Saturday 23 May 2015

Weekend Horoscope May 23+24 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Weekend Horoscope 23+24 May 2015 * * * *
Over the course of the Weekend the Moon will be in the sign of Leo which is a passionate placement for the Moon. I believe it makes us step within the heart space and bring Love back to YOU! Although can usually be a proud, stubborn and strong willed there are no negative aspects for the Moon today.

The Moon at some point will merge with Jupiter over Saturday and when we look at this aspect we can expect our emotions to grow and expand in ways that may surprise us there will be some understanding and clarity to the confusion or upset we have been feeling of late.

What I hope, although it could go either way is that we are now adapting, changing and breaking free from the chains that bound us. In a way that YOU are no longer looking outside of yourself for what you seek but turning within and putting yourself first - not in a egotistical way but in a self empowering way - If you know a good Leo you will know what i mean or of at least witnessed a time where they did this.

Uranus/Aquarius is self redefining themselves in a way being in Aries but the energy of the transit over Weekend at least, will bring change the way an Aquarius does.. Expect the unexpected in relationships a breakthrough moment but one that you will realise is for the greater good and for YOU!

In matters of the heart, love, relationships and even our self love, we need to tap into our intuition over this weekend. We are all a crossroads when it comes to these areas of our lives and it is important we can really see the bigger picture, shine a light on our own insecurities and take responsibility for ourselves and how we feel. With a Moon in Leo you have to stand your ground so I ask of you is what you have enough? this will require you to be very, very honest with yourself.

Also I’d like to mention we have gained many lessons so far in our life no matter your age, we have aquired many skills… Are you learning your lessons and changing your ways or remaining the same? This is a time that requires you to change and learn from your lessons rather than learning the same thing over.

With all this Gemini energy try to not get lost in the superficial world full of distractions and face what’s going on within you. You could end up pleasantly surprised!

Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Friday 22 May 2015

Friday's Horoscope May 22 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 22 May 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is still in the sign of Cancer which is the natural home for the Moon. I say natural home because the Moon is symbolic of our “Emotional” self, when we look at Emotions from a spiritual point of view we see a intuitive vibration that serves to teach and help us better understand something.

If you have or know someone with their natal Moon in Cancer I’m sure you can relate to the fact that you are a deeply loving, intense lover who feels and soaks up everything around you. This is perfectly normal (for you)! Other people might find this energy intense on a grander scale… But it will be moving away from Planet Venus (Love/Relationships).

So what does this mean? Well yesterday’s transit in terms of relationships  and inner work was crazy intense. Today you still need to work on a way to release the past and to an old way of being. You must acknowledge the part you played and see things from many other perspectives and release it’s to do with YOU!

I think today is easier than yesterday because the Moon is making his way to Leo, so it will be about stepping into your heart space and learning to bring it all back to you, bringing and giving yourself the love you need as opposed to searching for it outside of yourself.

I do feel for the most part we will be receiving some form of good news or something to feel grateful for, even just something that lifts our spirits a little today this is because Part of Fortune has crossed over Saturn so to remember it’s not the end of the world things will improve as you learn, grow, adapt and change the way your looking at the past.

Now the Sun is now in Gemini, meaning we want things to happen quickly, what want to explore and understand everything but we are not digging deep enough or focused enough time to get the answers we want. Do not take the first piece of knowledge you find, dig into it and see where it leads you.

Gemini energy is exciting, childlike and playful just do not use this to distract yourself but with a Mercury Retro here with Mars tagging along, you need to stay on focus. Gemini’s are impatient and Mars is going to amplify this, you need to do this work but you need time this situation, confusion, conflict your feeling - it needs time and patience to get there.

There are deep profound lessons that your learning and they are in relation to the past, a past issue, situation, relationship and relationships are involved into this anyway but there is a need to notice patterns, things that always happen to you, ask yourself why, and find out when this first took place… This reflective state of being will be hugely highlighted over this summer so start getting the inner work done now or prepare for harsher lessons and Saturn will get what he came for, If you do it you will also be rewarded his not that cruel.

Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks

Thursday 21 May 2015

Thursday's Horoscope May 21 2015 - All Signs of the Zodiac

* * * * Horoscope 21 May 2015 * * * *
Today the Moon is in Cancer which is the natural home for the Moon. I say natural home because the Moon is symbolic of our “Emotional” self, when we look at Emotions from a spiritual point of view we see a intuitive vibration that serves to teach and help us better understand something.

If you have or know someone with their natal Moon in Cancer I’m sure you can relate to the fact that you are a deeply loving, intense lover who feels and soaks up everything around you. This is perfectly normal (for you)! Other people might find this energy intense on a grander scale… especially as it is merging with Planet Venus (Love/Relationships).

So what does this mean? Well for today’s transit i can see that relationships are becoming intense, there is and needs to be some release to the past and to an old way of being. You must acknowledge the part you played and see things from many other perspectives and release it’s to do with YOU!

When we don’t want to feel something our emotional urge is to separate from that thing, situation, person, illness even and by doing that you are saying “That is not mine! I don’t want it, or i don’t deserve it”. By doing that you are not only growing more of it within you but you are not able to heal it because you are suppressing, neglecting and not taking responsibility for how it came to be in the first place.

It’s a time where we will be experiencing such a flood of things surfacing, but among all of this we need to be strong, take responsibility and stop playing a Victim of your own life and the choices you have made along the way. It’s time to face our inner demons and fears and challenge ourselves to move passed them (this will be a process).

Now the Sun is now in Gemini, meaning we want things to happen quickly, what want to explore and understand everything but we are not digging deep enough or focused enough time to get the answers we want. Do not take the first piece of knowledge you find, dig into it and see where it leads you.

Gemini energy is exciting, childlike and playful just do not use this to distract yourself but with a Mercury Retro here with Mars tagging along, you need to stay on focus. Gemini’s are impatient and Mars is going to amplify this, you need to do this work but you need time this situation, confusion, conflict your feeling - it needs time and patience to get there.

There are deep profound lessons that your learning and they are in relation to the past, a past issue, situation, relationship and relationships are involved into this anyway but there is a need to notice patterns, things that always happen to you, ask yourself why, and find out when this first took place… This reflective state of being will be hugely highlighted over this summer so start getting the inner work done now or prepare for harsher lessons and Saturn will get what he came for, If you do it you will also be rewarded his not that cruel.

Note: Some people are finding these transits harder than others and that is due to Transiting planets hitting your natal Planets and things will be in relation on a personal level depending what house these planets are in =)

Please share My astrology if you find it insightful - Many thanks