♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ Tuesday Horoscope 03 November 2015 ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓
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The Number 11 is a Mirror, What you see externally could very well be symbolic of what’s going on deep within us… Communication is key, news, messages, signs and so your being asked to see things from both sides as something “could” be revealed or you uncover something you have not felt/seen/heard before - Again doesn’t have to be a physical thing simply by thinking you see something differently or something changes within you in how you view something/someone but you will come across something tonight that makes you think.
Today and into tonight it is important that you keep the balance… This transit for a lot of people will be about creating something new based off of their most authentic self, a lot has changed and we are trying to build something. Honesty will be the Key to this Scorpio transit i feel… Are you being honest about what you seek/want/desire, or are you just looking for the superficial things? Scorpio awakens you to more the stuff you suppress comes to the surface you want/need a connection.
A lot of what I see is still facing our deepest fears, insecurities as Jupiter looks over towards Chiron the wounded healer… Are we moving through the past, deeper things coming up and having to find the meaning to something that is deeply embedded within us… We all have something that scares us, worries us, causes us to be cautious… The question is are you willing to face it in a way that you still can be in control of and protect yourself in doing so. This energy is pretty intense but it is the perfect time to work on releasing old things that keep us restricted.
With the Sun looking at Pluto I think if you so decide to commit or end something today it will have a long lasting effect that will stick for good. Today be liberated! Move away from those icky feelings of the past and focus on you and all the good you have in your life… Everyone has something that they love and are blessed with.
The North Node connects with Lilith and I see this as breaking away from bad relationships and all the baggage that comes with it… It’s time to protect yourself and put yourself first and the requires you to separate yourself from other people's issues - As a Pisces I do this a lot, I take on other people's problems as if they were my own but today is about you, always putting yourself first in a way that Leo does, from the heart not in a mean or aggressive way. Destiny is saying this your time to free yourself from past fears or any fears you have within the relationship sector and work only on the one that you have control over - Your relationship to you!
Venus is combining with Mars and Jupiter which means if you take action Love is very much on the cards for you, Mars/Venus combining makes for a passionate and steamy affair and with Jupiter there it just expands it… But will you take action? You could end up allowing your self doubts get in the way.
Have a magical Halloween/Samhain everyone!
I cannot express just how much I love Halloween/Samhain/All Hallows and the Spooky vibe is finally here today with the Sun looking at Neptune which powers up Neptune, which in turn makes for some vivid dreams, intuition will be heightened and quite literally the Veil is becoming thin.
Now what I will say is it is important to stay true to that gut instinct, your heart center as Neptune looks over to all of that Virgo energy, I mean everything is being Magnified - Sun, Jupiter and Neptune with Pluto and Uranus getting involved things are being revealed, and it’s important you do not go off at the deep end but really look at things from both sides.
Now because of Uranus/Mercury in aspect I’d even say prepare for a sudden change of events, something taking you by surprise, News or information coming out of nowhere… Maybe your even changing your perspective on someone/something.
Maybe emotions are a little all over the place, yet you wouldn’t know it at least not looking at others as Scorpio is a secretive/hidden sign only ever revealing what is necessary.
In terms of love/relationships and the romance sector Venus is with Mars and still pretty close with Jupiter and so this can point to some very passionate encounters, there is a lot of maybe sexual tension with someone maybe even feeling a little more spontaneous. Doors are opening in this area but will you take action or talk yourself out it? That is the question… With Neptune looking over, there is a certain mysterious edge that is drawing you in, that Scorpio vibe is working its Plutonic energy and as I spoke of before people are coming together aligning a sense of “I was meant to meet you vibe”.
There are some sort of new doors opening up in all of our lives and it is important we are expanding our life in the right way… Not rushing in without thinking but ensuring that it not only feels right, like the best next step but that it also aligns with where we want to be. The Moon Looking over at Saturn is all about wanting more but having to find the balance of integrating it all. Again it can point to a lesson to do with your emotions and the need for an emotional boundary to be made or to be adjusted in some way.
Today you could feel somewhat conflicted in a situation but it is merely an obstacle you need to overcome and it’s important that you are doing this for yourself and not being pushed into something because someone is pressuring you. Scorpio is a fixed sign it likes control, to hold onto things but today the energy cannot be controlled you have to just roll with it or you will cause a separation where you wanted connection. Lots of changes and needing to find the balance between new/old relationships including with our selves.
Scorpio I like to see as the bridge between life and death, It’s one of my most favourite transits in the year as the veils get thinner between worlds and we can be given the guidance that we need, see the truth that we neglect to see and take the action we need to take.
I feel like this will be a huge awakening of something that we have maybe kept hidden within ourselves, this next month all will be revealed. Scorpio is a sign that is deep, it’s the sign of transformation and it is the sign that uncovers the truth.
There is a need to release old, outgrown relationships and that requires the willingness to do so… Stop being so stubborn and look at the bigger picture here what serves you on a deeper level as the superficial always burns out quickly. There is no growth if things are easy and we are far from knowing all about ourselves through the challenge comes the learning and we need to make the change. . . A lot has happened this past year - for myself included!
I’m sure you have done things that you never thought you were capable of this past year… Remember those things and use them when you are having the same doubts of “I can’t/ I won’t”... because you can and you will!
This is a time where you have to look at your relationships and be real with yourself at who is important, what is working as opposed to what is not and there could be something that’s revealed as well as that even more will be coming up as the Sun progresses in Scorpio prepare to be transformed.
This is a time where the truth comes to the surface and things are seen clearly you can make magic happen today if only you stay in your heart and do not allow yourself to back out of what you have committed yourself to do.
Lots of change but I do feel that this is all going to work out positively.
Libra is very much in the focus this next month so expect relationships to be on the focus of all of us… The North Node will leave Libra (destined lovers) and move into Virgo permanently on November 11th 2015.
Below is a little More on this Jupiter in Virgo opposite the Neptune in Pisces that could play out for the Next year!! & Below that the Saturn in Sagittarius Transit meaning.
What with Jupiter in Virgo and in opposition to Neptune Of which for us Pisces/Virgo Folks this could play out in two ways… Pisces we need to see that relationships are expanding over the next year being as Virgo is our polar opposite but there needs to be a balance for us too and our ideals, Neptune is dreamy and so be careful that people do not disillusion you but at the same time much wisdom and coming into connection with people who will mirror you in a beautiful way. Virgos i’d say your expanding in regards to you! Your focus is on yourself for the next year but do not neglect those around you and they offer the Key to even more success.
This opposition could be tricky because we are all being asked to put the work in… The more we put in the more Jupiter will reward us! Jupiter changing signs changes our luck into a new area of our life which is great stuff but oppositions between Pisces/Virgo is I think for many a reawakening to certain things, Virgo can be critical and judgmental only because it’s looking for perfection and Pisces energy is all about the beauty in the imperfections here we are needing to not accept everything as okay but at the same time not being overly judgy or focusing so much on our working life… Relationships will be key until that North-node in November jumps into Virgo as well some destined things are about to come - Honestly the astrology astonishes me,
I think this week will be major in regards to relationships, Money and maybe career as well. But more so with relationships as Venus in Retrograde and the destiny node is wrapping up in Libra although it won't change signs until November - but November is when all this will be clear “Relationship wise”. Opportunities are open and as i mentioned in many of my previous scopes during this year so far it really will be a marking point from when all things change!
Jupiter is on the brink now and will be in Virgo, Changing our luck! Virgo does mean to serve, to work hard and so if your clear about what you want and your ready to put the work into it you will be rewarded like no other… I still see this being about relationships as Venus will transit back over Jupiter bringing this North Node/Destiny marker swapping places - To me this is HUGE! Relationships are transforming and your being pulled towards certain people… but you also must let something go (old habit, way of life, something has to change) in order to claim what it is that will bring you the most happiness.
We had a taste of the Saturn in Sagittarius in December 23 2014 through to June 2015 when it went back into Scorpio… Now it is in Sagittarius for good and hopefully many of you released yourself from the prisons that held you captive be that a person, relationship, job or place ect.
Now yes Sagittarius is a beautiful expansive sign of learning, travel, beliefs and spirituality but when it becomes combined with Saturn it does bring in some restriction, tradition, delays and lessons of course. So do not expect things to happen quickly, you will have to put the work into it be that wherever Sagittarius falls in your birth chart but know this it is steering you into the right direction and you will be rewarded. Saturn does like to end things so if things do come to a close please know that it’s because the universe has something greater in store for you. This is a deeply spiritual and wise sign so if things end or your feeling dissapointed know that it is because that was not meant to be apart of your journey and it is literally steering you into the right direction of what is. So yes expect changes but they will not be dark and scary like that of the Scorpio Saturn transit.
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Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)
Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks
☪✮☯ With Love☯✮☪
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