Monday 30 March 2015

Monday Horoscope March 30th 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope 30 March 2015 * * * *

Okay Big things this Week!! But lets just crack on with today and what is going on here… Now Moon is still in the Sign of Leo, so emotions are all up and about being in the heart space, being true to yourself and to not live or pretend to something your not to please others.

What is really super cool today is we will have 7 Planetary influences all in Fire Signs which means we are all lighting up, wanting to take action, we feel fired up to take charge, things feel or should feel empowering in some way today there is aneed for things to happen and happen fast - guess patience is off the tables.

With all this creative energy around us i think we tap into our emotions and use them for something. Don’t feel like what has happened over the past - “well it kinda feels like the universe has us on a rollercoaster when it comes to relationships” - is all for nothing it is serving a purpose and we need to really look at our relationships and check that they are right for us and that we are being honest with who we are with currently.

I see a change in how we are seeing things today i really do… But Guys, you need to not rush yourself so much, are you looking at the bigger picture or are your jumping into to something for reasons unknown. We all want to feel good, to be over it, and done with it and that takes time jumping into things will only cause issues later down the line.

Look at your actions, look at what you have done to get where you are, and ask yourself is this door the right one to go through - i feel your already going through it in fact your on the path now but is it right or are you doing for some unconscious reason.

Decision time and i know i keep speaking of decisions but it’s because the choices we are making now will ultimately affect everything else. I see today as time to check in and yes today will be positive upbeat and i’m not saying it to drag anyone down… but to make you aware of what’s going on beneath the surface.

Another reason why it’s decision time is because Mercury leaves Pisces (mr indecisive) and jumpings into Aries which is the energy of - decide now… This happens at the same time Mars shifts out of Aries and into Taurus which then starts the slow building upon the choice you have made - call that what you will i think thats pretty amazing stuff…

All in preparation for the Lunar Eclipse On Saturday 4th at 1pm (not visible here in the UK our next visible one will be september 28th which will be a TOTAL 100% Lunar Eclipse).

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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