* * * * Horoscope 16 September 2015 * * * *
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The Moon finishes in Libra and moves into Scorpio around 5pm tonight (UK). So for the majority of the day it will feel a lot like yesterday you're still being asked to be authentic and look at your relationships to ensure they are also authentic and what you truly desire in your life.
As well as that it’s time to reevaluate a lot of things as well, Mercury goes retro tomorrow and today it stops moving. When Mercury stops that is what causes you to look at something, there is something your not seeing, maybe you refuse to see it, but the signs are all around so please acknowledge them. When Mercury does go retro tomorrow it will then start the delays, confusion and technical issues, lots of miss communication.
I still think the most are in for some news, a surprise and for those who are single there is someone around the corner. Lots of unexpected communication and conversation taking place today. Just ensure your being honest with yourself and what you want long term and how are you planning on getting from A to B.
Remember to let go of the past Saturn in Scorpio will leave early hours of Friday Morning meaning you only have one more day! Then Saturn will not enter here for another 28-30 years of your life.
Below is a little More on this Jupiter in Virgo opposite the Neptune in Pisces that could play out for the Next year!!
What with Jupiter in Virgo and in opposition to Neptune Of which for us Pisces/Virgo Folks this could play out in two ways… Pisces we need to see that relationships are expanding over the next year being as Virgo is our polar opposite but there needs to be a balance for us too and our ideals, Neptune is dreamy and so be careful that people do not disillusion you but at the same time much wisdom and coming into connection with people who will mirror you in a beautiful way. Virgos i’d say your expanding in regards to you! Your focus is on yourself for the next year but do not neglect those around you and they offer the Key to even more success.
This opposition could be tricky because we are all being asked to put the work in… The more we put in the more Jupiter will reward us! Jupiter changing signs changes our luck into a new area of our life which is great stuff but oppositions between Pisces/Virgo is I think for many a reawakening to certain things, Virgo can be critical and judgmental only because it’s looking for perfection and Pisces energy is all about the beauty in the imperfections here we are needing to not accept everything as okay but at the same time not being overly judgy or focusing so much on our working life… Relationships will be key until that North-node in November jumps into Virgo as well some destined things are about to come - Honestly the astrology astonishes me,
I think this week will be major in regards to relationships, Money and maybe career as well. But more so with relationships as Venus in Retrograde and the destiny node is wrapping up in Libra although it won't change signs until November - but November is when all this will be clear “Relationship wise”. Opportunities are open and as i mentioned in many of my previous scopes during this year so far it really will be a marking point from when all things change!
Jupiter is on the brink now and will be in Virgo, Changing our luck! Virgo does mean to serve, to work hard and so if your clear about what you want and your ready to put the work into it you will be rewarded like no other… I still see this being about relationships as Venus will transit back over Jupiter bringing this North Node/Destiny marker swapping places - To me this is HUGE! Relationships are transforming and your being pulled towards certain people… but you also must let something go (old habit, way of life, something has to change) in order to claim what it is that will bring you the most happiness.
So anyway back to today - Maybe a difficult or awkward conversation a need to get real, to get practical to look at things differently both in depth and long term as well.. Unexpected things in love and still the truth surfacing back from the past with Scorpio Saturn helping us see things, teaching us things - So yes! Today could be a Karmic Lesson today especially after the weekend we have all had!
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Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)
Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks
☪✮☯ With Love☯✮☪
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