Saturday 4 April 2015

WEEKEND:Lunar Eclipse: April 04+05 2015 - All Signs

* * * * Horoscope Lunar Eclipse Weekend April 04+05 2015 * * * *
Lunar Eclipse is finally here, please don’t go thinking that something crazy going to happen at the time because the energy is setting in motion and will be around for the rest of the weekend those more sensitive to the energy will feel it extremities.

Let me just get clear on a few things with this Lunar Eclipse

You will be finding out something for sure when it comes to relationships as all full moons lead to an illumination of something, being as it is in Libra it will be in regards to relationships. Now usually i’d say if it was a regular full Moon it will be to do with something started on the New Moon which was 20th March also a Solar Eclipse but that would also be in response to something that was seeded in/on/around 9th September 2014.

The fact that these are both powerful things they mean a little more than the last cycle so this Lunar Eclipse is in regards to the last New Moon that was in the Sign of Libra which was 14th September 2014.

What this points to or what it will illuminate is any issues within your current relationship. It will want you to see the truth behind this person and that  will purge you of all things that are no longer beneficial to you now. Now i don’t know for you, but these dates are crazy accurate for me and a close friend of mine.

The fact it is in the sign of Libra 11 (decan2), indicates that perhaps you was or might of been tricked into seeing or believing something but in fact there was foul play here a manipulation or sorts of which i’m glad to see that finally after all this time the truth will be out. It points to the mask being uncovered and seeing clearly just how you got to this point in time.

Now it’s not all doom and gloom but it’s finally the end to that and the beginning of what’s here/arrived. I see a lot of tension in regards to that situation but what i see is new doors fated relationships and breaking free finally from the past. Expected unexpected things this weekend.

There is a magnesium around which will draw the right people towards you, a meeting with someone that is on the same page as you and the action you need to make that change and choice.

The truth will be out and there is nothing you can say to spin it another way what’s done is done. Yet there  is still the want to rationally try to logicalise your emotions. . . Then unexpected doors are opening take a leap and move into the next phase.


So Much of what i said before continues on Sunday, i think there is a slight chance to be a little more on the defensive or feeling guarded of your emotions though. Yet at the same time you are taking the right steps forward.

Sunday could bring a lot of talk in regards to something that had happened over Friday and Saturday, one of which you should take in your stride the truth came out so now you can move on honestly.

The only thing i cannot stress enough is to come from a place of your heart and stop allowing your ego to get in the way.

Some big things will start to happen now over the course of the next week and this year is finally taking off.

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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