Showing posts with label oracle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oracle. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Mid Month - Full Moon - Pick a Card REVEAL 2016 with Askalittlewitch

Full Moon/Mid Month 22nd April in
Scorpio 2 Degrees  
With Spiritual Horoscope Predictions

Full Moon!

So a Full Moon is when the Moon is directly opposite the Sun and this is a time where something symbolically becomes Illuminated. Now this Particular Full Moon is in Scorpio is the Early degrees at the time of the Full Moon - “2 degrees”. The Number Two in my books often represents a choice but it also has this vibration of “feeling about it, decisions and choices create a ripple effect and in life or life itself is made up of a series of choices, so it’s my belief to decide or choose what feels right in the direction of Love... and well, it will always lead you on a path of happiness.

Now What’s interesting about this particular Full Moon as I have expressed is the fact that Scorpio is Ruled by Pluto and Mars, both of which are RetrogradingScorpio as a sign is deep, it’s raw, it’s honest, it’s life and death the bridge between, it’s very psychic and it’s very intense and emotionally driven.
To find out more about retrograde season check on my blog post here

Full Moon’s are known to be that time of the month where unexplainablly there are more accidents than usual or more in patients in A&E in hospitals… Scorpio is that Scary place, the darkness that lies within us the part we do not get to control, it’s the unexpected and It’s in my belief that we are all suppressing something or avoiding something that needs looking at.

Full Moon is a time of illumination and I think we will all get a glimpse in what this retrograde season will be all about on the 22nd April give it a day before and a few days after. Now I won’t go into more detail as to what that is if you would like insight into that you can check out the link here to another blog post I created.

Now I spoke about the month in general on my Monthly YouTube Horoscope going into the Star Signs but I thought it would be especially handy for you all to have a Mid-Monthly (Just so happens to fall on the Full Moon) pick me up. I have selected 12 Cards of which are representative of the 12 Zodiac signs but It also gives you the opportunity to hone in on your intuition and selecting a card for you self as well…

Lets Begin. . .

Now I'd first like you to close your eyes, take three deep breathes, "Asking what do I need to pay attention to during this Full Moon or (fill in the blank)" and pay attention to the card that draws your attention first. - Make a note of the Number & Comment below!

Then for a little more added information you can check out the cards associated with your Zodiac Sign. 1.Aries, 2.Taurus, 3.Gemini, 4.Cancer, 5.Leo, 6.Virgo, 7.Libra, 8.Scorpio, 9.Sagittarius, 10.Capricorn 11.Aquarius, 12.Pisces

and then for even more insight you can go as far as to look at your Moon Sign (This will especially beneficial being we are dealing with the Full Moon here) & Also your Ascendant sign

If you do not know where your placements are you can enter your Birthdate details into an online Birth Chart Calculator to find out - You will need your Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Place of Birth. I'll leave a link to mine below.

April FULL MOON CARDS 2016.jpg

Okay So now you have Chosen why not scroll down and See what you Card you Got… Also why not check out your Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Ascendant Sign to see if you can create a little Story for yourself and What this Month’s Full Moon Will Bring you!

1.Aries 2.Taurus 3.Gemini 4.Cancer 5.Leo 6.Virgo 7.Libra 8.Scorpio 9.Sagittarius 10.Capricorn 11.Aquarius 12.Pisces

As always if your interested in a reading with me please check out My Services available at my Website below

The Cards


Option 1. Aries or Heal card No.17
This Card is in a Reversed position and if you are an Aries this could be your ruling planet Mars in it’s retrograding position… So what does this card Mean for you - It’s in my belief that you will be faced with something or someone from your past, this something really does need your attention, acknowledgement, You probably are the first one to dismiss and power on forward… But not this time, the more you try to suppress or hide something the more it naggles you from within. I think here you are needing to face a fear and usually Aries are not ones to fear anything, they concur but this has emotional tie to it and we all know you are not ones to get too emotionally involved - partly as a protective mechanism… But This time you really will have to face something, and it might scare the crap out of you! Be honest with how you feel and now is not the time to give into temptations as such as anything shady will surface and do so with a vengeance.

Option2. Taurus or Challenging Times
I think for you my friends it’s about not fearing change! Something has got you worked up, anxious, conflicted and you so desperately want to avoid something or wait it out but now is the time to act! Do not fear or fret this is just one of those hurdles you must overcome and it involves you being brave enough to make that first move… I’m seeing movement for you and changes in general things are about to get moving!

Option 3. Gemini or Win or Lose
What is it that your fighting for Geminis? It appears your facing a bit of a challenge yourself and for you my friends it’s about asking yourself how much do you really want it? There is a battle ahead of you a fight for the thing/person you desire but do you really want it? It’s about weighing things out and not jumping in on impulse it seems like your having to put yourself out there in a way that may feel vulnerable. If it is something you seek how hard are you willing to work for it… It requires effort but it will give pleasant rewards to those who are honest and true to themselves.

Option 4. Cancer or Rest & Reconsider
You are having to take some time away, a need to gather your thoughts, Full Moons always affect you more than most and you can act in a overly emotional way more than most and 9/10 it is because of a past situation. It’s time to take yourself out of the situation and look at it from another angle, really, really think, before you make a choice or a commitment to someone or something! This could as well bring up difficult relationship choices or  some re-occurring issue from the past, perhaps an old lover gets in touch or you find something out that takes you a bit by surprise - think before you act and gain a better perspective of the situation.

Option 5. Leo or Detach
This is a card all linked into Relationships and your being asked my Fiery Friends to detach from your relationship. Be this a positive one or a negative one there needs to be some separation… I shall tell you why, All relationships require fairness, and there is a need to examine your relationship, look at how you got here, and the decisions you made along the way, look at your role in the relationship and look at if there are any small or big issues that need examination. There are always two sides and you always have a role to play within it. I feel it’s important to really look at the feelings involved here! You too have a decision to make and it has to come from a place of feeling/heart and not EGO!!!! Look at the relationship and take responsibility for the part you are playing or have played release guilt, release judgement and ask yourself what’s the fair thing to do.

Option 6. Virgo or Joy & Stability
You are in for a pleasant surprise Virgos… Whatever surfaces for you during the Full Moon will bring with it an element of the unexpected - something literally coming out of nowhere. Now what you do with it is up to you! But you really need to ask yourself what it is that feels right, what does your heart want? You may not like what that is but in order to make the right choice you must take action on your feelings and emotions and allow them to be heard - it’s not a time to suppress or allow your mind to rationalise something. Alas, it’s a time of celebrations for you!

Option 7. Libra or Open Up
Now you are usually so open but for some reason you are shying away from something, you are hiding behind someone else or something else and not really shining out who it is that you are… If you want to have what it that you desire you need to get over that initial fear and speak up! Or in some cases maybe you are needing to change direction altogether, you could be so focused in someone or one area that you forget to allow something or someone that is not in your comfort zone. Get out there Libra! Stop thinking you are not enough, not wanted, desired or loved - you are but your looking in all the wrong places!

Option 8. Scorpio or Strengthening Bond
It’s still early days but there is a deepening connection forming, It might not be ready to fully manifest right now but it is there you know it and you sense the promise of things about to improve. This could also relate to work connections as well. I’m seeing many new doorways opening up for you and if you are Single new loves coming out of the wood works -  I’m seeing truths surfacing and along with it opportunities. Connections!

Option 9. Sagittarius or Manifest
For you Guys it’s about time you start putting things into action! Whatever came about at the time of the New Moon at the start of this Month it’s time now to get real honest with yourself about the work your putting in… You have all these ideas for amazing creations and yet, are you putting in the work are you letting yourself off the hook creating excuses for the whys or results so far? There is nothing stopping you but you… You can have whatever you desire but you must get you but in gear! Soon enough Jupiter your ruling planet will get moving and when it does you should action some of these things! You can turn your dreams into a reality you just have to want it enough and love it enough! Procrastination time over!

Option 10. Capricorn or Helpless & Hopeless
Now It’s not as bad as it looks but with your planet going retrograde in optimistic Sagittarius you could feel like your being restricted. You could be looking at the situation you are facing and wondering if all is lost. Your belief structures are changing and yes it’s true you are ending or transforming in ways that you never thought you would. In all, you are faced with a difficult choice - Do not let people define what it is that you can have and cannot have, you need to assess the situation and then you need to take action - You must learn from the past!! The old way of doing things didn’t work so change it! By doing that you are empowering yourself you are in control and no longer in a state of “hopelessness”, You are one of the strongest signs you just need to release yourself from the past once and for all and stop comparing everything to then - there is no then, there is only now! Break the cycle! This “thing” that has surfaced for you is nothing more than an opportunity to get real honest and free yourself from the chains that bind you.

Option 11. Aquarius or The Base Chakra
Whenever a Chakra card comes up it’s a signal to say that energy is blocked and you are off balance. The fact that I have pulled the Base Chakra for you is that your worrying about something, it could be something physical but it does relate to a fear… Let me say it is so important for you face what it is that has caused this blockage - If you dedicate enough time and you work at it you will free yourself from this kind of anxiety. The Base tends to relate to matters of reality, your image, your job, your stability, sex, health all of this can be rectified by your emotions and so something is causing a rise within you - Have you or are you making the right choices. It’s simple have a heart to heart with yourself… What are you feeling, missing or fearing currently and why? Get Physical - Take action and movement and you should be able to get that energy to flow.

Option 12. Pisces or Blossoming
For you this reaches out to matters of the heart… Someone important could very well be entering your life and believe it or not they will transform you greatly in a way that will open up your untapped potential and create something truly beautiful. Something's about to be awakened or to reawaken - What I will say here is that you need to trust in your intuition and really listen to what you are being told or shown from within. This is a time where you might feel uneasy at this new opening, Most Pisces tend to go with the flow of things, sensing things out and there really is a great new opportunity coming up of you but you need to be open and allowing of this energy… You of course have a choice between the new and the old - Someone returning and someone new - I advise to go slow and nurture the potential until your sure which one has that deeper connection.

Thank you for taking the time to check out My Full Moon Cards! My Horoscope for this Month is up on my YouTube channel so feel free to check that out! I Also have Mercury in Capricorn and Aquarius prepared for filming.

Sunday 6 March 2016

The March Solar Eclipse/New Moon CARDS REVEAL 8th 9th of March 2016

Solar Eclipse/New Moon 8th/9th March in Pisces 18 Degrees

Solar Eclipses!

So a Solar Eclipse is when the Moon crosses in front of the Sun Blocking out the Light. Which is symbolic of the Ego having a Time Out and it pushes the Moon, emotional, intimate private self to the forefront. Solar Eclipse happen at the time of a New Moon, and as such bring forth change a fresh start…

This Solar Eclipse is in Pisces and there are a lot of Planets in the Mix. Both the Sun/Moon are Combining forces with Chiron, South Node, Ceres and Neptune to a lesser degree…

The South Node is linked with the past as is Chiron so straight away you can see there is going to bring forward a chance for us to heal an old wound. Looking back to the last Solar Eclipse which was in September 2015 (13th) in the sign of Virgo which was about healing broken hearts as it opposed Chiron and there was lots going on with Venus and Mars… This year we will have another Solar Eclipse on September 1st 2016 which is around the time the Drama of the Summer will wrap up (the retrograde season, Mars transiting through Scorpio clearing up the Saturn in Scorpio transit we all went through ect)… Which is very fitting as Pisces as a sign is known for it’s healing qualities… This Solar Eclipse will bring forward a chance over the course of the next 6 Months to heal the old wounds from 2012-2014 and the summer of 2015… Or any trauma we have carried with us through childhood.

Now all of this is allowing you to remember, feel, and heal from the past, often enough we don’t pay so much attention to our emotional self, to our pain, we tend to as a culture just power on through. What with Jupiter ®  Conjunct Destiny Node it is expanding all of this energy more so and Saturn is chiming in with his Square signalling you must learn from this and not avoid it - It will be everywhere!!! Saturn and Jupiter two biggest contenders in the sky other than the Sun, which is temporarily blacked out or on a time out are getting you to learn and for your highest good! Pluto looks over and gives you the ability to free yourself from this pain and hurt and then there is all this fated and magic in the air - we are talking about Pisces, everything happens for a reason vibe!

I also get a feeling we are all gravitating towards the right partners and letting go of the wrong ones.

Destined and magical things will take place! The More you fight it the harder you will be forced to see, to learn - there is much to gain from this Solar Eclipse.

Also Please Check out my predictions for each of the Signs on Youtube for my Solar Eclipse Horoscope - The Six Months of Healing…

But for Now Select yourself a Card for the New Moon and Let’s see if your Card relates to you… Always pick the card your most drawn to and leave me a comment with your Choice! I shall Post up the Reveal Later Tonight.

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Okay So now you have Chosen why not scroll down and See what you Card you Got… Also why not check out your Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Ascendant Sign to see if you can create a little Story for yourself and What this Month’s New Moon (which happens to be a Solar Eclipse) Will Bring you!

1.Aries 2.Taurus 3.Gemini 4.Cancer 5.Leo 6.Virgo 7.Libra 8.Scorpio 9.Sagittarius 10.Capricorn 11.Aquarius 12.Pisces

As always if you're interested in a reading with me please check out My Services available at my Website below

The Cards12842615_10153857320215631_1194678205_o.jpg

Option 1. Aries or Letting Go
12809984_10153857320855631_129146877_o.jpgThis Card pretty much reflects what I foretold for you in the Solar Eclipse Horoscope - If you’re an Aries. Now this they say is a card of “It’s Time”, time to let go of something that has kind of run it’s course. They are saying you should utilize this time to get creative,write, and use this experience to your advantage and stop trying to control how you want things to be and just allow things to flow. As the Saying goes “All Rivers flow to the Sea..” Everything ends up where it always was suppose to you can delay it for a while but it’s time to face facts and just allow things to be as they are.

Option2. Taurus or The Novice
12776875_10153857320820631_1815439926_o (1).jpgI think for you this is about learning to Trust, not just in others but in yourself to make the right choices. I see here an opportunity to start something fresh and yet there is a nagging feeling that is causing you to delay on your path. It’s time to doubt yourself but to trust in you, your talents, skills and abilities to set this all in forward motion. Believe in what you know within you not by the doubts around you.

Option 3. Gemini or Restriction
10578541_10153857320740631_860184055_o (1).jpgAre you feeling stuck in your current situation, blocked and unable to really move ahead with things… The Key lies with speaking the truth there is something that you are not acknowledging and by doing so you are stuck unable to free yourself because you cannot be honest with yourself. What is it that you truly want? Are you limiting yourself in some way or is there something that you're not seeing...

Option 4. Cancer or The Wind Faerie
12809946_10153857320680631_958044868_o (1).jpgSomething is shifting, be that a thought or a belief and that in it and of itself is transforming you moving you in some way. There is a conversation that needs to be had and it may require some time, courage and planning before you can action it. What clear is it’s all relate to your perspective… What is playing on your mind? What keeps whizzing back and forth? You will be given the insight you need to take action this New Moon.

Option 5. Leo or The Fire Faerie
10658288_10153857320650631_784789343_o.jpgSecond chances and passion is ignited! It’s time to go after what it is that you want, the desire is there and all because things didn’t go quite the way you anticipated during round one doesn’t mean it won’t excel this time around. I’m being shown the phoenix rising from the ashes and being reborn once more… This is you a time to re-invent and overcome whatever challenges you face this Month. Believe in yourself! You never thought you would get this far and look at you now!

Option 6. Virgo or Fear
12810076_10153857320595631_543720804_o.jpgYou are being told to really look at the way in which you are approaching your situation. Fear in its reversed position usually means you are scared not of something turning out bad but of it being everything you wished for however there is a hang up in that you do not want to take action or face it you would rather leave it be and sweep it under the rug and fingers crossed move passed it all - Nothing stays hidden for long and this Solar Eclipse will ensure you pay well and good attention to your perspective. Try looking at things differently and watch the magic work at changing how you feel about it.

Option 7. Libra or Communication
12837192_10153857320560631_675690101_o.jpgSomeone doesn’t want to establish a form of communication? Are you unwilling to make the first move? What are you so afraid of? Your being told to take charge and put your pride to the side this month… If you want something you will have to take the lead in this. Simple Conversation could flip everything around and for the better - Just stop overthinking things and being stubborn your only pushing away from the very thing you desire.

Option 8. Scorpio or The Deer
12842655_10153857320515631_2136106951_o.jpgBig changes for you my friends as things shake up and there is a little bit of chaos or potentially a little drama going on it requires you to instead of being gentle and diplomatic but to stand your ground and state your piece. Your being told that everything is changing and if you too desire something you will have to stand up and state your claims of what you want… otherwise it could very well disappear and later you may regret not saying something sooner.

Option 9. Sagittarius or Wealth
12842361_10153857320460631_466982374_o.jpgFor you Guys it’s about getting something you always wanted but now you're unsure if you even want it anymore. This is going to be a time to pay attention to how much wealth you have, be this financially, or in other forms such as Friends, family, children,  health or home, you really have created or are on the brink of creating your kingdom… Just know that wealth is a flow and exchange of energy, it’s always moving the more gratitude you pay the more you shall receive - expect a little good news to come your way.

Option 10. Capricorn or Burden
Now if you're a Capricorn you really are not a stranger to feeling burdened over something… I get the gist that you're worrying about something which has not yet quite arrived and are starting to overthink the matter. Something might some at you unexpectedly, you might have a lot going on in the working field, maybe business is picking up and you suddenly have “so much to do” its time to work but also it’s time to ask for help! You really do not need to take this all on alone and there are people around you willing to help… Why not get a little quality time in with someone special even if you are doing work at least you surrounded by those who want to support you if only you allow them to.

Option 11. Aquarius or The Water Faerie
12822974_10153857320355631_1044463017_o.jpgYou have it a little tough this Month and in general for the Solar Eclipse… You see emotions will be taking the driver seat and knowing a lot of Aquarius I know that Emotions are often seen separate to themselves. Well you will be having to face all that suppressed emotional stuff from your past. You may laugh at the very thought of that concept, but the harder you try to guard yourself from your internal self the more you run from yourself, your destiny and what it is that you truly desire. I often say and I do truly believe the heart knows more than the mind does, you are not your mind, you control your mind you cannot control emotions at least not for the Eclipse So pay attention at what comes up for you during this time you could be in for a surprise.

Option 12. Pisces or Focus
10631799_10153857320250631_1886113320_o.jpgFocus. So this Month and the course of the next 6 months things are going to speed up for you, information will be coming at you from all angles, the truth you seeked with be found and you really need to keep your eyes on the target and not to get so caught up on the little things. I feel this time will cause a little bit of crazy for most but the majority are good at dealing with that. I guess it’s about not losing track of the things that matter. Even if there are opportunities and offers coming your way think long term before committing to anything.

Thank you for taking the time to check out My Pick a Card Solar Eclipse Addition! My Horoscope for this Solar Eclipse is up on my YouTube channel so feel free to check that out! This Month’s Astrological Horoscope will be up Wednesday Reading for the New Moon. I Also have Mercury in Scorpio and Sagittarius prepared for filming.