Wednesday 22 April 2015

Wednesday's Horoscope April 22 2015 - all signs of the zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 22 April 2015 * * * *
Today the Sun in Taurus, which is ruled by Planet Venus… As i mentioned yesterday… Will be aspecting the Planet Saturn, of restrictions, lessons and Karmic ties. So What will likely take place is we are reflecting back to the major decisions we made in at the Beginning of Saturn in Sagittarius and the end of the Scorpio transit which was around the end of Summer time. In doing this we are seeing what situations we find our self in currently.

A super positive day with plenty of movement, thinking about where we are heading… Still a decision needing to be made though.

Pluto is also Retrograde so looking back to those past six months and truth is starting to surface making us want to act upon it. We are thinking about the actions we are taking, being very analytical about what we do, do, Taurus as i keep stating needs time before committing to anything.

The Moon today is in Gemini with Venus the planet of love… When these two come together in such a dual sign, it points to the need to find mental stimulation, ultimately we want more talking, more connecting, we want variety and excitement and expect something unexpected to happen when it comes to relationship, emotions and love.

In terms of Love the doors are opening but being in the sign of Gemini and what with Taurus Sun, Mars and Mercury all sitting here could make us Get practical and look at what we are starting up around this time. Gemini wants to mingle, sample all the options before deciding upon which one to buy into to. What will be really exciting is if we can step into that place of enjoyment we can expect the unexpected when it comes to love… May just be a little something/Someone that takes you by surprise.

Uranus the Planet of originality, change, the rebel and excitement is in full swing today… So it should make today fun, exciting and bring unexpected things to you. You should know what it is that you want today and as such make relationships a little more spontaneous. Maybe even make conversation a lot more interesting haha - I’m rather looking forward to this my favourite conversation is outside the box conversation.

Happy Wednesday all!! Taking bookings as always just visit my website to book =)


Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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