Wednesday 14 October 2015

OCTOBER New Moon Cards 2015 - Aska LittleWitch


It's that time again where you get to select yourself a card! Numbers 1 through to 12. For added informations check out your Sun Sign/Moon Sign Cards as well...
Please do comment your choice below & share with friends!
1 = Aries, 2 = Taurus, 3 = Gemini, 4 = Cancer, 5 = Leo, 6 = Virgo, 7 = Libra, 8=Scorpio, 9 = Sagittarius, 10 = Capricorn, 11 = Aquarius & 12= Pisces
Obviously I've asked that the chosen card relates to you! But this is just for fun & should be taken as such…

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Now you have selected lets see what your Card says about you or something going on with you right now or very soon.

Cards Revealed Below with meanings!!

Card 1 - The Mouse

This card comes when something or someone is eating away at you or your resources. Something has been playing on your mind and enough is another you need to nip this burden in the bud. In some cases it can point to a time where you feel wronged or have had something stolen from you - If it was taken maybe it’s time to let that go to as it was never yours to begin with.

Card 2 - Mental Conflict (R)

You have a choice to make and you just cannot make it, you are more than likely over thinking it, confused by the entire situation not sure to pull away or stick it out… I see this card soaked in fear, what is it that you are scared of, what is it you cannot admit or come to terms with. This is the feeling when something is “off” and you do not know what it is… But you do know, you just make excuses for not taking the action out of wishing things were different. Nevertheless I say wait things are obviously delayed for a reason just make sure you are aware of the facts before making the choice you need to make.

Card 3- The Anchor

This card could have two meanings either something is holding you down or your being advised to stay put… Both indicate staying. I see it as finding your footing and creating some sort of stability it also says what anchors you what do you need to feel safe, secure, content before making a commitment. The moment things feel stable we tend to want the opposite especially in a time of change that we are in. I think this is about finding that thing that makes you feel safe and holding on to it as things are going to change around you but it is necessary you will come out of it beautifully so fear not! Just hold tight! Find your anchor… allow the universe to help guide you!

Card 4- The Surprise (R)

Okay so it’s not called the surprise card it’s the card of foundations and achievements and it is reversed… This card for me points to something unexpected taking place, restrictions perhaps and a delay but it is not a negative card… Finding the light in allowing things to happen without expectations or controlling things and finding gratitude will help unfold the happiness that this card brings. It’s not a time to panic and get frustrated this “unexpected” something/someone is happening for a reason and yes it will happen out of the blue but it will lead you to happiness… in an unexpected way - The universe works in mysterious ways springs to mind change is upon us all - embrace it!
Card 5 - Home

Home, what is home to you? Home for most is where the heart is, more so than just bricks that make up the walls your being asked to look at the things that truly matter in your life… and what no longer does? Where does your heart truly lie? Maybe the foundations of our “home” are changing, maybe there is a new home on the horizon, a move, but where do we feel most ourselves - Your being asked to center yourself! Maybe recently you have been being materialistic, focusing upon money, on things that do not matter instead of paying attention to the inner worlds of us, and ones we love our focus is on the external what we do not have and what we desire… What are you most grateful for… Where is home for you? What truly matters? Home could be your solution and your saviour in times of change.

Card 6 - Light

Light brings just that… Light! It’s been a dark, scary and lonely period in our lives and we can finally see the light! Something is coming into our life to brighten it up… maybe you feel truly free to be you and see the bright opportunities that lay ahead. This is a card of seizing the moment enjoying the moment. It’s the card of children and it’s the card of wishes. It’s time to pay attention to the good in our life and to allow the past to slip away. This transit will bring much reward if you can get out of your own way and see the joy that is in front of you.

Card 7- The Sun

Just like the previous card you too are in for the joys of the world! This is your time to shine so shine bright! Find ways to put yourself first and follow your heart into happiness it is very much about putting yourself first for a change. Again like the previous this card points to opportunities in more than one area of your life… Take the time to take in all the happiness that surrounds you! You have so much to look forward to! Embrace it!

Card 8 - Firm Foundations (R)

Okay, you need to release, let go of how you want things to play out and let them play out as they are meant to. It will be almost impossible to control what’s coming so you may as well roll with it… Fighting it will just cause more delays and frustrations. What I will say you need to be clear on what you want if you stand true by this you will gain it if you fall into temptations or thinking you can get away with something - you won’t you will lose it. Things are about to shake up just roll with the tides.

Card 9- The Rider (R)

You may have to wait a little longer for the news you have been waiting for… For some reason it has been delayed! Or perhaps the news you get was not meant for you so bare that in mind as there could be crossed wires… Maybe you have to postpone or delay a trip or perhaps a trip gets delayed - The News will be good even if at first it seems less like it. A Journey or a discovery that you will find something out this transit that will be important to you… Maybe even cross paths with someone destined ya never know!

Card 10- The Crown

It’s time for you to trust in what you already know! Time to take some time to center yourself to plan things out and watch things manifest… Change is everywhere for all and for you… you already know what it entails. I’d say you need to focus on the messages and guidance you receive through spirit during this transit… I’m sorry I do not have more they tell me you already know what needs to be done.

Card 11- The Ring

They say for you it’s about commitment… I know right I am as shocked as you are! But apparently it’s time for you to think about your commitments, your bonds, relationships and where you see yourself! A change of heart, a proposal coming your way don’t be alarmed if your happy maybe this is the change that you need. Maybe it points to a new relationship on the horizon or a business partnership if not romantic. The way in which you view relationships and commitments could be going through a change this month's transit. I guess relationships will transform for you guys!

Card 12- Harmony

For you your relationships are undergoing a transformation or there is an unexpected new love coming into your life. Again anything can happen! This i see as a positive thing, if your a Pisces like myself and reading this we have a lot of focus and opposition at the same time in the relationship sector… Things can not change anymore than they have but they will be transformed… hold onto your seat belts, buckle up as your in for a pleasant surprise! Release the past and be open to what’s on the horizon - It’s love that loves to love! Magically destined!

Let me know if your ‘’just for fun’’ Card related to you
Many thanks
october cards reve.jpg

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