemini really works for it - so they play a conscious effort to keep up with social networking as opposed to a Taurus where it just comes naturally.

Talking of social networking these people are great at working the room… They are the best multitaskers able to do many things at once in a seamlessly flowing kind of way, that for any normal person would find exhausting these people thrive off of it.

The great thing about a Gemini is that they connect with you and leave you with something to remember them by - they do very well in one to ones connecting with you personally.

You very rarely will catch a Gemini on their own as they not only like to experience everything with others but they know a lot of people that their schedules tend to be pretty busy.

They often have a side of them that they keep hidden from people a lot of gemini have a bad temper… But it takes a lot for this side to come out - usually they attack with words - but depending upon placement that can be very quick to swing and react and when you least expect it.

On the Bad side - Things you may not necessarily know about a Gemini

A Gemini although they talk a lot… You might actually find they they only want to talk about the things that interest them? If it’s not interesting then they get bored and totally do not listen to a word your saying - Then comes the internal talking until your finished.

Now Gemini gets a bit of a bad rep for being two faced… You might even think they have multiple personalities… I think Geminis are kind of exciting because you never know what side your going to get and it depends on their mood, it always changes a bit of a crazy ride - at least it’s not boring.

Again the reason you might think they are two faced could be the fact that they find it easy to be what you want them to be so you like them…

I mean Gemini take on other peoples personalities as a way to connect and relate to you so they can express and engage with you… And because Geminis are so changeable they can jump from one thing to another depending on what’s good for them in the moment.

Now Geminis can be manipulative to get what they want they are very good at getting what they want because by now they know how your mind works. Aries is good at using physical things to get what they want, a Gemini uses intellect and there mind to manipulate. So They could be prone to telling white lies maybe even full blown out lies… but seeing as they have so much going on all the time they are very forgetful people so they get caught out - but they are so likable that you whined up forgiving them anyway.

The fact your everyones friend and your social circles are wide this can confuse people and again give off this ‘’twin/two faced vibe’’. Your not - you just want to know as many people as you can so you can talk.

Some might go as far as to call a Gemini Shallow - they like what is appealing to most yet at the same time they love everything and are always open to experiencing new things.

Thats just a gemini - they are fun, easy going and interesting people never a dull moment! Can you trust a gemini *shrug* depends on the Gemini… Air signs are very floaty i’m a pisces with a Gemini Moon so me personally need a little more depth however Geminis always fascinate me =)

Jobs that would suit a Gemini

Public Speaker - Counselor - Public relations - travel - translator - writer - marketing - tour guide - impressionist - teacher - anything to do with the media - journalist - reporter -

thank you for reading/Listening if your a Gemini, Gemini Rising or Ascendant or you know one please let me know how well i did in the comments below

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