Saturday 23 May 2015

Weekend Horoscope May 23+24 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Weekend Horoscope 23+24 May 2015 * * * *
Over the course of the Weekend the Moon will be in the sign of Leo which is a passionate placement for the Moon. I believe it makes us step within the heart space and bring Love back to YOU! Although can usually be a proud, stubborn and strong willed there are no negative aspects for the Moon today.

The Moon at some point will merge with Jupiter over Saturday and when we look at this aspect we can expect our emotions to grow and expand in ways that may surprise us there will be some understanding and clarity to the confusion or upset we have been feeling of late.

What I hope, although it could go either way is that we are now adapting, changing and breaking free from the chains that bound us. In a way that YOU are no longer looking outside of yourself for what you seek but turning within and putting yourself first - not in a egotistical way but in a self empowering way - If you know a good Leo you will know what i mean or of at least witnessed a time where they did this.

Uranus/Aquarius is self redefining themselves in a way being in Aries but the energy of the transit over Weekend at least, will bring change the way an Aquarius does.. Expect the unexpected in relationships a breakthrough moment but one that you will realise is for the greater good and for YOU!

In matters of the heart, love, relationships and even our self love, we need to tap into our intuition over this weekend. We are all a crossroads when it comes to these areas of our lives and it is important we can really see the bigger picture, shine a light on our own insecurities and take responsibility for ourselves and how we feel. With a Moon in Leo you have to stand your ground so I ask of you is what you have enough? this will require you to be very, very honest with yourself.

Also I’d like to mention we have gained many lessons so far in our life no matter your age, we have aquired many skills… Are you learning your lessons and changing your ways or remaining the same? This is a time that requires you to change and learn from your lessons rather than learning the same thing over.

With all this Gemini energy try to not get lost in the superficial world full of distractions and face what’s going on within you. You could end up pleasantly surprised!

Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

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