Friday 29 May 2015

Friday's Horoscope May 29 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 29 May 2015 * * * *
The Moon is still in the sign of Libra, but today i feel like there is tension and Libra doesn’t like this energy especially being ruled by Venus and receiving harsh aspects. I think we are being pushed to put ourselves first today as opposed to trying to keep the peace we need to be looking at our own happiness instead of catering for everyone else.

The Moon has crossed over the North Node now so i feel like things are starting to make a little more sense as to where our focus should be. Today if your still stuck in your old ways things will shake up somewhat, it’s time now to make a change, nothing to rash but adjustments need to be made today, of which could have a strong link to relationships or a relationship in general.

Boundary issues! Make sure your sticking to them!

Relationships could feel a bit up and down the past few weeks and that’s just (Venus in) Cancer for you! Being ruled but the Moon it’s never stable like the Ocean it’s always moving, changing,up then down, crashing then calm, tides in and tides out this is how relationships feel and it’s okay, it can still be just as exciting but there is a need for balance today.

Today will bring forth an obstacle to overcome and a lesson to learn. There is a quote of relevance, I know a lot of us are going through some things and even wondering why the heck everything has been this crazy the past year or so...

“When we are going through something hard and we are wondering where to go or what we should do, know that that the teacher is always silent during the test

Saturn is Retrograde along with Pluto and Mercury (thats a lot of internalising) so expect not only confusion, delays and the past to resurface… But also karmic past issues that need to be dealt with, Saturn is Powerful as is Pluto they want you to break down, break free and make you a stronger person - facing fears, demons and anything that you keep locked away beneath the surface to become very much to the surface - Don’t fight it- Deal with it!

Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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