* * * * Weekend Horoscope 26/27 September 2015 * * * *
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Neptune will combine energies on the Saturday with the Moon making for some very psychic and intuitive energy. I want to say that what with this energy making aspects to to Pluto there very well could be something from the past that your either needing to let go of or your fighting yourself and trying to move on… Maybe Saturday could bring up past regrets, guilt or mistakes that you need to face and obviously there are still elements of the past that you need face. People are certainly looking back at the choices they have made in their lives and this Full Moon will bring an end to something.
This Weekend get ready for the Lunar Eclipse. The fact that Pluto has stopped moving and has been in ® motion for quite some time indicates that we are thinking of making some changes and looking at all the changes that we have made in the past 6 months interlinking with Saturn in Scorpio… Now things feel ready to move again! But with a Mercury ® I’d advize to hold off just a little bit although I know nobody will it’s almost like everyone is being compelled to do something and act upon it - Damned if you do and Damned if you do not type of a vibe going on! But something big in all of our lives for sure.
Mars in Virgo after spending a lot of time in Leo, The Mars in Leo was all about having the time to think about the things that make us happy, what do we want and who do we love or what we desire in personal relationships… A lot of reflecting has taken place these past few months and we has the right time to really put things into perspective…
Now Mars is in Virgo it’s about working towards that in which you want. How will you get there what do you need to do… and this could as well be needing you to face a fear or live in regret. Mars in Virgo will give you the drive to get to where you want to but now is the time to plan how you will go about it - your energy is going into the details, in preparation and into making it work.
The Lunar Eclipse itself will ignite this new chapter leaving the past if it’s still in the past just that… in the past. If that someone has come back in for some reason it will bring up difficult conversations, and again all that i said before, regrets, guilt and mistakes that have been made that need airing out. This is a powerful impulsive, raw and acting from what we truly want and it’s all relationship oriented. You will not be able to hold back and if you do you may regret it later. I also feel that this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse being that is on top of the South Node (past life deeds) and looking opposite at the Destiny Node that something fated will happen be that you meet someone you was suppose cross paths with or it brings back someone from the past or that you cut ties with the past whatever happens and no matter what the specifics are it’s destiny for sure.
I also think this weekend will be about looking at your beliefs, are you self sabotaging are you doubting yourself… there is a need to acknowledge how you feel. Expect some magic by going into the weekend.
If your Single and over the past and really ready to push forward into this beautiful new chapter you can expect the unexpected in terms of love as we have a Lunar Eclipse on the 27th/28th in Aries with the South Node (past lives) looking opposite the Libra North Node (destiny) it could bring new people into your life… Just something to bare in mind!
This weekend emotions and feeling are stuck in the past and there is still some things you need to clear out and work through… I would say you need to fight for the things that you want Jupiter is expanding your horizons but do you have the courage and self belief to conquer your fears. Again it boils down to a choice. What do you want and what are you fighting for or against.
The Equinox reminds us that the doors are closing things are “fall”ing away as we are now in a new season “Autumn”. This time it will be for good so to really look at your life in all honesty - Being honest is essential… Are you truly happy and are you fully satisfied with where your at with whom your with (if in a relationship). The past is going and when Saturn moves into it’s first degree of Sagittarius that is it - final!
Libra is very much in the focus this next month so expect relationships to be on the focus of all of us… The North Node will leave Libra (destined lovers) and move into Virgo on November 11th 2015.
Need I say it…. But with Mercury retrograde expect delays! Confusion and misunderstandings - not the time to commit to anything wait until October 10th or you may regret it later.
Below is a little More on this Jupiter in Virgo opposite the Neptune in Pisces that could play out for the Next year!! & Below that the Saturn in Sagittarius Transit meaning.
What with Jupiter in Virgo and in opposition to Neptune Of which for us Pisces/Virgo Folks this could play out in two ways… Pisces we need to see that relationships are expanding over the next year being as Virgo is our polar opposite but there needs to be a balance for us too and our ideals, Neptune is dreamy and so be careful that people do not disillusion you but at the same time much wisdom and coming into connection with people who will mirror you in a beautiful way. Virgos i’d say your expanding in regards to you! Your focus is on yourself for the next year but do not neglect those around you and they offer the Key to even more success.
This opposition could be tricky because we are all being asked to put the work in… The more we put in the more Jupiter will reward us! Jupiter changing signs changes our luck into a new area of our life which is great stuff but oppositions between Pisces/Virgo is I think for many a reawakening to certain things, Virgo can be critical and judgmental only because it’s looking for perfection and Pisces energy is all about the beauty in the imperfections here we are needing to not accept everything as okay but at the same time not being overly judgy or focusing so much on our working life… Relationships will be key until that North-node in November jumps into Virgo as well some destined things are about to come - Honestly the astrology astonishes me,
I think this week will be major in regards to relationships, Money and maybe career as well. But more so with relationships as Venus in Retrograde and the destiny node is wrapping up in Libra although it won't change signs until November - but November is when all this will be clear “Relationship wise”. Opportunities are open and as i mentioned in many of my previous scopes during this year so far it really will be a marking point from when all things change!
Jupiter is on the brink now and will be in Virgo, Changing our luck! Virgo does mean to serve, to work hard and so if your clear about what you want and your ready to put the work into it you will be rewarded like no other… I still see this being about relationships as Venus will transit back over Jupiter bringing this North Node/Destiny marker swapping places - To me this is HUGE! Relationships are transforming and your being pulled towards certain people… but you also must let something go (old habit, way of life, something has to change) in order to claim what it is that will bring you the most happiness.
We had a taste of the Saturn in Sagittarius in December 23 2014 through to June 2015 when it went back into Scorpio… Now it is in Sagittarius for good and hopefully many of you released yourself from the prisons that held you captive be that a person, relationship, job or place ect.
Now yes Sagittarius is a beautiful expansive sign of learning, travel, beliefs and spirituality but when it becomes combined with Saturn it does bring in some restriction, tradition, delays and lessons of course. So do not expect things to happen quickly, you will have to put the work into it be that wherever Sagittarius falls in your birth chart but know this it is steering you into the right direction and you will be rewarded. Saturn does like to end things so if things do come to a close please know that it’s because the universe has something greater in store for you. This is a deeply spiritual and wise sign so if things end or your feeling dissapointed know that it is because that was not meant to be apart of your journey and it is literally steering you into the right direction of what is. So yes expect changes but they will not be dark and scary like that of the Scorpio Saturn transit.
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Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)
Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks
☪✮☯ With Love☯✮☪
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