Friday 8 May 2015

Weekend Horoscope May 09+10 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 09+10 May 2015 * * * *
This Weekend we have the Moon in Capricorn, On the Saturday and for all those who are out and about partying until early hours you will feel the shift as it steps into Aquarius (I love this). So you may wake up again today(saturday) feeling like you have to plan ahead, get something done or make something happen… It’s a little relentless as i mentioned yesterday but it’s now moving away from big changes Pluto which is great right?

Saturday in my personal opinion is not a bad day… The Moon Saturday will enable us to really get results when we take spontaneous actions, i mean our heart in its self now knows what it wants and it’s about rolling with it… When we do this we can really reap some sort of reward.

Saying that there is still a need to not fall into bad habits, to of learnt past lessons and make adjustments in the way that you take action. I do feel like we may not come across in the way that we would like as such although it shouldn’t be too bad… Our intellect aka Mercury is not able to express itself the way it would like too, but the other aspects even it out if we can get out of our minds a little bit.

Things are changing but good changes as it is needed for your growth. When it comes to love matters i think we are in tune spiritually whether or not we realise it which is great can make for some interesting connections as we move over into Aquarius… I think there are still adjustments to be made when it comes to past relationships, karmic issues something is definetly got us going in a backwards forwards motion… still there are opportunities if only we get out of our ego self and do something a little different.

As we step into Sunday and the Moon moves over into Aquarius it can certainly bring out a different weird or unusual something within us. I think here with it’s aspects to Venus we could find it hard to find the balance between what we want and what we need… desires get mixed and you need to find a balance if you can. Venus in Cancer we are a little emotionally driven than usual but the Aquarius should balance this out a little bit still you need to trust your intuition here don’t dismiss a hunch.

Now i said that we can’t seem to get our wants and needs to balance this could purely be us over thinking things because by midday Sunday it appears things are already looking up and you should totally go with it… Venus, Uranus, Saturn and Mercury are all in the only thing i would say is to ensure your seeing the bigger picture, maybe now is not the time to get ahead of yourself and don’t make commitments you cannot keep, but keep them open if you can.

Again i’m going to say do not make the same mistakes as in the past as there is certainly a lesson to learn over this weekend… Get out and do something you wouldn’t usually do, if your out Saturday evening until the early morning you could be pleasantly surprised with how things pan out it will definitely be original in someway, whether meeting someone a little different or conversation a little different or going somewhere different something will happen in the early hours of Sunday that could be a little out of the box

Enjoy your weekend!!

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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